{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Cave Entrances and other locations in UTM{% endblock %} {% block content %}
These are all the locations specified in Northing/Easting coordinates in the system. This report is to help you sort out and fix the bad data in our records. You can see from the tables here that UTM data sometimes have Northings and Eastings swapped, or UTM is used when it is intended to be BMN and vice versa.
Coordinate systems in Austria are explained in:
Geographical fixed points on Loser
GPS and coordinate systems
Basic Coordinate Systems.
The data in the table immediately below has been hand-entered and is sometimes very wrong.
Cave | Entrance | Easting | Northing | tag | tag exact | tag other | slug |
{% for c in ent.cavelist %}{{c.official_name|safe}}{% endfor %} | {{ent.name|safe}} | {{ent.easting|floatformat:2}} | {{ent.northing|floatformat:2}} | {{ent.tag_station}} | {{ent.exact_station}} | {{ent.other_station}} | {{ent.slug}} |
But the Entrances - the objects in the troggle system - are not properly connected to the dataset which is the combined set of survex data. They are only linked - and only implicitly - by the tag name. The data in the table below is calculated directly from the assemblage of survex files, including fixed point files, and is probably 'correct'.
But which coordinate system are they in ? Read these three articles to find out:
Troggle UTM data report
Geographical fixed points on Loser
GPS and coordinate systems
Basic Coordinate Systems.
Survex Station | x | y |
{{s.name|safe}} | {{s.x|floatformat:2}} | {{s.y|floatformat:2}} |