{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Simple Fileupload{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if user.username %} {% if not create %}

Wallet {{wallet}} - edit settings or upload a file

{% else %}

Wallet {{wallet}} - Create a new Wallet

{% endif %} {% else %}

Wallet {{wallet}}

{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}

{{prevy}}  ...  {{recent_year}}:{{recent_number}} ← {{wallet}} → {{year}}:{{next}}  ...  {{nexty}}

{% csrf_token %}
{% if user.username %} {% if not create %}

{% endif %} {% endif %}
Troggle needs standardised filenames. Use
"notes1-myhole.jpg", "notes2-myhole.jpg" etc. for in-cave notes,
"plan1-myhole.jpg" for the first page of the drawn up plan,
"elev3-myhole.jpg" for p3 of the drawn up elevation.

Click for more details.

Please do NOT invent your own filenaming scheme. We have a 20-year old scheme for naming scanned files,

Name the scanned pages "notes-cavepassagename.jpg" etc., or notes-1.jpg if you like, but self-describing filenames are better. This is important as a script detects whether these files exist (with names beginning "notes..", "plan.." and "elev..") and if you name them something else it will hassle you unnecessarily. (Or you can use this format cavepassagename5-notes.jpg if you like.) See how this works in the Handbook: Creating a Wallet

The 'plan..' and 'elev..' scans are for fully drawn-up Tunnel or Therion plans or elevations. If you have hand-sketches, then these are 'notes..' as are the raw survex survey data numbers.

{% if filesaved %}

File(s) saved as
{% for f in actual_saved %} {{f}}
{% endfor %}

{% endif %} {% if not create %}

{% for f in files %} » {{ f}}   -  Rename or Rotate
{% empty %}

<No files in this wallet. > {% endfor %}

{% endif %}

{% if create %} This online wallet does not yet exist. {% if user.username %}

It will be created when you click the Create button, and then edit the date in the form and save it. {% else %}

To create a wallet, you need to Log In first and then return to this page. {% endif %} {% include 'wallet_new.html' %} {% endif %}

Wallet index for {{year}}
Logbook entries, People, Survex files for {{year}}

{% if user.username %} HELP with using this form {% else %} HELP with editing a wallet and uploading scans {% endif %}
{% if not create %} {% if complaints %}


{% if user.username %} {% else %}

You will need to log in to the website (top right menu bar) to be able to edit the settings on this wallet. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% include 'wallet_table.html' %}
{% if cave %}Cave ID: {% if caveobject %}{{cave}} which implies "{{caveobject}}"
{% else %} {{cave}}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if psg %}Survey area: {{psg}}
{% endif %} {% if svxfiles %}Survex files: {% for svx in svxfiles %} {{svx}} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% csrf_token %}

{% if user.username %} {% endif %}
{% include 'onthisdate.html' %} {% if metadataurl %}
{% else %} No JSON file yet.
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}