{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}All Survey scans folders (wallets){% endblock %} {% block content %} <h3>All Survey scans folders (wallets)</h3> <p>Each wallet contains the scanned original in-cave survey notes and sketches of plans and elevations. It also contains scans of centre-line survex output on which hand-drawn passage sections are drawn. These hand-drawn passages will eventually be traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete cave survey. <p>Cave identifiers in italics are derived from the current setting in the metdata JSON file, otherwise they come from *ref statements in survex files as of the most recent data import. <p>See also wallets <ul> <li>per cave, e.g. <a href="/cave/scans/1623-204">1623-204</a>, <a href="/cave/scans/1626-359">1626-359</a>, <a href="/cave/scans/1623-290">1623-290</a>, <a href="/cave/scans/1623-291">1623-291</a>, <a href="/cave/scans/1623-258">1623-258</a>, <a href="/cave/scans/1623-264">1623-264</a> <li>per person, e.g. <a href="/wallets/person/Wookey">Wookey</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/ChrisDensham">Chris Densham</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/MartinGreen">Martin Green</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/AndrewAtkinson">Andrew Atkinson</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/JulianTodd">Julian Todd</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/Frank Tully">FrankTully</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/DaveLoeffler">Dave Loeffler</a>, <a href="/wallets/person/BeckaLawson">Becka</a> <li>per year, {% for otherexpedition in expeditions %} {% if otherexpedition == expedition %} | <b>{{otherexpedition.year}}</b> {% else %} | <a <a href="/wallets/year/{{ otherexpedition.year }}">{{otherexpedition.year}}</a> {% endif %} {% endfor %}</ul> <!-- This should all be restructured to use .prefetch_related() and .select_related() see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/querysets/#prefetch-related --> <table width=95%> <tr><th>Scans folder</th><th>Files</th><th>Survex blocks</th><th>Cave</th></tr> {% for wallet in manywallets %} <tr> <td style="padding:2px"><a href="{{wallet.get_absolute_url}}">{{wallet.walletname}}</a></td> <td align="right" style="padding:2px">{{wallet.singlescan_set.all|length}}</td> <td style="padding:2px"> {% for survexblock in wallet.survexblock_set.all %} <a href="{% url "svx" survexblock.survexfile.path %}">{{survexblock}}</a> {% endfor %} </td> <td style="padding:2px; font-family: monospace; font-size: 90%;"> {% for c in wallet.caves.all %} <a href="/cave/scans/{{c.slug}}">{{c}}</a> {% endfor %} </td> </tr> {% endfor %} </table> {% endblock %}