import sys import os import time import timeit import json import settings os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = settings.PYTHON_PATH os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings') print(" - settings on loading") import django print(" - django.setup - next") try: django.setup() except: print(" ! Cyclic reference failure. Can occur when the initial db is empty. Fixed now (in UploadFileForm) but easy to reintroduce..") raise print(" - django.setup - done") import troggle.flatpages.models import troggle.core.models import troggle.core.models_survex from django.core import management from django.db import connection, close_old_connections, connections from django.http import HttpResponse from django.urls import reverse from django.contrib.auth.models import User from troggle.core.models import get_process_memory from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave, Entrance from troggle.parsers.imports import import_caves, import_people, import_surveyscans, \ import_logbooks, import_QMs, import_survex, import_loadpos, import_tunnelfiles import troggle.logbooksdump if os.geteuid() == 0: # This protects the server from having the wrong file permissions written on logs and caches print("This script should be run as expo not root - quitting") exit() expouser=settings.EXPOUSER expouserpass=settings.EXPOUSERPASS expouseremail=settings.EXPOUSER_EMAIL def reinit_db(): """Rebuild database from scratch. Deletes the file first if sqlite is used, otherwise it drops the database and creates it. Note - initial loading of troggle.sqlite will already have populated the models in memory (django python models, not the database), so there is already a full load of stuff known. Deleting the db file does not clear memory. """ print("Reinitialising db ",end="") print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) currentdbname = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] if currentdbname == ':memory:': # closing connections should wipe the in-memory database django.db.close_old_connections() for conn in django.db.connections.all(): print(" ! Closing another connection to db...") conn.close() elif django.db.connections.databases['default']['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3': if os.path.isfile(currentdbname): try: print(" - deleting " + currentdbname) os.remove(currentdbname) except OSError: print(" ! OSError on removing: " + currentdbname + "\n ! Is the file open in another app? Is the server running?\n") raise else: print(" - No database file found: " + currentdbname + " ..continuing, will create it.\n") else: cursor = django.db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % currentdbname) cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % currentdbname) cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE %s CHARACTER SET=utf8" % currentdbname) cursor.execute("USE %s" % currentdbname) print(" - Migrating: " + django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) management.call_command('makemigrations','core', interactive=False) management.call_command('makemigrations','flatpages', interactive=False) management.call_command('migrate', interactive=False) management.call_command('migrate','core', interactive=False) management.call_command('migrate','flatpages', interactive=False) print(" - done migration on: " + settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']) print("users in db already: ",len(User.objects.all())) try: print(" - Setting up admin user on: " + django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) print(" - user: {} ({:.5}...) <{}> ".format(expouser, expouserpass, expouseremail)) user = User.objects.create_user(expouser, expouseremail, expouserpass) user.is_staff = True user.is_superuser = True except: print(" ! INTEGRITY ERROR user on: " + settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']) print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) print(" ! You probably have not got a clean db when you thought you had.\n") print(" ! Also you are probably NOT running an in-memory db now.\n") print("users in db: ",len(User.objects.all())) print("tables in db: ",len(connection.introspection.table_names())) memdumpsql(fn='integrityfail.sql') django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME'] = ':memory:' #raise def memdumpsql(fn): djconn = django.db.connection from dump import _iterdump with open(fn, 'w') as f: for line in _iterdump(djconn): f.write('%s\n' % line.encode("utf8")) return True # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # These functions moved to a different file - not used currently. # import logbooksdump # def import_auto_logbooks(): # def dumplogbooks(): # def writeCaves(): # Writes out all cave and entrance HTML files to # folder specified in settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS # for cave in Cave.objects.all(): # cave.writeDataFile() # for entrance in Entrance.objects.all(): # entrance.writeDataFile() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class JobQueue(): """A list of import operations to run. Always reports profile times in the same order. """ def __init__(self,run): self.runlabel = run self.queue = [] # tuples of (jobname, jobfunction) self.results = {} self.results_order=[ "date","runlabel","reinit", "caves", "people", "logbooks", "QMs", "scans", "survex", "tunnel", "test" ] for k in self.results_order: self.results[k]=[] self.tfile = "import_profile.json" self.htmlfile = "profile.html" # for HTML results table. Not yet done. #Adding elements to queue - enqueue def enq(self,label,func): self.queue.append((label,func)) return True def loadprofiles(self): """Load timings for previous runs from file """ if os.path.isfile(self.tfile): try: f = open(self.tfile, "r") data = json.load(f) for j in data: self.results[j] = data[j] except: print("FAILURE parsing JSON file %s" % (self.tfile)) # Python bug: f.close() for j in self.results_order: self.results[j].append(None) # append a placeholder return True def saveprofiles(self): with open(self.tfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.results, f) return True def runqonce(self): """Run all the jobs in the queue provided - once """ print("** Running job ", self.runlabel,end=" to ") print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) jobstart = time.time() print("-- Initial memory in use {:.3f} MB".format(get_process_memory())) self.results["date"].pop() self.results["date"].append(jobstart) self.results["runlabel"].pop() self.results["runlabel"].append(self.runlabel) for runfunction in self.queue: start = time.time() memstart = get_process_memory() #-------------------- runfunction[1]() # invokes function passed in the second item in the tuple #-------------------- memend = get_process_memory() duration = time.time()-start #print(" - MEMORY start:{:.3f} MB end:{:.3f} MB change={:.3f} MB".format(memstart,memend, )) print("\n*- Ended \"", runfunction[0], "\" {:.1f} seconds + {:.3f} MB".format(duration, memend-memstart)) self.results[runfunction[0]].pop() # the null item self.results[runfunction[0]].append(duration) jobend = time.time() jobduration = jobend-jobstart print("** Ended job %s - %.1f seconds total." % (self.runlabel,jobduration)) return True def append_placeholders(self): for j in self.results_order: self.results[j].append(None) # append a placeholder def run_now_django_tests(self,n): management.call_command('test', verbosity=n) django.db.close_old_connections() def run(self): self.loadprofiles() print("-- start ", django.db.connections.databases['default']['ENGINE'], django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) self.runqonce() if settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] ==":memory:": memdumpsql('memdump.sql') # saved contents of in-memory db, could be imported later.. self.saveprofiles() return True def showprofile(self): """Prints out the time it took to run the jobqueue """ for k in self.results_order: if k =="test": break elif k =="date": print(" days ago ", end=' ') else: print('%10s (s)' % k, end=' ') percen=0 r = self.results[k] for i in range(len(r)): if k == "runlabel": if r[i]: rp = r[i] else: rp = " - " print('%8s' % rp, end=' ') elif k =="date": # Calculate dates as days before present if r[i]: if i == len(r)-1: print(" this", end=' ') else: # prints one place to the left of where you expect if r[len(r)-1]: s = r[i]-r[len(r)-1] elif r[len(r)-2]: s = r[i]-r[len(r)-2] else: s = 0 days = (s)/(24*60*60) print('%8.2f' % days, end=' ') elif r[i]: print('%8.1f' % r[i], end=' ') if i == len(r)-1 and r[i-1]: percen = 100* (r[i] - r[i-1])/r[i-1] if abs(percen) >0.1: print('%8.1f%%' % percen, end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') print("") print("\n") return True def usage(): print("""Usage is 'python <command> [runlabel]' where command is: test - testing... imports people and prints profile. Deletes nothing. profile - print the profile from previous runs. Import nothing. reset - normal usage: clear database and reread everything from files - time-consuming init - initialisation. Automatic if you run reset. caves - read in the caves (must run first after initialisation) people - read in the people from folk.csv (must run after 'caves') logbooks - read in the logbooks QMs - read in the QM csv files (older caves only) scans - the survey scans in all the wallets (must run before survex) survex - read in the survex files - all the survex blocks and entrances x/y/z tunnel - read in the Tunnel files - which scans the survey scans too autologbooks - Not used. read in autologbooks (what are these?) dumplogbooks - Not used. write out autologbooks (not working?) and [runlabel] is an optional string identifying this run of the script in the stored profiling data 'import-profile.json' caves and logbooks must be run on an empty db before the others as they set up db tables used by the others. """) if __name__ == "__main__": if os.geteuid() == 0: print("Do not run as root or using sudo - file permissions for cache files and logs will break") print("Aborting run.") exit() if len(sys.argv)>2: runlabel = sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1] else: runlabel=None jq = JobQueue(runlabel) if len(sys.argv)==1: usage() exit() elif "init" in sys.argv: jq.enq("reinit",reinit_db) elif "test" in sys.argv: jq.enq("caves",import_caves) jq.enq("people",import_people) #jq.run_now_django_tests(2) elif "caves" in sys.argv: jq.enq("caves",import_caves) elif "logbooks" in sys.argv: jq.enq("logbooks",import_logbooks) elif "people" in sys.argv: jq.enq("people",import_people) elif "QMs" in sys.argv: jq.enq("QMs",import_QMs) elif "reset" in sys.argv: jq.enq("reinit",reinit_db) jq.enq("caves",import_caves) jq.enq("people",import_people) jq.enq("scans",import_surveyscans) jq.enq("logbooks",import_logbooks) jq.enq("QMs",import_QMs) jq.enq("tunnel",import_tunnelfiles) jq.enq("survex",import_survex) elif "scans" in sys.argv: jq.enq("scans",import_surveyscans) elif "survex" in sys.argv: jq.enq("survex",import_survex) elif "loadpos" in sys.argv: jq.enq("survex",import_loadpos) elif "tunnel" in sys.argv: jq.enq("tunnel",import_tunnelfiles) elif "autologbooks" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020 import_auto_logbooks() elif "dumplogbooks" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020 dumplogbooks() # elif "writecaves" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020 - will overwrite input files!! # writeCaves() elif "profile" in sys.argv: jq.loadprofiles() jq.showprofile() exit() elif "help" in sys.argv: usage() exit() else: usage() print("%s not recognised as a command." % sys.argv[1]) exit() jq.showprofile()