From: <Saved by Blink>
Subject: CaveView installation
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2021 15:46:19 -0000
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	<title>CaveView installation</title>
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c.css" rel=3D"stylesheet">
<h1>Cave View - installation instructions - V2 API</h1>
<h2>Install CaveView files</h2>
	<p>A zip archive containing the required files for the latest release are =
<a href=3D"">here</a>.</p>
	<p>There is no need to build the JavaScript application from source files =
unless you would like to modify the application.</p>
	<p>Unzip the archive in a convenient location on your web server </p>
<h2>Using in a web page</h2>

<p>CaveView requires two files to be included in the page. Replace the plac=
eholder %path% with the path to the unzipped files on the server in the fol=
lowing examples.</p><p>

<p>The side panel interface and on screen indicators are styled with cavevi=
ew.css. Include this in the <strong>head</strong> section of the page.</p>

<pre>	&lt;link type=3D"text/css" href=3D"%path%/CaveView/css/caveview.css" =
rel=3D"stylesheet" /&gt;</pre>


<p>The CaveView application is provided in one javascript file. Include thi=
s in the <strong>body</strong> section of the page. <strong>NOTE: The filen=
ame has changed for the V2 API.</strong></p>

<pre>	&lt;script type=3D"text/javascript" src=3D"%path%/CaveView/js/CaveVie=
w2.js" &gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>

<h3>Add a container element</h3>

<p>Add an empty block element to the page, with a suitable <strong>id</stro=
ng> attribute. This contains the application, and be sized as required. For=
 example a <strong>div</strong> element:</p>

<pre>&lt;div id=3D'% element-id %' &gt;&lt;/div&gt;</pre>

<h3>Create a script to run the application</h3>

<p>The application can be loaded using javascript, typically using an load =
event handler. Replace the placeholder %...% elements with values appropria=
te for your site.</p>
<pre>&lt;script type=3D"text/javascript" &gt;

	function onLoad () {

		// display the user interface - and a blank canvas

		// the configuration object specifies the location of CaveView, surveys a=
nd terrain files

		var viewer =3D new CV2.CaveViewer( '% element-id %', {
			home: '% location of the unzipped CaveView directory on the survey %',
			surveyDirectory: '% location of the survey files on the server %',
			terrainDirectory: '% location of the terrain files on the server %'
		} );

		// if using the full user interface (UI)

		var ui =3D new CV2.CaveViewUI( viewer );

		// load a single survey to display

		ui.loadCave( '% survey filename %' );

		// or without the user interface

		viewer.loadCave( '% survey filename %' );



<p>alternatively provide a list of surveys to display, by replacing the loa=
dCave() function call with loadCaveList() :</p>

<pre>	ui.loadCaveList( [ '% survey filename 1 %', '% survey filename 2 %', =
'% survey filename 3 %' ] );

<p>This can be automatically executed on page load by including a page load=
 handler in the page <strong>body</strong> tag:</p>
<pre>&lt;body onload=3D"onload();" &gt;</pre>

<p>CaveView should now display when the page is viewed.</p>
<p>The example files included demonstrate using multiple viewers on a page,
changing the default view settings and altering the appearance of the viewe=


<p>To remove the viewer from a page and reclaim memory used promptly:</p>
<pre>	ui.dispose();
	ui =3D null;
	viewer =3D null;
<p>Or if not using the UI, just the viewer:</p>
<pre>	viewer.dispose();
	viewer =3D null;

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