{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} New troggle account registered {% endblock %} {% block header %} <h1>activate.html</h1> {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if account %} <p> Hello, {{ account }}! Your account is now activated. Now you can <a href="{%url "auth_login"%}">log in</a> with the password you chose. Use the links in the upper right to control this in the future. </p> <p> If you have been on the expedition in the past, you already have a profile in the system; <a href={% url "profiles_select_profile" %}>click here </a> to find it and link it to your account. Otherwise, please <a href={% url "profiles_create_profile" %}> create yourself a new profile</a>. </p> {% else %} The activation key you entered has already been used or was invalid. {% endif %} {% endblock %}