import troggle.settings as settings import troggle.core.models as models import troggle.settings as settings from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone from django.utils.timezone import make_aware import re import os from datetime import datetime line_leg_regex = re.compile(r"[\d\-+.]+$") def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, cave): # The try catches here need replacing as they are relatively expensive ls = sline.lower().split() ssfrom = survexblock.MakeSurvexStation(ls[stardata["from"]]) ssto = survexblock.MakeSurvexStation(ls[stardata["to"]]) survexleg = models.SurvexLeg(block=survexblock, stationfrom=ssfrom, stationto=ssto) if stardata["type"] == "normal": try: survexleg.tape = float(ls[stardata["tape"]]) except ValueError: print("Tape misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path) print("Stardata:", stardata) print("Line:", ls) survexleg.tape = 1000 try: lclino = ls[stardata["clino"]] except: print("Clino misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path) print("Stardata:", stardata) print("Line:", ls) lclino = error try: lcompass = ls[stardata["compass"]] except: print("Compass misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path) print("Stardata:", stardata) print("Line:", ls) lcompass = error if lclino == "up": survexleg.compass = 0.0 survexleg.clino = 90.0 elif lclino == "down": survexleg.compass = 0.0 survexleg.clino = -90.0 elif lclino == "-" or lclino == "level": try: survexleg.compass = float(lcompass) except ValueError: print("Compass misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path) print("Stardata:", stardata) print("Line:", ls) survexleg.compass = 1000 survexleg.clino = -90.0 else: assert line_leg_regex.match(lcompass), ls assert line_leg_regex.match(lclino) and lclino != "-", ls survexleg.compass = float(lcompass) survexleg.clino = float(lclino) if cave: survexleg.cave = cave # only save proper legs itape = stardata.get("tape") if itape: try: survexblock.totalleglength += float(ls[itape]) except ValueError: print("Length not added") def LoadSurvexEquate(survexblock, sline): #print sline # stations = sline.split() assert len(stations) > 1 for station in stations: survexblock.MakeSurvexStation(station) def LoadSurvexLinePassage(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment): pass stardatadefault = {"type":"normal", "t":"leg", "from":0, "to":1, "tape":2, "compass":3, "clino":4} stardataparamconvert = {"length":"tape", "bearing":"compass", "gradient":"clino"} regex_comment = re.compile(r"([^;]*?)\s*(?:;\s*(.*))?\n?$") regex_ref = re.compile(r'.*?ref.*?(\d+)\s*#\s*(\d+)') regex_star = re.compile(r'\s*\*[\s,]*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*(?:;.*)?$') regex_team = re.compile(r"(Insts|Notes|Tape|Dog|Useless|Pics|Helper|Disto|Consultant)\s+(.*)$(?i)") regex_team_member = re.compile(r" and | / |, | & | \+ |^both$|^none$(?i)") regex_qm = re.compile(r'^\s*QM(\d)\s+?([a-dA-DxX])\s+([\w\-]+)\.(\d+)\s+(([\w\-]+)\.(\d+)|\-)\s+(.+)$') def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines): iblankbegins = 0 text = [ ] stardata = stardatadefault teammembers = [ ] # uncomment to print out all files during parsing print(" - Reading file: " + survexblock.survexfile.path) stamp = lineno = 0 # Try to find the cave in the DB if not use the string as before path_match ="caves-(\d\d\d\d)/(\d+|\d\d\d\d-?\w+-\d+)/", survexblock.survexfile.path) if path_match: pos_cave = '%s-%s' % (, # print('Match') # print(pos_cave) cave = models.getCaveByReference(pos_cave) if cave: survexfile.cave = cave svxlines = '' svxlines = # print('Cave - preloop ' + str(survexfile.cave)) # print(survexblock) for svxline in svxlines: # print(survexblock) # print(svxline) # if not svxline: # print(' - Not survex') # return # textlines.append(svxline) lineno += 1 # print(' - Line: %d' % lineno) # break the line at the comment sline, comment = regex_comment.match(svxline.strip()).groups() # detect ref line pointing to the scans directory mref = comment and regex_ref.match(comment) if mref: refscan = "%s#%s" % (, survexscansfolders = models.SurvexScansFolder.objects.filter(walletname=refscan) if survexscansfolders: survexblock.survexscansfolder = survexscansfolders[0] #survexblock.refscandir = "%s/%s%%23%s" % (,, print('Wallet *ref - %s' % refscan) continue # This whole section should be moved if we can have *QM become a proper survex command # Spec of QM in SVX files, currently commented out need to add to survex # needs to match regex_qm # ;Serial number grade(A/B/C/D/X) nearest-station resolution-station description # ;QM1 a hobnob_hallway_2.42 hobnob-hallway_3.42 junction of keyhole passage # ;QM1 a hobnob_hallway_2.42 - junction of keyhole passage qmline = comment and regex_qm.match(comment) if qmline: print(qmline.groups()) #(u'1', u'B', u'miraclemaze', u'1.17', u'-', None, u'\tcontinuation of rift') qm_no = qm_grade = qm_from_section = qm_from_station = qm_resolve_section = qm_resolve_station = qm_notes = print('Cave - %s' % survexfile.cave) print('QM no %d' % int(qm_no)) print('QM grade %s' % qm_grade) print('QM section %s' % qm_from_section) print('QM station %s' % qm_from_station) print('QM res section %s' % qm_resolve_section) print('QM res station %s' % qm_resolve_station) print('QM notes %s' % qm_notes) # If the QM isn't resolved (has a resolving station) thn load it if not qm_resolve_section or qm_resolve_section is not '-' or qm_resolve_section is not 'None': from_section = models.SurvexBlock.objects.filter(name=qm_from_section) # If we can find a section (survex note chunck, named) if len(from_section) > 0: print(from_section[0]) from_station = models.SurvexStation.objects.filter(block=from_section[0], name=qm_from_station) # If we can find a from station then we have the nearest station and can import it if len(from_station) > 0: print(from_station[0]) qm = models.QM.objects.create(number=qm_no, nearest_station=from_station[0], grade=qm_grade.upper(), location_description=qm_notes) else: print('QM found but resolved') #print('Cave -sline ' + str(cave)) if not sline: continue # detect the star command mstar = regex_star.match(sline) if not mstar: if "from" in stardata: # print('Cave ' + str(survexfile.cave)) # print(survexblock) LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, survexfile.cave) # print(' - From: ') #print(stardata) pass elif stardata["type"] == "passage": LoadSurvexLinePassage(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment) # print(' - Passage: ') #Missing "station" in stardata. continue # detect the star command cmd, line = mstar.groups() cmd = cmd.lower() if re.match("include$(?i)", cmd): includepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(survexfile.path)[0], re.sub(r"\.svx$", "", line)) print(' - Include file found including - ' + includepath) # Try to find the cave in the DB if not use the string as before path_match ="caves-(\d\d\d\d)/(\d+|\d\d\d\d-?\w+-\d+)/", includepath) if path_match: pos_cave = '%s-%s' % (, # print(pos_cave) cave = models.getCaveByReference(pos_cave) if cave: survexfile.cave = cave else: print('No match for %s' % includepath) includesurvexfile = models.SurvexFile(path=includepath) includesurvexfile.SetDirectory() if includesurvexfile.exists(): fininclude = includesurvexfile.OpenFile() RecursiveLoad(survexblock, includesurvexfile, fininclude, textlines) elif re.match("begin$(?i)", cmd): if line: newsvxpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(survexfile.path)[0], re.sub(r"\.svx$", "", line)) # Try to find the cave in the DB if not use the string as before path_match ="caves-(\d\d\d\d)/(\d+|\d\d\d\d-?\w+-\d+)/", newsvxpath) if path_match: pos_cave = '%s-%s' % (, print(pos_cave) cave = models.getCaveByReference(pos_cave) if cave: survexfile.cave = cave else: print('No match for %s' % newsvxpath) name = line.lower() print(' - Begin found for: ' + name) # print('Block cave: ' + str(survexfile.cave)) survexblockdown = models.SurvexBlock(name=name, begin_char=fin.tell(), parent=survexblock, survexpath=survexblock.survexpath+"."+name, cave=survexfile.cave, survexfile=survexfile, totalleglength=0.0) survexblock = survexblockdown # print(survexblockdown) textlinesdown = [ ] RecursiveLoad(survexblockdown, survexfile, fin, textlinesdown) else: iblankbegins += 1 elif re.match("end$(?i)", cmd): if iblankbegins: iblankbegins -= 1 else: survexblock.text = "".join(textlines) # print(' - End found: ') endstamp = timetaken = endstamp - stamp # print(' - Time to process: ' + str(timetaken)) return elif re.match("date$(?i)", cmd): if len(line) == 10: #print(' - Date found: ' + line) = make_aware(datetime.strptime(re.sub(r"\.", "-", line), '%Y-%m-%d'), get_current_timezone()) expeditions = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year=line[:4]) if expeditions: assert len(expeditions) == 1 survexblock.expedition = expeditions[0] survexblock.expeditionday = survexblock.expedition.get_expedition_day( elif re.match("team$(?i)", cmd): pass # print(' - Team found: ') mteammember = regex_team.match(line) if mteammember: for tm in regex_team_member.split( if tm: personexpedition = survexblock.expedition and GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(survexblock.expedition).get(tm.lower()) if (personexpedition, tm) not in teammembers: teammembers.append((personexpedition, tm)) personrole = models.SurvexPersonRole(survexblock=survexblock,, personexpedition=personexpedition, personname=tm) personrole.expeditionday = survexblock.expeditionday if personexpedition: personrole.person=personexpedition.person elif cmd == "title": #print(' - Title found: ') survextitle = models.SurvexTitle(survexblock=survexblock, title=line.strip('"'), cave=survexfile.cave) pass elif cmd == "require": # should we check survex version available for processing? pass elif cmd == "data": #print(' - Data found: ') ls = line.lower().split() stardata = { "type":ls[0] } #print(' - Star data: ', stardata) #print(ls) for i in range(0, len(ls)): stardata[stardataparamconvert.get(ls[i], ls[i])] = i - 1 if ls[0] in ["normal", "cartesian", "nosurvey"]: assert (("from" in stardata and "to" in stardata) or "station" in stardata), line elif ls[0] == "default": stardata = stardatadefault else: assert ls[0] == "passage", line elif cmd == "equate": #print(' - Equate found: ') LoadSurvexEquate(survexblock, line) elif cmd == "fix": #print(' - Fix found: ') survexblock.MakeSurvexStation(line.split()[0]) else: #print(' - Stuff') if cmd not in ["sd", "include", "units", "entrance", "data", "flags", "title", "export", "instrument", "calibrate", "set", "infer", "alias", "ref", "cs", "declination", "case"]: print("Unrecognised command in line:", cmd, line, survexblock, survexblock.survexfile.path) endstamp = timetaken = endstamp - stamp # print(' - Time to process: ' + str(timetaken)) def LoadAllSurvexBlocks(): print('Loading All Survex Blocks...') models.SurvexBlock.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexFile.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexDirectory.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexEquate.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexLeg.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexTitle.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexPersonRole.objects.all().delete() models.SurvexStation.objects.all().delete() print(" - Data flushed") survexfile = models.SurvexFile(path=settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME, cave=None) survexfile.SetDirectory() #Load all survexblockroot = models.SurvexBlock(name="root", survexpath="", begin_char=0, cave=None, survexfile=survexfile, totalleglength=0.0) fin = survexfile.OpenFile() textlines = [ ] # The real work starts here RecursiveLoad(survexblockroot, survexfile, fin, textlines) fin.close() survexblockroot.text = "".join(textlines) poslineregex = re.compile(r"^\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*),\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*),\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*)\s*\)\s*([^\s]+)$") def LoadPos(): print('Loading Pos....') call([settings.CAVERN, "--output=%s%s.3d" % (settings.SURVEX_DATA, settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME), "%s%s.svx" % (settings.SURVEX_DATA, settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME)]) call([settings.THREEDTOPOS, '%s%s.3d' % (settings.SURVEX_DATA, settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME)], cwd = settings.SURVEX_DATA) posfile = open("%s%s.pos" % (settings.SURVEX_DATA, settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME)) posfile.readline() #Drop header for line in posfile.readlines(): r = poslineregex.match(line) if r: x, y, z, name = r.groups() try: ss = models.SurvexStation.objects.lookup(name) ss.x = float(x) ss.y = float(y) ss.z = float(z) except: print "%s not parsed in survex %s.pos" % (name, settings.SURVEX_TOPNAME)