This folder is used by to load fixtures, as are all the folders
called /fixtures/ in any Django app here.

e.g. a list of files which are in the /fixtures/ folders:
$ python loaddata cuyc_basic_data test_data_1 test_data_1.1 test_data_2

$ python help migration
usage: migrate [-h] [--noinput] [--database DATABASE] [--fake]
                         [--fake-initial] [--plan] [--run-syncdb] [--version]
                         [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
                         [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color]
                         [app_label] [migration_name]

Updates database schema. Manages both apps with migrations and those without.

positional arguments:
  app_label             App label of an application to synchronize the state.
  migration_name        Database state will be brought to the state after that
                        migration. Use the name "zero" to unapply all
optional arguments:
  --noinput, --no-input
                        Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any
  --database DATABASE   Nominates a database to synchronize. Defaults to the
                        "default" database.
  --fake                Mark migrations as run without actually running them.
  --fake-initial        Detect if tables already exist and fake-apply initial
                        migrations if so. Make sure that the current database
                        schema matches your initial migration before using
                        this flag. Django will only check for an existing
                        table name.
  --plan                Shows a list of the migration actions that will be
  --run-syncdb          Creates tables for apps without migrations.

$ python help loaddata
usage: loaddata [-h] [--database DATABASE] [--app APP_LABEL]
                          [--ignorenonexistent] [-e EXCLUDE] [--format FORMAT]
                          [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS]
                          [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color]
                          fixture [fixture ...]

Installs the named fixture(s) in the database.
optional arguments:
  --app APP_LABEL       Only look for fixtures in the specified app.
  --ignorenonexistent, -i
                        Ignores entries in the serialized data for fields that
                        do not currently exist on the model.
positional arguments:
  fixture               Fixture labels.