import re import os import datetime import difflib from pathlib import Path from django import forms from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, render #from django.core.context_processors import csrf from django.template.context_processors import csrf from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned import troggle.settings as settings import parsers.survex from troggle.core.models import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition from troggle.core.models_survex import SurvexBlock, SurvexPersonRole, SurvexFile, SurvexDirectory from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave, PersonTrip, LogbookEntry from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup survexdatasetpath = Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA) survextemplatefile = """; *** THIS IS A TEMPLATE FILE NOT WHAT YOU MIGHT BE EXPECTING *** *** DO NOT SAVE THIS FILE WITHOUT RENAMING IT !! *** ;[Stuff in square brackets is example text to be replaced with real data, ; removing the square brackets] *begin [surveyname] ; stations linked into other surveys (or likely to) *export [1 8 12 34] ; Cave: ; Area in cave/QM: *title "" *date [2040.07.04] ; <-- CHANGE THIS DATE *team Insts [Fred Fossa] *team Notes [Brenda Badger] *team Pics [Luke Lynx] *team Tape [Albert Aadvark] *instrument [SAP #+Laser Tape/DistoX/Compass # ; Clino #] ; Calibration: [Where, readings] *ref [2040#00] ; <-- CHANGE THIS TOO ; the #number is on the clear pocket containing the original notes ; if using a tape: *calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ; Centreline data *data normal from to length bearing gradient ignoreall [ 1 2 5.57 034.5 -12.8 ] ;----------- ;recorded station details (leave commented out) ;(NP=Nail Polish, LHW/RHW=Left/Right Hand Wall) ;Station Left Right Up Down Description ;[Red] nail varnish markings [;1 0.8 0 5.3 1.6 ; NP on boulder. pt 23 on foo survey ] [;2 0.3 1.2 6 1.2 ; NP '2' LHW ] [;3 1.3 0 3.4 0.2 ; Rock on floor - not refindable ] ;LRUDs arranged into passage tubes ;new *data command for each 'passage', ;repeat stations and adjust numbers as needed *data passage station left right up down ;[ 1 0.8 0 5.3 1.6 ] ;[ 2 0.3 1.2 6 1.2 ] *data passage station left right up down ;[ 1 1.3 1.5 5.3 1.6 ] ;[ 3 2.4 0 3.4 0.2 ] ;----------- ;Question Mark List ;(leave commented-out) ; The nearest-station is the name of the survey and station which are nearest to ; the QM. The resolution-station is either '-' to indicate that the QM hasn't ; been checked; or the name of the survey and station which push that QM. If a ; QM doesn't go anywhere, set the resolution-station to be the same as the ; nearest-station. Include any relevant details of how to find or push the QM in ; the textual description. ;Serial number grade(A/B/C/X) nearest-station resolution-station description ;[ QM1 A surveyname.3 - description of QM ] ;[ QM2 B surveyname.5 - description of QM ] ;------------ ;Cave description ;(leave commented-out) ;freeform text describing this section of the cave *end [surveyname] """ class SvxForm(forms.Form): dirname = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True})) filename = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True})) datetime = forms.DateTimeField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True})) outputtype = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True})) code = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={"cols":150, "rows":36})) def GetDiscCode(self): fname = survexdatasetpath / (['filename'] + ".svx") if not os.path.isfile(fname): print(">>> >>> WARNING - svx file not found, showiung TEMPLATE SVX",fname, flush=True) return survextemplatefile fin = open(fname, "rt",encoding='utf8',newline='') svxtext = fin.close() return svxtext def DiffCode(self, rcode): code = self.GetDiscCode() difftext = difflib.unified_diff(code.splitlines(), rcode.splitlines()) difflist = [ diffline.strip() for diffline in difftext if not re.match(r"\s*$", diffline) ] return difflist def SaveCode(self, rcode): fname = survexdatasetpath / (['filename'] + ".svx") if not os.path.isfile(fname): if"\[|\]", rcode): return "Error: remove all []s from the text. They are only template guidance." mbeginend ="(?s)\*begin\s+(\w+).*?\*end\s+(\w+)", rcode) if not mbeginend: return "Error: no begin/end block here" if != return "Error: mismatching begin/end labels" # Make this create new survex folders if needed try: fout = open(fname, "wt", encoding='utf8',newline='\n') except FileNotFoundError: pth = os.path.dirname(['filename']) newpath = survexdatasetpath / pth if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) fout = open(fname, "wt", encoding='utf8',newline='\n') # javascript seems to insert CRLF on WSL1 whatever you say. So fix that: res = fout.write(rcode.replace("\r","")) fout.close() return "SAVED ." def Process(self): print("....\n\n\n....Processing\n\n\n") froox = os.fspath(survexdatasetpath / (['filename'] + ".svx")) froog = os.fspath(survexdatasetpath / (['filename'] + ".log")) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.split(froox)[0]) os.system(settings.CAVERN + " --log " + froox ) os.chdir(cwd) fin = open(froog, "rt",encoding='utf8') log = fin.close() log = re.sub("(?s).*?(Survey contains)", "\\1", log) return log def svx(request, survex_file): # get the basic data from the file given in the URL dirname = os.path.split(survex_file)[0] dirname += "/" nowtime ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') outputtype = "normal" form = SvxForm({'filename':survex_file, 'dirname':dirname, 'datetime':nowtime, 'outputtype':outputtype}) # if the form has been returned difflist = [ ] logmessage = "" message = "" if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted... rform = SvxForm(request.POST) # if rform.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass (how do we check it against the filename and users?) rcode = rform.cleaned_data['code'] outputtype = rform.cleaned_data['outputtype'] difflist = form.DiffCode(rcode) #print "ssss", if "revert" in pass if "process" in if not difflist: message = "OUTPUT FROM PROCESSING" logmessage = form.Process() print(logmessage) else: message = "SAVE FILE FIRST"['code'] = rcode if "save" in if request.user.is_authenticated(): message = form.SaveCode(rcode) else: message = "You do not have authority to save this file" if message != "SAVED":['code'] = rcode if "diff" in['code'] = rcode #process(survex_file) if 'code' not in['code'] = form.GetDiscCode() if not difflist: difflist.append("none") if message: difflist.insert(0, message) #print [['code'] ] svxincludes = re.findall(r'\*include\s+(\S+)(?i)',['code'] or "") vmap = {'settings': settings, 'has_3d': os.path.isfile(survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".3d"), 'title': survex_file, 'svxincludes': svxincludes, 'difflist': difflist, 'logmessage':logmessage, 'form':form} vmap.update(csrf(request)) if outputtype == "ajax": return render_to_response('svxfiledifflistonly.html', vmap) return render_to_response('svxfile.html', vmap) def svxraw(request, survex_file): svx = open(os.path.join(survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".svx"), "rt",encoding='utf8') return HttpResponse(svx, content_type="text") # The cavern running function def process(survex_file): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.split(os.fspath(survexdatasetpath / survex_file))[0]) os.system(settings.CAVERN + " --log " + survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".svx") os.chdir(cwd) def threed(request, survex_file): process(survex_file) try: threed = open(survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".3d", "rt",encoding='utf8') return HttpResponse(threed, content_type="model/3d") except: log = open(survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".log", "rt",encoding='utf8') return HttpResponse(log, content_type="text") def log(request, survex_file): process(survex_file) log = open(survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".log", "rt",encoding='utf8') return HttpResponse(log, content_type="text") def err(request, survex_file): process(survex_file) err = open(survexdatasetpath / survex_file / ".err", "rt",encoding='utf8') return HttpResponse(err, content_type="text") def identifycavedircontents(gcavedir): # find the primary survex file in each cave directory name = os.path.split(gcavedir)[1] subdirs = [ ] subsvx = [ ] primesvx = None for f in os.listdir(gcavedir): if name == "204" and (f in ["skel.svx", "template.svx", "204withents.svx"]): pass elif name == "136" and (f in ["136-noents.svx"]): pass elif name == "115" and (f in ["115cufix.svx", "115fix.svx"]): pass elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gcavedir, f)): if f[0] != ".": subdirs.append(f) elif f[-4:] == ".svx": nf = f[:-4] if nf.lower() == name.lower() or nf[:3] == "all" or (name, nf) in [("resurvey2005", "145-2005"), ("cucc", "cu115")]: if primesvx: if nf[:3] == "all": assert primesvx[:3] != "all", (name, nf, primesvx, gcavedir, subsvx) primesvx = nf else: assert primesvx[:3] == "all", (name, nf, primesvx, gcavedir, subsvx) else: primesvx = nf else: subsvx.append(nf) else: pass #assert re.match(".*?(?:.3d|.log|.err|.txt|.tmp|.diff|.e?spec|~)$", f), (gcavedir, f) subsvx.sort() #assert primesvx, (gcavedir, subsvx) if primesvx: subsvx.insert(0, primesvx) return subdirs, subsvx def get_survexareapath(area): return survexdatasetpath / str("caves-" + area) # direct local non-database browsing through the svx file repositories # every time the page is viewed! Should cache this. def survexcaveslist(request): '''This reads the entire list of caves in the Loser repo directory and produces a complete report. It can find caves which have not yet been properly registered in the system by because someone may have uploaded the survex files without doing the rest of the integration process. ''' # TO DO - filter out the non-public caves from display UNLESS LOGGED INS onefilecaves = [ ] multifilecaves = [ ] subdircaves = [ ] fnumlist = [ ] for area in ["1623", "1626", "1624", "1627"]: cavesdir = get_survexareapath(area) arealist = sorted([ (area, -int(re.match(r"\d*", f).group(0) or "0"), f) for f in os.listdir(cavesdir) ]) fnumlist += arealist print(fnumlist) # go through the list and identify the contents of each cave directory for area, num, cavedir in fnumlist: # these have sub dirs /cucc/ /arge/ /old/ but that is no reason to hide them in this webpage # so these are now treated the same as 142 and 113 which also have a /cucc/ sub dir #if cavedir in ["144", "40"]: # continue # This all assumes that the first .svx file has the same name as the cave name, # which usually but not always true. e.g. caves-1623/78/allkaese.svx not caves-1623/78/78.svx # which is why we now also pass through the cavedir cavesdir = get_survexareapath(area) gcavedir = os.path.join(cavesdir, cavedir) if os.path.isdir(gcavedir) and cavedir[0] != ".": subdirs, subsvx = identifycavedircontents(gcavedir) caveid = check_cave_registered(area, cavedir) # should do this only once per database load or it will be slow survdirobj = [ ] for lsubsvx in subsvx: survdirobj.append(("caves-" +area+ "/" +cavedir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx)) # caves with subdirectories if subdirs: subsurvdirs = [ ] for subdir in subdirs: dsubdirs, dsubsvx = identifycavedircontents(os.path.join(gcavedir, subdir)) # assert not dsubdirs # handle case of empty sub directory lsurvdirobj = [ ] for lsubsvx in dsubsvx: lsurvdirobj.append(("caves-" +area+ "/" +cavedir+"/"+subdir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx)) if len(dsubsvx) >= 1: subsurvdirs.append((subdir,lsurvdirobj[0], lsurvdirobj[0:])) # list now includes the first item too subdircaves.append((cavedir, (survdirobj[0], survdirobj[1:]), subsurvdirs)) # multifile caves elif len(survdirobj) > 1: multifilecaves.append((survdirobj[0], cavedir, survdirobj[1:])) # single file caves elif len(survdirobj) == 1: onefilecaves.append(survdirobj[0]) return render_to_response('svxfilecavelist.html', {'settings': settings, "onefilecaves":onefilecaves, "multifilecaves":multifilecaves, "subdircaves":subdircaves }) def survexcavesingle(request, survex_cave): '''parsing all the survex files of a single cave and showing that it's consistent and can find all the files and people. Should explicity fix the kataster number thing. kataster numbers are not unique across areas. Fix this. ''' sc = survex_cave try: cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=sc) # This may not be unique. return render_to_response('svxcavesingle.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":cave }) except ObjectDoesNotExist: # can get here if the survex file is in a directory labelled with unofficial number not kataster number. # maybe - and _ mixed up, or CUCC-2017- instead of 2017-CUCC-, or CUCC2015DL01 . Let's not get carried away.. for unoff in [sc, sc.replace('-','_'), sc.replace('_','-'), sc.replace('-',''), sc.replace('_','')]: try: cave = Cave.objects.get(unofficial_number=unoff) # return on first one we find return render_to_response('svxcavesingle.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":cave }) except ObjectDoesNotExist: continue # next attempt in for loop return render_to_response('svxcavesingle404.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":sc }) except MultipleObjectsReturned: caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=survex_cave) return render_to_response('svxcaveseveral.html', {'settings': settings, "caves":caves }) except: return render_to_response('svxcavesingle404.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":sc }) def check_cave_registered(area, survex_cave): '''Checks whether a cave has been properly registered when it is found in the Loser repo This should be called by Databasereset not here in a view Currently Caves are only registered if they are listed in :expoweb: settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS so we need to add in any more here. This function runs but does not seem to be used?! ''' try: cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=survex_cave) return str(cave) except MultipleObjectsReturned: caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=survex_cave) for c in caves: if str(c) == area + "-" + survex_cave : return str(c) # just get the first that matches return None # many returned but none in correct area except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass try: cave = Cave.objects.get(unofficial_number=survex_cave) # should be unique! if cave.kataster_number: return str(cave) else: return None except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass return None