{% extends "base.html" %} {% load link %} {% block title %} QM: {{qm|safe}} {% endblock %} {% block contentheader %} <h3>QMs available for these caves from CSV import</h3> <ul> <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-161' %}">1623-161 QMs</a> Maybe OUT OF DATE. See <a href="/1623/161/qmdone.htm">the curated list <b>instead</b></a> <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-204' %}">1623-204 QMs</a> Maybe OUT OF DATE. See <a href=" /1623/204/qm.html">the curated list <b>instead</b></a> <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-234' %}">1623-234 QMs</a> </ul> <p>QMs are also loaded directly from the survex files, e.g. see <ul> <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-264' %}">1623-264 QMs</a> Balkon <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-258' %}">1623-258 QMs</a> Tunnocks <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-290' %}">1623-290 QMs</a> Fischgesicht <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-291' %}">1623-291 QMs</a> Happy Butterfly <li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1626-359' %}">1626-359 QMs</a> Homecoming </ul> <p>For full explanation of the current status of the QM system(s), see <a href="/handbook/troggle/scriptsqms.html">scriptsqms page</a>. <table id="cavepage"> <tr> <th id="kat_no"><a href="{{qm.get_previous_by_id.get_absolute_url}}">Previous</a></th> <th id="name">{{qm|safe}}</th> <th id="status"><a href="{{qm.get_next_by_id.get_absolute_url}}">Next</a></th> </tr> </table> {% endblock %} {% block related %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h3>Cave</h3> {% if qm.cave %} <a href="{% url 'caveQMs' qm.cave|safe %}">{{ qm.cave|safe }} QMs</a> <br> {% else %} {% if qm.cave %} <a href="{% url 'caveQMs' qm.cave|safe %}">{{ qm.cave|safe }} QMs</a> <br> {% endif %} {% endif %} <a href="/{{ qm.cave.url }}">{{ qm.cave|safe }} cave description</a> <h3>QM Number</h3> {{qm.number}} <h3>Grade</h3> {{qm.grade}} {% if qm.block %} <h3>Survexfile</h3> {{qm.block.date}} <a href="/survexfile/{{qm.block.survexfile.path}}.svx">{{qm.block}}.svx</a> {% endif %} <h3>Location</h3> {% if qm.block %} Survex block: {{qm.blockname}} <br> {% endif %} Nearest station: '{{qm.nearest_station_name}}' {{nearest_station_description}} <h3>QM Description</h3> {{qm.location_description}} {% if qm.found_by %} <h3>Creation</h3> Found by <a href="{{qm.found_by.get_absolute_url}}">{{qm.found_by}}</a> on {{qm.found_by.date}}. {% endif %} <h3>Completion</h3> {% if qm.ticked %} Ticked off log entry: <a href="{{qm.ticked_off_by.get_absolute_url}}">{{qm.ticked_off_by}}</a><br /> Ticked off Description Page: <a href="/{{qm.get_completion_url}}">{{qm.get_completion_url}}</a> <br /> Tick off date: [For survex file ticks. not implemented yet, needs model change]</a> <br /> Tick off comment: [For survex file ticks. not implemented yet, needs model change]</a> {% else %} No completion description yet- STILL EXTANT. {% endif %} <h3>Comment</h3> {{qm.comment}} {% endblock %}