{% extends "cavebase.html" %} {% block title %}Edit Entrance{% endblock %} {% block extraheaders %} {% include 'html_editor_scripts_css.html' %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Edit Entrance at cave {{cave.official_name|safe}} - {{cave.unofficial_number}} - {{cave.kataster_number}}</h1> {% include 'html_editor_pop_ups.html' %} <!-- If you are looking for the furniture that creates the fields on this form, you need to look at troggle/core/forms.py ass this uses a Django magic form creation thinggy. --> <h2>{{message}}</h2> <form action="" method="post">{% csrf_token %} <p>First, <em>DO YOU KNOW</em> how to use *fix data in survex files ? <ul> <li>YES I do.<br /> <ol> <li>Create a *fix line in the appropriate file <li>Write in the name of the *fix location onto this form in the "tag station" or "other station" field. Remember to specifiy the correct 1623. or 1626. prefix. <li>Set the "Findability" field to "Coordinates" </ol> <br /> <li>NO I don't.<br /> <ol> <li>Put in the location of your new entrance in the WGS84 latitude, longitude and altitude fields. <li>Set the "Findability" field to "Coordinates" <li>[A nerd will use a report to detect that you have done this, and will do the *fix stuff for you.] </ol> </ul> <p> When you first create a new entrance, should have a GPS location and you will have filled out a New Cave data sheet. We do not use "bearings" these days, we use survex *fix points. <ul> <li>Read the <a href="/handbook/survey/coord2.html#summary">brief explanation</a> of location data in the handbook. </ul> {% if entlettereditable %} <table>{{ entletterform }}</table> {% else %} <table><tr><th>Entrance Letter</th><td>{{ entletter }}</td></table> {% endif %} <table>{{ entform }} {% if ent.bearings %} <tr><th><label for="id_bearings">Bearings (obsolete):</label></th><td> {{ent.bearings|safe}}</td></tr> {% endif %} </table> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p> </form> {% endblock %}