{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Data import report{% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Expo Survex debug report</h1> <h3>Running list of warnings during import</h3> <hr> <p>See <a href="/surveximport">Survex import record</a> - indented *include and begin/end tree<br /> <p>Go to <a href="/controlpanel">Control panel</a> - for other import reports<br> <hr> <pre> <p style="font-family: Consolas, Lucida Console, monospace; font-size: small"> {{log}} </pre> <p>This report is generated from <code>templates/survexdebug.html</code> and by <code>survexdebug(request)</code> in <code>core/views/statistics.py </code> <hr> <p>Go to <a href="/surveximport">Survex import record</a> - indented *include and begin/end tree<br /> <p>Go to <a href="/controlpanel">Control panel</a> - for other import reports <p>Go to <a href="/handbook/troggle/trogmanual.html">Troggle maintenance manuals</a> {% endblock %}