{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}One Person Survey scans folders (wallets){% endblock %} {% block content %}

Wallets for {{person.fullname|safe}}

Each wallet contains the scanned original in-cave survey notes and sketches of plans and elevations. It also contains scans of centre-line survex output on which hand-drawn passage sections are drawn. These hand-drawn passages will eventually be traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete cave survey. {% include 'wallet_new.html' %}

See also wallets

{% include 'wallet_table.html' %}

Note that names in italics are copied from the related survex file block name.
{% for wallet in manywallets|dictsort:"walletname" %} {% endfor %}
WalletWallet DateWallet NameTeam>CaveScansSurvex blocksDrawings using these scans
{{wallet.walletname}} {% if wallet.walletdate %}{{wallet.walletdate}}{% else %} {% endif %} {% if wallet.name %}{{wallet.name|truncatechars:20}}{% else %}{% if wallet.displaynames %} {% for dn in wallet.displaynames %}{{dn}}{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}{% else %} {% endif %}{% endif %} {% if wallet.slugpeople %}{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}{{p.fullname}}{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% else %}{{wallet.persons }}{% endif %} {% if wallet.cave %} {% if wallet.caveobj.slug %} {{wallet.cave}} {% else %} {{wallet.cave}} {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{wallet.singlescan_set.all|length}} {% for survexblock in wallet.survexblock_set.all %} {{survexblock}} {% endfor %} {% for drawing in wallet.drawingfile_set.all %} {{drawing.dwgpath}}
{% empty %} (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings) {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}