/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license @author Dan Vlad Dascalescu Based on parsehtmlmixed.js by Marijn Haverbeke. */ var PHPHTMLMixedParser = Editor.Parser = (function() { if (!(PHPParser && CSSParser && JSParser && XMLParser)) throw new Error("PHP, CSS, JS, and XML parsers must be loaded for PHP+HTML mixed mode to work."); XMLParser.configure({useHTMLKludges: true}); function parseMixed(stream) { var htmlParser = XMLParser.make(stream), localParser = null, inTag = false; var iter = {next: top, copy: copy}; function top() { var token = htmlParser.next(); if (token.content == "<") inTag = true; else if (token.style == "xml-tagname" && inTag === true) inTag = token.content.toLowerCase(); else if (token.type == "xml-processing") { // dispatch on PHP if (token.content == ""); } // "xml-processing" tokens are ignored, because they should be handled by a specific local parser else if (token.content == ">") { if (inTag == "script") iter.next = local(JSParser, "