{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} <!-- this overrides the django.contrib.admin default logout form and it must be placed in troggle/templates/registration/ because magic Note that we need to have TWO DIFFERENT logout templates to make this work, the other one is in troggle/templates/login/logout.html That one is for logging out of the normal system whereas this one is for logging out of the Django Admin system. Not forgetting the template in troggle/templates/login/index which also has a login form. This is because Django is Opinionated and does lots of Invisible Defaults --> <div class='middle'> <h2>You have been logged out</h2> </div> <!-- Yeah this logon form sometimes fails to appear, and then the Submit button gives a horrible crash. All because of some CSRF horribleness ? Possibly. So let's not even attempt to have it here, OK? --> <!-- <h3>Troggle user Login</h3> <p>(using template registration/logged_out.html) <div style='width: 250px;' class='middle3 login'> <div class='align-center'> <div class='space'></div> <div class='align-center'> <form action="/login/" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">{% csrf_token %} <table class='form'> {{form.as_table}} </table> <div class='space'></div> <span class='indent'> <br /><input type="submit" value="Login →"> </form> </div> --> <form action="/accounts/login/" method="GET" accept-charset="utf-8"> <br /><input type="submit" value="Login →"> </form> {% endblock %}