import os import re import subprocess from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urljoin, unquote as urlunquote from urllib.request import urlopen from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, Http404 from django.urls import reverse, resolve from django.template import Context, loader from django.views.decorators.csrf import ensure_csrf_cookie from django.contrib import admin import django.forms as forms from .auth import login_required_if_public from troggle.core.models.caves import Cave import troggle.core.views.caves import troggle.settings as settings '''Formerly a separate package called 'flatpages' written by Martin Green 2011. This was NOT django.contrib.flatpages which stores HTML in the database, so the name was changed to expopages. Then it was incorporated into troggle directly, rather than being an unnecessary external package. ''' default_head = ''' CUCC Expedition - index


CUCC Expedition

''' # this gets overwritten by templates/menu.html by django for most normal pages def expofiles_redirect(request, filepath): '''This is used only when running as a test system without a local copy of /expofiles/ when settings.EXPOFILESREMOTE is True ''' return redirect(urljoin('', filepath)) def map(request): '''Serves unadorned the expoweb/map/map.html file ''' fn = Path(settings.EXPOWEB, 'map', 'map.html') return HttpResponse(content=open(fn, "r"),content_type='text/html') def mapfile(request, path): '''Serves unadorned file ''' fn = Path(settings.EXPOWEB, 'map', path) return HttpResponse(content=open(fn, "r"),content_type=getmimetype(fn)) def expofilessingle(request, filepath): '''sends a single binary file to the user, if not found, show the parent directory If the path actually is a directory, then show that. ''' #print(f' - expofilessingle {filepath}') if filepath =="" or filepath =="/": return expofilesdir(request, settings.EXPOFILES, "") fn=urlunquote(filepath) fn = Path(settings.EXPOFILES,filepath) if fn.is_dir(): return expofilesdir(request, Path(fn), Path(filepath)) if fn.is_file(): return HttpResponse(content=open(fn, "rb"),content_type=getmimetype(filepath)) # any file else: # not a file, so show parent directory - DANGER need to check this is limited to below expofiles if Path(fn).parent == Path(settings.EXPOFILES).parent: return expofilesdir(request, Path(settings.EXPOFILES), Path(filepath).parent) else: return expofilesdir(request, Path(fn).parent, Path(filepath).parent) def expofilesdir(request, dirpath, filepath): '''does a directory display. If there is an index.html file we should display that. - dirpath is a full Path() resolved including local machine /expofiles/ - filepath is a Path() and it does not have /expofiles/ in it ''' #print(f' - expofilesdir {dirpath} settings.EXPOFILESREMOTE: {settings.EXPOFILESREMOTE}') if filepath: urlpath = 'expofiles' / Path(filepath) else: urlpath = Path('expofiles') try: for f in dirpath.iterdir(): pass except FileNotFoundError: #print(f' - expofilesdir error {dirpath}') return expofilesdir(request, dirpath.parent, filepath.parent) fileitems = [] diritems = [] for f in dirpath.iterdir(): if f.is_dir(): diritems.append((urlpath /[-1], str([-1]))) else: # if[-1].lower() == 'index.htm' or[-1].lower() == 'index.html': # css cwd problem # return HttpResponse(content=open(f, "rb"),content_type=getmimetype(filepath)) # any file # return expofilessingle(request, str(Path(filepath /[-1]))) fileitems.append((Path(urlpath) /[-1], str([-1]), getmimetype(f))) return render(request, 'dirdisplay.html', { 'filepath': urlpath, 'fileitems':fileitems, 'diritems': diritems,'settings': settings }) def expowebpage(request, expowebpath, path): '''Adds menus and serves an HTML page ''' if not Path(expowebpath / path).is_file(): # Should not get here if the path has suffix "_edit" print(f' - 404 error in expowebpage() {path}') return render(request, 'pagenotfound.html', {'path': path}, status="404") try: with open(os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path), "r") as o: html = except: try: with open(os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path), "rb") as o: html = str("


BAD NON-UTF-8 characters here - ") html = html.replace("\\n","\n") except: return HttpResponse(default_head + '

UTF-8 Parsing Failure:
Page could not be parsed using UTF-8:
failure detected in expowebpage in

Please edit this :expoweb: page to replace dubious umlauts and £ symbols with correct HTML entities e.g. &pound;;. ]*)>(.*)<\s*/head\s*>(.*)<\s*body([^>]*)>(.*)<\s*/body\s*>(.*)', html, re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE) if m: preheader, headerattrs, head, postheader, bodyattrs, body, postbody = m.groups() else: return HttpResponse(default_head + html + '

HTML Parsing failure:
Page could not be parsed into header and body:
failure detected in expowebpage in

Please edit this :expoweb: page to be in the expected full HTML format (.*)", head, re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE) if m: title, = m.groups() else: title = "" m ="^]*)noedit", head, re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE) if m: editable = False else: editable = os.access(Path(expowebpath / path), os.W_OK) # are file permissions writeable? has_menu = False menumatch = re.match(r'(.*)