{% extends "cavebase.html" %}
{% block extraheaders %}
<!-- cave.html - this text visible because this template has been included -->
{% if cave.survex_file %}
# We put every .3d file in the same folder as 
# the .svx file, using the {{svx3d}} template variable set in rendercave() in 
# core/views/caves.py but with a full path. THIS IS NOW DONE March 2022.
<link type="text/css" href="/javascript/CaveView/css/caveview.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/CaveView/js/CaveView2.js" ></script>

<script type="text/javascript" >
    function onLoad () {

        // display the user interface - and a blank canvas
        // the configuration object specifies the location of CaveView, surveys and terrain files
        const viewer = new CV2.CaveViewer( 'scene', {
            home: '/javascript/CaveView/',
            //Wookey old code surveyDirectory: '/expowebcache/3d/',
            surveyDirectory: '/cave/3d/',
            terrainDirectory: '/loser/surface/terrain/'  // cannot work, apache not handling this url
        } );

        // load a single survey to display
        // Note the special code in views.caves.py to do this. The appropriate .svx/.3d file may not be simply the cave name +.3d
        const ui = new CV2.CaveViewUI( viewer );

        //Wookey old code: ui.loadCave('{{svx3d}}.3d');
        ui.loadCave('{{ cave }}.3d');

        document.getElementById('scene').style.cssText = "background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); position: relative !important;"
    window.onload = onLoad;
{% endif %} <!-- all the above only loads if cave.survex_file is not empty-->
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
{% block contentheader %}
<table id="cavepage">
    <th id="kat_no"><!-- why is this not showing unofficial_number??-->
        {% if cave.area.all %}
            {{  cave.area.all.0.kat_area }} /
        {% endif %}
        {% if cave.kataster_number %}
            {{ cave.kataster_number|safe }}
            {% if cave.entrancelist %}
                {{ cave.entrancelist|safe }}
            {% endif %}
            {% if cave.unofficial_number %} 
                <br />({{ cave.unofficial_number|safe }})
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
        <br />{{ cave_id|safe }}
        {% endif %}
    <th id="name">
         {{ cave.official_name|safe }}
    <th id="status">
    {% if cave.kataster_code %} 
         {{ cave.kataster_code|safe }}
    {% endif %}
{% block related %}
{% endblock %}{% endblock %}

<div id="Description">
{% comment %} The 'cave' object has text field, not forign-key fields, so we cant dereference to get info on the survex file 
{% endcomment %}
{% if cave.survey %}
    <h2>Surveys and Rigging Guides</h2>
    {{ cave.survey|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if cave.underground_description %}
    <h2>Underground Description</h2>
    {{ cave.underground_description|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if cave.equipment %}
    {{ cave.equipment|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% comment "Kataster status is probably only required in the header" %}
{% if cave.kataster_status %}
    {{ cave.kataster_status|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endcomment %}
{% comment "Is this underground centre line section ever usefull?  I suspect it should be deleted.  MJG" %}
{% endcomment %}
{% if cave.underground_centre_line %}
    <h2>Underground Centre Line</h2>
    {{ cave.underground_centre_line|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if cave.explorers %}
    {{ cave.explorers|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% if cave.references %}
    {{ cave.references|safe }}
{% endif %}

{% if not local %}
{% if cave.get_QMs %}
    <a href="{% url 'caveQMs' cave_id|safe %}">QM page for {{ cave_id|safe }}</a> 
{% endif %}

  <h2>Scanned survey notes</h2>
  <a href="{% url "cavewallets" cave_id %}">{{ cave_id|safe }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if cave.notes %}
    {{ cave.notes|safe }}
{% endif %}

<div id="entrances">
        <p>{% if cave.entrances %}
    {% for ent in cave.entrances %}
        Id letter: '{{ ent.entranceletter|safe}}'
        {% if ent.entrance.name %}
            {{ ent.entrance.name|safe }}
        {% endif %}<a class="editlink" href="{% if local %}https://expo.survex.com{% endif %}{% url "editentrance" ent.entrance.url_parent cave.slug ent.entrance.slug %}">Edit this entrance</a>
        {% if ent.entrance.marking %}
            <dt>Marking</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.marking_val|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.marking_comment %}
            <dt>Marking Comment</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.marking_comment|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.findability %}
            <dt>Findability</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.findability_val|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.findability_comment %}
            <dt>Findability Comment</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.findability_comment|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.location_description %}
            <dt>Location</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.location_description|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.lastvisit %}
            <dt>Date last visited</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.lastvisit|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.approach %}
            <dt>Approach</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.approach|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.map_description %}
            <dt>Map</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.map_description|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.underground_description %}
            <dt>Underground</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.underground_description|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.photo %}
            <dt>Photo(s)</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.photo|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.entrance_description %}
            <dt>Description</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.entrance_description|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.explorers %}
            <dt>Explorers</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.explorers|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.northing %}
            <dt>Location</dt><dd>UTM33 Northing: {{ ent.entrance.northing|safe }}, Easting: {{ ent.entrance.easting|safe }}, {{ ent.entrance.alt|safe }}m</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.tag_station %}
            <dt>Tag Location</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.tag_station }} {{ ent.entrance.tag.latlong.0|floatformat:5 }}N {{ ent.entrance.tag.latlong.1|floatformat:5 }}E (UTM33 {{ ent.entrance.tag.y|floatformat:0 }}, {{ ent.entrance.tag.x|floatformat:0 }}), {{ ent.entrance.tag.z|floatformat:0 }}m</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.bearings %}
            <dt>Bearings</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.bearings|safe }}</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.exact_station %}
            <dt>Exact Station</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.exact_station|safe }} {{ ent.entrance.exact_location.latlong.0|floatformat:5 }}N {{ ent.entrance.exact_location.latlong.1|floatformat:5 }}E (UTM33 {{ ent.entrance.exact_location.y|floatformat:0 }}, {{ ent.entrance.exact_location.x|floatformat:0 }}), {{ ent.entrance.exact_location.z|floatformat:0 }}m</dd>
        {% endif %}
        {% if ent.entrance.other_station %}
            <dt>Other Station</dt><dd>{{ ent.entrance.other_station|safe }}
        {% if ent.entrance.other_description %}
            - {{ ent.entrance.other_description|safe }}
        {% endif %}  {{ ent.entrance.other_location.latlong.0|floatformat:5 }}N {{ ent.entrance.other_location.latlong.1|floatformat:5 }}E (UTM33 {{ ent.entrance.other_location.y|floatformat:0 }}, {{ ent.entrance.other_location.x|floatformat:0 }}), {{ ent.entrance.other_location.z|floatformat:0 }}m
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endif %}</p>
<a class="editlink" href="{% if local %}https://expo.survex.com{% endif %}{% url "newentrance" cave.url_parent cave.slug %}">New Entrance</a>
    <h2>Survex File(s)</h2>
    All <a href="/survexfile/{{cave.kataster_number}}">survexfiles</a> for this cave <br />
{% if cave.survex_file %}
    Primary <a href="/survexfile/{{cave.survex_file}}">survex file</a> for this cave 
    Download .3d file <a href="{% url "cave3d" cave %}">caves-{{  cave.area.all.0.kat_area }}/{{cave.kataster_number}}/{{svx3d}}.3d</a>
cave ID '{{cave.reference}}'<br>
cave survex path '{{  cave.area.all.0.kat_area }}/{{cave.kataster_number}}'
    <div id='scene'></div>
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}