#.-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import troggle.settings as settings
import troggle.expo.models as models
import csv
import re
import datetime
import os
# Julian: the below code was causing errors and it seems like a duplication of the above. Hope I haven't broken anything by commenting it. -Aaron
# if name in expoers2008:
# print "2008:", name
# expomissing.discard(name) # I got an error which I think was caused by this -- python complained that a set changed size during iteration.
# yo = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year = "2008")[0]
# pyo = models.PersonExpedition(person = pObject, expedition = yo, is_guest=is_guest)
# pyo.save()
def parseMugShotAndBlurb(firstname, lastname, person, header, pObject):
#create mugshot Photo instance
mugShotPath = os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "folk", person[header["Mugshot"]])
if mugShotPath[-3:]=='jpg': #if person just has an image, add it
mugShotObj = models.Photo(
caption="Mugshot for "+firstname+" "+lastname,
elif mugShotPath[-3:]=='htm': #if person has an html page, find the image(s) and add it. Also, add the text from the html page to the "blurb" field in his model instance.
", "", name)
mname = re.match("(\w+)(?:\s((?:van |ten )?\w+))?(?:\s\(([^)]*)\))?", name)
nickname = mname.group(3) or ""
person = models.Person(first_name=mname.group(1), last_name=(mname.group(2) or ""))
person.is_vfho = personline[header["VfHO member"]]
#print "NNNN", person.href
is_guest = (personline[header["Guest"]] == "1") # this is really a per-expo catagory; not a permanent state
#parseMugShotAndBlurb(firstname, lastname, person, header, pObject)
# make person expedition from table
for year, attended in zip(headers, personline)[5:]:
expedition = models.Expedition.objects.get(year=year)
if attended == "1" or attended == "-1":
personexpedition = models.PersonExpedition(person=person, expedition=expedition, nickname=nickname, is_guest=is_guest)
# The below is no longer necessary because the 2008 expedition people have been added to surveys.csv. - AC 16 Feb 09
# this fills in those people for whom 2008 was their first expo
# print "Loading personexpeditions 2008"
# for name in expomissing:
# firstname, lastname = name.split()
# is_guest = name in ["Eeva Makiranta", "Keith Curtis"]
# print "2008:", name
# persons = list(models.Person.objects.filter(first_name=firstname, last_name=lastname))
# if not persons:
# person = models.Person(first_name=firstname, last_name = lastname, is_vfho = False, mug_shot = "")
# #person.Sethref()
# person.save()
# else:
# person = persons[0]
# expedition = models.Expedition.objects.get(year="2008")
# personexpedition = models.PersonExpedition(person=person, expedition=expedition, nickname="", is_guest=is_guest)
# personexpedition.save()
# could rank according to surveying as well
# print "Setting person notability"
# for person in models.Person.objects.all():
# person.notability = 0.0
# for personexpedition in person.personexpedition_set.all():
# if not personexpedition.is_guest:
# person.notability += 1.0 / (2012 - int(personexpedition.expedition.year))
# person.bisnotable = person.notability > 0.3 # I don't know how to filter by this
# person.save()
# used in other referencing parser functions
# expedition name lookup cached for speed (it's a very big list)
Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup = { }
def GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expedition):
global Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup
res = Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup.get(expedition.name)
if res:
return res
res = { }
duplicates = set()
print "Calculating GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup for", expedition.year
personexpeditions = models.PersonExpedition.objects.filter(expedition=expedition)
for personexpedition in personexpeditions:
possnames = [ ]
f = personexpedition.person.first_name.lower()
l = personexpedition.person.last_name.lower()
if l:
possnames.append(f + " " + l)
possnames.append(f + " " + l[0])
possnames.append(f + l[0])
possnames.append(f[0] + " " + l)
if personexpedition.nickname:
for possname in possnames:
if possname in res:
res[possname] = personexpedition
for possname in duplicates:
del res[possname]
Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup[expedition.name] = res
return res