import copy import os import re import subprocess import sys import time from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path import troggle.settings as settings from troggle.core.models.caves import Cave, Entrance from troggle.core.models.logbooks import QM from troggle.core.models.survex import SurvexBlock, SurvexFile, SurvexPersonRole, SurvexStation from troggle.core.models.wallets import Wallet from troggle.core.models.troggle import DataIssue, Expedition from troggle.core.utils import chaosmonkey, get_process_memory from troggle.parsers.logbooks import GetCaveLookup from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup, known_foreigner from troggle.parsers.survex import stash_data_issue, store_data_issues, ROOTBLOCK """Uses the imported data to find the locations of the survey stations labelled as entrances """ todo = """ - Pending a complete revision of how we handle GPS coordinates of entrances. """ class MapLocations(object): """Class used only for identifying the entrance locations Formerly used to put locations on a prospecting map We don't need these map locations any more ?! They would only be used in addition to entrances going onto a map display""" fp = [ ("laser.0_7", "BNase", "Reference", "Bräuning Nase laser point"), ("226-96", "BZkn", "Reference", "Bräuning Zinken trig point"), ("vd1", "VD1", "Reference", "VD1 survey point"), ("laser.kt114_96", "HSK", "Reference", "Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel trig point"), ("2000", "Nipple", "Reference", "Nipple (Weiße Warze)"), ("3000", "VSK", "Reference", "Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel summit"), ("topcamp", "OTC", "Reference", "Old Top Camp"), ("laser.0", "LSR0", "Reference", "Laser Point 0"), ("laser.0_1", "LSR1", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/1"), ("laser.0_3", "LSR3", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/3"), ("laser.0_5", "LSR5", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/5"), ("225-96", "BAlm", "Reference", "Bräuning Alm trig point"), ] # 12 fixed points p = [] def points(self): prior = len(self.p) for ent in Entrance.objects.all(): for st, ent_type in {ent.other_station: "other", ent.tag_station: "tag"}.items(): if st != "": self.p.append((st, str(ent), ent.needs_surface_work(), ent)) store_data_issues() found = len(self.p) - prior message = f" - {found} Entrance tags found - not yet validated against survex .pos file." print(message) return self.p def __str__(self): return f"{len(self.p)} map locations" def validate_entrance_stations(ent=None): """Now that we have the located positions, we can check if the Entrances had correct tags """ bads = 0 good = 0 url="/caves" # fallback def tag_lower_case(station): nonlocal url so = SurvexStation.objects.filter(name=station.lower()) if so.count() == 1: message = f"X - Entrance {ent} station '{station}' should be '{station.lower()}'" stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message, url=url) print(message) def validate_ent(ent): """For each of the two station strings in an Entrance object, validate each string as referring to a valid SurvexStation object. But our list of created SurvexStation objects is created by taking a list of strings and using them to select from lines in a .pos file - so this is unnecessarily indirect. """ nonlocal bads nonlocal good # {% url "editentrance" ent.entrance.url_parent cave.slug ent.entrance.slug %} # e.g. url = f"/1623/101/1623-101:{ent}_entrance_edit" cavelist = ent.cavelist() if len(cavelist) == 1: cave = cavelist[0] url = f"/{cave.url}" elif len(cavelist) > 1: cave = cavelist[-1] # set to last in list url = f"/{cave.url}" else: print(f"BUGGER bad cave '{cavelist}' on Entrance object {ent} ") url="/caves" for st, ent_type in {ent.other_station: "other", ent.tag_station: "tag"}.items(): if st == "": continue try: so = SurvexStation.objects.filter(name=st) except: message = f" ! - Entrance {ent} has invalid '{ent_type}' station '{st}'. EXCEPTION." stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message, url=url) print(message) bads +=1 continue if so.count() == 1: good +=1 # print(f"OK - Entrance {ent} '{ent_type}' station '{st}'") continue if so.count() != 0: message =f"{so.count()} found for Entrance {ent} '{ent_type}' station '{st}' {so}" else: message = f" ! - Entrance {ent} has invalid '{ent_type}' station '{st}'" if st == ent.best_station(): message = message + " - AND THIS IS THE 'BEST' ONE" else: message = message + " - not the 'best'" stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message, url=url) print(message) bads +=1 tag_lower_case(st) continue if ent: return validate_ent(ent) for ent in Entrance.objects.all(): validate_ent(ent) print(f" - {good} valid SurvexStations of all types found on Entrances.") print(f" - {bads} bad SurvexStations of all types found on Entrances.") return True # not necessarily.. but unused return value poslineregex = re.compile(r"^\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*),\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*),\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*)\s*\)\s*([^\s]+)$") def LoadPositions(): """First load the survex stations for entrances and fixed points (about 600) into the database. Run 'cavern' to produce a complete .3d file, then run 'survexport -pos' to produce a table of all survey point positions in UTM cooridnates. Then lookup each of the 600 positions by name to see if we have it in the database and if we do, then save the UTM x/y/z coordinates. This gives us coordinates of the entrances. If we don't have it in the database, print an error message and discard it. """ svx_t = 0 d3d_t = 0 DataIssue.objects.filter(parser="positions").delete() SurvexStation.objects.all().delete() def runcavern3d(): outputdir = Path(str(f"{topdata}.svx")).parent # print(" - Regenerating stale cavern .log and .3d for '{}'\n days old: {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}". # format(topdata, (svx_t - d3d_t)/(24*3600), (cav_t - d3d_t)/(24*3600), (now - d3d_t)/(24*3600))) file3d = Path(f"{topdata}.3d") try: sp = [settings.CAVERN, "--log", f"--output={outputdir}", f"{topdata}.svx"], capture_output=True, check=False, text=True, ) # check=False means exception not raised if sp.returncode != 0: message = f" ! Error: cavern: creating {file3d} in runcavern3()" stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) print(message) # find the errors in the 1623.log file sp = ["grep", "error:", f"{topdata}.log"], capture_output=True, check=False, text=True ) # check=False means exception not raised message = f" ! Error: cavern: {sp.stdout} creating {file3d} " stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) print(message) except: message = f" ! CalledProcessError 'cavern' in runcavern3() at {topdata}." stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) print(message) if file3d.is_file(): message = f" ! CalledProcessError. File permissions {file3d.stat().st_mode} on {str(file3d)}" stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) print(message) if file3d.is_file(): # might be an old one though try: # print(" - Regenerating {} {}.3d in {}".format(settings.SURVEXPORT, topdata, settings.SURVEX_DATA)) sp = [settings.SURVEXPORT, "--pos", f"{file3d}"], cwd=settings.SURVEX_DATA, capture_output=True, check=False, text=True, ) if sp.returncode != 0: print( f" ! Error: survexport creating {topdata}.pos in runcavern3().\n\n" + str(sp.stdout) + "\n\nreturn code: " + str(sp.returncode) ) except: message = f" ! CalledProcessError 'survexport' in runcavern3() at {file3d}." stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) print(message) else: message = f" ! Failed to find {file3d} so aborting generation of new .pos, using old one if present" stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) print(message) topdata = os.fspath(Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA) / settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME) print(f" - Generating a list of Pos from {topdata}.svx and then loading...") found = 0 print("\n") # extra line because cavern overwrites the text buffer somehow # cavern defaults to using same cwd as supplied input file completed_process =["which", f"{settings.CAVERN}"], capture_output=True, check=True, text=True) cav_t = os.path.getmtime(completed_process.stdout.strip()) svxpath = topdata + ".svx" d3dpath = topdata + ".3d" pospath = topdata + ".pos" svx_t = os.path.getmtime(svxpath) if os.path.isfile(d3dpath): # always fails to find log file if a double directory, e.g. caves-1623/B4/B4/B4.svx Why ? d3d_t = os.path.getmtime(d3dpath) now = time.time() if not os.path.isfile(pospath): runcavern3d() if not os.path.isfile(d3dpath): runcavern3d() elif d3d_t - svx_t > 0: # stale, 3d older than svx file runcavern3d() elif now - d3d_t > 24 * 60 * 60: # >1 days old, re-run anyway runcavern3d() elif cav_t - d3d_t > 0: # new version of cavern runcavern3d() mappoints = {} for pt in MapLocations().points(): svxid, number, point_type, ent = pt #((st, str(ent), ent.needs_surface_work(), ent)) mappoints[svxid] = ent if svxid =="1": print(f"BOGUS {pt}") # this is now checked for when importing the entrance tags in parsers/ if not Path(pospath).is_file(): message = f" ! Failed to find {pospath} so aborting generation of entrance locations. " stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message, url=f"/entrance_data/{pospath}_edit") print(message) return posfile = open(pospath) posfile.readline() # Drop header sbdict = {} dups = 0 lineno = 1 # we dropped the header for line in posfile.readlines(): lineno += 1 r = poslineregex.match(line) if r: x, y, z, sbid = r.groups() # renamed id to sbid so as to not confuse with Django internal .id if sbid in sbdict: dups += 1 message = f" ! DUPLICATE SurvexBlock identifier in .pos file '{sbid}'\n{sbs[sbid]}\n{lineno} / {line}" print(message) stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) else: sbdict[sbid] = lineno for sid in mappoints: if sbid.endswith(sid) or sbid.endswith(sid.lower()): blockpath = "." + sbid[: -len(sid)].strip(".") # only the most recent one that is mappoints try: ss = SurvexStation(name=sbid) ss.x = float(x) ss.y = float(y) ss.z = float(z) ss.entrance = mappoints[sid] found += 1 except: message = f" ! {lineno} FAIL to create SurvexStation Entrance point {blockpath} {sid}" print(message) stash_data_issue(parser="positions", message=message) store_data_issues() raise validate_entrance_stations() # do not need to use db here really positions_filename = Path(pospath).name print(f" - {found-12} SurvexStation entrance tags indentified in {lineno:,} lines in {positions_filename}.") if dups > 0: print(f" - {dups} Duplicated SurvexStation entrances found") store_data_issues()