{% extends "base.html" %} {% load wiki_markup %} {% block title %}Person Index{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Notable expoers

{% for person in notablepersons|dictsortreversed:"notability" %} {% endfor %}
{{person|wiki_to_html_short}} {{ person.first.expedition.year }} {{ person.last.expedition.year }} {{person.notability|floatformat:2}}

This is based purely on attendance, not on activities, surveying or usefulness of any kind. But as Woody Allen said: "90% of success is just turning up". It should really be called "Notably recent expoers" as the metric is just a geometric "recency" (1/2 for attending last year, 1/3 for the year before, etc., added up. Display cuttoff is 1/3.).

All expoers

{% for persons in personss %} {% endfor %}
{% for person in persons %} {% endfor %}
PersonFirstLastSurveyed length
{{person|wiki_to_html_short}} {{person.first.expedition.year}} {{person.last.expedition.year}}
{% endblock %}