import os, stat import re from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urljoin, unquote as urlunquote from urllib.request import urlopen from django.conf import settings from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from troggle.core.models.survex import Wallet, SingleScan from troggle.core.models.caves import GetCaveLookup from troggle.core.views.expo import getmimetype #import parsers.surveys '''one of these views serves files as binary blobs, and simply set the mime type based on the file extension, as does the dispatcher which sends them here. Here they should actually have the filetype checked by looking inside the file before being served. need to check if inavlid query string is invalid, or produces multiple replies and render a user-friendly error page. ''' def oldwallet(request, path): '''Now called only for non-standard wallet structures for pre-2000 wallets ''' # print([ s.walletname for s in Wallet.objects.all() ]) print(f'! - oldwallet path:{path}') try: wallet = Wallet.objects.get(walletname=urlunquote(path)) return render(request, 'wallet_old.html', { 'wallet':wallet, 'settings': settings }) except: message = f'Scan folder error or not found \'{path}\' .' return render(request, 'errors/generic.html', {'message': message}) def walletindex(request, path): '''All years: special 'wallet' for scanned index pages ''' # print([ s.walletname for s in Wallet.objects.all() ]) print(f'! - walletindex path:{path}') try: wallet = Wallet.objects.get(walletname=urlunquote(path)) return render(request, 'walletindex.html', { 'wallet':wallet, 'settings': settings }) except: message = f'Scan folder error or not found \'{path}\' .' return render(request, 'errors/generic.html', {'message': message}) def scansingle(request, path, file): '''sends a single binary file to the user for display - browser decides how using mimetype ''' try: wallet = Wallet.objects.get(walletname=urlunquote(path)) singlescan = SingleScan.objects.get(wallet=wallet, name=file) print(" - scansingle {}:{}:{}:".format(path, file, getmimetype(file))) return HttpResponse(content=open(singlescan.ffile,"rb"), content_type=getmimetype(file)) # any type of image except: message = f'Scan folder or scan item error or not found \'{path}\' and \'{file}\'.' return render(request, 'errors/generic.html', {'message': message}) def allwallets(request): '''Returns all the wallets in the system, we would like to use the Django queryset SQL optimisation to get the related singlescan and survexblock objects but that requires rewriting this to do the query on those, not on the wallets ''' manywallets = Wallet.objects.all() # manywallets = Wallet.objects.all().prefetch_related('singlescan') fails as the link is defined on 'singlescan' not on 'wallet' return render(request, 'manywallets.html', { 'manywallets':manywallets, 'settings': settings }) def cavewallets(request, cave_id): '''Returns all the wallets for just one cave, ''' Gcavelookup = GetCaveLookup() if cave_id in Gcavelookup: cave = Gcavelookup[cave_id] else: return render(request,'errors/badslug.html', {'badslug': cave_id}) print(f'cavewallets {cave_id=} {cave=}') manywallets = Wallet.objects.filter(survexblock__survexfile__cave=cave) return render(request, 'cavewallets.html', { 'manywallets':manywallets, 'settings': settings })