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/* Functionality for finding, storing, and restoring selections
* This does not provide a generic API, just the minimal functionality
* required by the CodeMirror system.
// Namespace object.
var select = {};
(function() {
select.ie_selection = document.selection && document.selection.createRangeCollection;
// Find the 'top-level' (defined as 'a direct child of the node
// passed as the top argument') node that the given node is
// contained in. Return null if the given node is not inside the top
// node.
function topLevelNodeAt(node, top) {
while (node && node.parentNode != top)
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
// Find the top-level node that contains the node before this one.
function topLevelNodeBefore(node, top) {
while (!node.previousSibling && node.parentNode != top)
node = node.parentNode;
return topLevelNodeAt(node.previousSibling, top);
// Used to prevent restoring a selection when we do not need to.
var currentSelection = null;
var fourSpaces = "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0";
select.snapshotChanged = function() {
if (currentSelection) currentSelection.changed = true;
// This is called by the code in editor.js whenever it is replacing
// a text node. The function sees whether the given oldNode is part
// of the current selection, and updates this selection if it is.
// Because nodes are often only partially replaced, the length of
// the part that gets replaced has to be taken into account -- the
// selection might stay in the oldNode if the newNode is smaller
// than the selection's offset. The offset argument is needed in
// case the selection does move to the new object, and the given
// length is not the whole length of the new node (part of it might
// have been used to replace another node).
select.snapshotReplaceNode = function(from, to, length, offset) {
if (!currentSelection) return;
currentSelection.changed = true;
function replace(point) {
if (from == point.node) {
if (length && point.offset > length) {
point.offset -= length;
else {
point.node = to;
point.offset += (offset || 0);
select.snapshotMove = function(from, to, distance, relative, ifAtStart) {
if (!currentSelection) return;
currentSelection.changed = true;
function move(point) {
if (from == point.node && (!ifAtStart || point.offset == 0)) {
point.node = to;
if (relative) point.offset = Math.max(0, point.offset + distance);
else point.offset = distance;
// Most functions are defined in two ways, one for the IE selection
// model, one for the W3C one.
if (select.ie_selection) {
function selectionNode(win, start) {
var range = win.document.selection.createRange();
function nodeAfter(node) {
var found = null;
while (!found && node) {
found = node.nextSibling;
node = node.parentNode;
return nodeAtStartOf(found);
function nodeAtStartOf(node) {
while (node && node.firstChild) node = node.firstChild;
return {node: node, offset: 0};
var containing = range.parentElement();
if (!isAncestor(win.document.body, containing)) return null;
if (!containing.firstChild) return nodeAtStartOf(containing);
var working = range.duplicate();
for (var cur = containing.firstChild; cur; cur = cur.nextSibling) {
if (cur.nodeType == 3) {
var size = cur.nodeValue.length;
working.move("character", size);
else {
var dir = range.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", working);
if (dir == 0) return nodeAfter(cur);
if (dir == 1) continue;
if (cur.nodeType != 3) return nodeAtStartOf(cur);
working.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", range);
return {node: cur, offset: size - working.text.length};
return nodeAfter(containing);
select.markSelection = function(win) {
currentSelection = null;
var sel = win.document.selection;
if (!sel) return;
var start = selectionNode(win, true),
end = selectionNode(win, false);
if (!start || !end) return;
currentSelection = {start: start, end: end, window: win, changed: false};
select.selectMarked = function() {
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.changed) return;
function makeRange(point) {
var range = currentSelection.window.document.body.createTextRange();
var node = point.node;
if (!node) {
else if (node.nodeType == 3) {
var offset = point.offset;
while (node.previousSibling) {
node = node.previousSibling;
offset += (node.innerText || "").length;
range.move("character", offset);
else {
return range;
var start = makeRange(currentSelection.start), end = makeRange(currentSelection.end);
start.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", end);
// Get the top-level node that one end of the cursor is inside or
// after. Note that this returns false for 'no cursor', and null
// for 'start of document'.
select.selectionTopNode = function(container, start) {
var selection = container.ownerDocument.selection;
if (!selection) return false;
var range = selection.createRange();
var around = range.parentElement();
if (around && isAncestor(container, around)) {
// Only use this node if the selection is not at its start.
var range2 = range.duplicate();
if (range.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", range2) == -1)
return topLevelNodeAt(around, container);
// Fall-back hack
try {range.pasteHTML("<span id='xxx-temp-xxx'></span>");}
catch (e) {return false;}
var temp = container.ownerDocument.getElementById("xxx-temp-xxx");
if (temp) {
var result = topLevelNodeBefore(temp, container);
return result;
return false;
// Place the cursor after this.start. This is only useful when
// manually moving the cursor instead of restoring it to its old
// position.
select.focusAfterNode = function(node, container) {
var range = container.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
range.moveToElementText(node || container);
select.somethingSelected = function(win) {
var sel = win.document.selection;
return sel && (sel.createRange().text != "");
function insertAtCursor(window, html) {
var selection = window.document.selection;
if (selection) {
var range = selection.createRange();
// Used to normalize the effect of the enter key, since browsers
// do widely different things when pressing enter in designMode.
select.insertNewlineAtCursor = function(window) {
insertAtCursor(window, "<br>");
select.insertTabAtCursor = function(window) {
insertAtCursor(window, fourSpaces);
// Get the BR node at the start of the line on which the cursor
// currently is, and the offset into the line. Returns null as
// node if cursor is on first line.
select.cursorPos = function(container, start) {
var selection = container.ownerDocument.selection;
if (!selection) return null;
var topNode = select.selectionTopNode(container, start);
while (topNode && topNode.nodeName != "BR")
topNode = topNode.previousSibling;
var range = selection.createRange(), range2 = range.duplicate();
if (topNode) {
else {
// When nothing is selected, we can get all kinds of funky errors here.
try { range2.moveToElementText(container); }
catch (e) { return null; }
range.setEndPoint("StartToStart", range2);
return {node: topNode, offset: range.text.length};
select.setCursorPos = function(container, from, to) {
function rangeAt(pos) {
var range = container.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
if (!pos.node) {
else {
range.move("character", pos.offset);
return range;
var range = rangeAt(from);
if (to && to != from)
range.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", rangeAt(to));
// Make sure the cursor is visible.
select.scrollToCursor = function(container) {
var selection = container.ownerDocument.selection;
if (!selection) return null;
select.scrollToNode = function(node) {
if (!node) return;
// Some hacks for storing and re-storing the selection when the editor loses and regains focus.
select.selectionCoords = function (win) {
var selection = win.document.selection;
if (!selection) return null;
var start = selection.createRange(), end = start.duplicate();
var body = win.document.body;
return {start: {x: start.boundingLeft + body.scrollLeft - 1,
y: start.boundingTop + body.scrollTop},
end: {x: end.boundingLeft + body.scrollLeft - 1,
y: end.boundingTop + body.scrollTop}};
// Restore a stored selection.
select.selectCoords = function(win, coords) {
if (!coords) return;
var range1 = win.document.body.createTextRange(), range2 = range1.duplicate();
// This can fail for various hard-to-handle reasons.
try {
range1.moveToPoint(coords.start.x, coords.start.y);
range2.moveToPoint(coords.end.x, coords.end.y);
range1.setEndPoint("EndToStart", range2);
} catch(e) {alert(e.message);}
// W3C model
else {
// Store start and end nodes, and offsets within these, and refer
// back to the selection object from those nodes, so that this
// object can be updated when the nodes are replaced before the
// selection is restored.
select.markSelection = function (win) {
var selection = win.getSelection();
if (!selection || selection.rangeCount == 0)
return (currentSelection = null);
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
currentSelection = {
start: {node: range.startContainer, offset: range.startOffset},
end: {node: range.endContainer, offset: range.endOffset},
window: win,
changed: false
// We want the nodes right at the cursor, not one of their
// ancestors with a suitable offset. This goes down the DOM tree
// until a 'leaf' is reached (or is it *up* the DOM tree?).
function normalize(point){
while (point.node.nodeType != 3 && point.node.nodeName != "BR") {
var newNode = point.node.childNodes[point.offset] || point.node.nextSibling;
point.offset = 0;
while (!newNode && point.node.parentNode) {
point.node = point.node.parentNode;
newNode = point.node.nextSibling;
point.node = newNode;
if (!newNode)
select.selectMarked = function () {
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.changed) return;
var win = currentSelection.window, range = win.document.createRange();
function setPoint(point, which) {
if (point.node) {
// Some magic to generalize the setting of the start and end
// of a range.
if (point.offset == 0)
range["set" + which + "Before"](point.node);
range["set" + which](point.node, point.offset);
else {
range.setStartAfter(win.document.body.lastChild || win.document.body);
setPoint(currentSelection.end, "End");
setPoint(currentSelection.start, "Start");
selectRange(range, win);
// Helper for selecting a range object.
function selectRange(range, window) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
function selectionRange(window) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (!selection || selection.rangeCount == 0)
return false;
return selection.getRangeAt(0);
// Finding the top-level node at the cursor in the W3C is, as you
// can see, quite an involved process.
select.selectionTopNode = function(container, start) {
var range = selectionRange(container.ownerDocument.defaultView);
if (!range) return false;
var node = start ? range.startContainer : range.endContainer;
var offset = start ? range.startOffset : range.endOffset;
// Work around (yet another) bug in Opera's selection model.
if (window.opera && !start && range.endContainer == container && range.endOffset == range.startOffset + 1 &&
container.childNodes[range.startOffset] && container.childNodes[range.startOffset].nodeName == "BR")
// For text nodes, we look at the node itself if the cursor is
// inside, or at the node before it if the cursor is at the
// start.
if (node.nodeType == 3){
if (offset > 0)
return topLevelNodeAt(node, container);
return topLevelNodeBefore(node, container);
// Occasionally, browsers will return the HTML node as
// selection. If the offset is 0, we take the start of the frame
// ('after null'), otherwise, we take the last node.
else if (node.nodeName == "HTML") {
return (offset == 1 ? null : container.lastChild);
// If the given node is our 'container', we just look up the
// correct node by using the offset.
else if (node == container) {
return (offset == 0) ? null : node.childNodes[offset - 1];
// In any other case, we have a regular node. If the cursor is
// at the end of the node, we use the node itself, if it is at
// the start, we use the node before it, and in any other
// case, we look up the child before the cursor and use that.
else {
if (offset == node.childNodes.length)
return topLevelNodeAt(node, container);
else if (offset == 0)
return topLevelNodeBefore(node, container);
return topLevelNodeAt(node.childNodes[offset - 1], container);
select.focusAfterNode = function(node, container) {
var win = container.ownerDocument.defaultView,
range = win.document.createRange();
range.setStartBefore(container.firstChild || container);
// In Opera, setting the end of a range at the end of a line
// (before a BR) will cause the cursor to appear on the next
// line, so we set the end inside of the start node when
// possible.
if (node && !node.firstChild)
else if (node)
range.setEnd(node, node.childNodes.length);
range.setEndBefore(container.firstChild || container);
selectRange(range, win);
select.somethingSelected = function(win) {
var range = selectionRange(win);
return range && !range.collapsed;
function insertNodeAtCursor(window, node) {
var range = selectionRange(window);
if (!range) return;
range = window.document.createRange();
selectRange(range, window);
select.insertNewlineAtCursor = function(window) {
insertNodeAtCursor(window, window.document.createElement("BR"));
select.insertTabAtCursor = function(window) {
insertNodeAtCursor(window, window.document.createTextNode(fourSpaces));
select.cursorPos = function(container, start) {
var range = selectionRange(window);
if (!range) return;
var topNode = select.selectionTopNode(container, start);
while (topNode && topNode.nodeName != "BR")
topNode = topNode.previousSibling;
range = range.cloneRange();
if (topNode)
return {node: topNode, offset: range.toString().length};
select.setCursorPos = function(container, from, to) {
var win = container.ownerDocument.defaultView,
range = win.document.createRange();
function setPoint(node, offset, side) {
if (!node)
node = container.firstChild;
node = node.nextSibling;
if (!node)
if (offset == 0) {
range["set" + side + "Before"](node);
return true;
var backlog = []
function decompose(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3)
forEach(node.childNodes, decompose);
while (true) {
while (node && !backlog.length) {
node = node.nextSibling;
var cur = backlog.shift();
if (!cur) return false;
var length = cur.nodeValue.length;
if (length >= offset) {
range["set" + side](cur, offset);
return true;
offset -= length;
to = to || from;
if (setPoint(to.node, to.offset, "End") && setPoint(from.node, from.offset, "Start"))
selectRange(range, win);
select.scrollToNode = function(element) {
if (!element) return;
var doc = element.ownerDocument, body = doc.body, win = doc.defaultView, html = doc.documentElement;
// In Opera, BR elements *always* have a scrollTop property of zero. Go Opera.
while (element && !element.offsetTop)
element = element.previousSibling;
var y = 0, pos = element;
while (pos && pos.offsetParent) {
y += pos.offsetTop;
pos = pos.offsetParent;
var screen_y = y - (body.scrollTop || html.scrollTop || 0);
if (screen_y < 0 || screen_y > win.innerHeight - 30)
win.scrollTo(body.scrollLeft || html.scrollLeft || 0, y);
select.scrollToCursor = function(container) {
select.scrollToNode(select.selectionTopNode(container, true) || container.firstChild);