import os import os import re from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from django.db import models from django.template import loader import settings from troggle.core.models.logbooks import QM from troggle.core.models.survex import SurvexStation, utmToLatLng from troggle.core.models.troggle import DataIssue, TroggleModel from troggle.core.utils import TROG, writetrogglefile # Use the TROG global object to cache the cave lookup list. No good for multi-user.., or even multi-page. Pointless in fact. Gcavelookup = TROG["caves"]["gcavelookup"] Gcave_count = TROG["caves"]["gcavecount"] Gcavelookup = None Gcave_count = None """The model declarations for Areas, Caves and Entrances """ todo = """ - Find out why we have separate objects CaveSlug and why these are not just a single field on the Model. This was Martin's idea, but we are using text aliases now so we only need one slug in the data model - Can we rewrite things to eliminate the CaveSlug and objects? Surely foreign keys work fine ?! - Why do we have CaveAndEntrance objects ? These do not need to be explcit for a many:many relationship these days - move the aliases list from the code and put into an editable file - Restore constraint: unique_together = (("area", "kataster_number"), ("area", "unofficial_number")) or replace by a unique 'slug' field, better. """ class CaveAndEntrance(models.Model): """This class is ONLY used to create a FormSet for editing the cave and all its entrances in one form. CASCADE means that if the cave or the entrance is deleted, then this CaveAndEntrance is deleted too NOT NEEDED anymore if we insist that cave:entrances have 1:n multiplicity. """ cave = models.ForeignKey("Cave", on_delete=models.CASCADE) entrance = models.ForeignKey("Entrance", on_delete=models.CASCADE) entranceletter = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True, null=True) class Meta: unique_together = [["cave", "entrance"], ["cave", "entranceletter"]] ordering = ["entranceletter"] def __str__(self): return str(self.cave) + str(self.entranceletter) # class CaveSlug(models.Model): # moved to models/ to avoid cyclic import problem. No I don't know why either. def get_cave_leniently(caveid): try: c = getCave(caveid) if c: return c except: # print(f"get_cave_leniently FAIL {caveid}") try: c = getCave("1623-"+caveid) if c: return c except: return None class Cave(TroggleModel): # (far) too much here perhaps, areacode = models.CharField(max_length=4, blank=True, null=True) # could use models.IntegerChoices subarea = models.CharField(max_length=25, blank=True, null=True) # 9, 8c etc. depth = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) description_file = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) entrances = models.ManyToManyField("Entrance", through="CaveAndEntrance") equipment = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) explorers = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) extent = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) filename = models.CharField(max_length=200) # if a cave is 'pending' this is not set. Otherwise it is. kataster_code = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True, null=True) kataster_number = models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True, null=True) kataster_status = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) length = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) notes = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) official_name = models.CharField(max_length=160) references = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) survex_file = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) # should be a foreign key? survey = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # underground_centre_line = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) underground_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) unofficial_number = models.CharField(max_length=60, blank=True, null=True) url = models.CharField(max_length=300, blank=True, null=True, unique = True) class Meta: # we do not enforce uniqueness at the db level as that causes confusing errors for newbie maintainers # unique_together = (("area", "kataster_number"), ("area", "unofficial_number")) ordering = ("kataster_code", "unofficial_number") def slug(self): primarySlugs = self.caveslug_set.filter(primary=True) if primarySlugs: return primarySlugs[0].slug else: slugs = self.caveslug_set.filter() if slugs: return slugs[0].slug def ours(self): return bool("CUCC", self.explorers)) def number(self): if self.kataster_number: return self.kataster_number else: return self.unofficial_number def get_absolute_url(self): # we do not use URL_ROOT any more. # if self.kataster_number: # pass # elif self.unofficial_number: # pass # else: # self.official_name.lower() return self.url # not good Django style? NEEDS actual URL def url_parent(self): if self.url: return self.url.rsplit("/", 1)[0] else: return "NO cave.url" def __str__(self, sep=": "): return str(self.slug()) def get_open_QMs(self): """Searches for all QMs that reference this cave.""" # qms = self.qm_set.all().order_by('expoyear', 'block__date') qms = QM.objects.filter(cave=self).order_by( "expoyear", "block__date" ) # a QuerySet, see qmsopen = qms.filter(ticked=False) return qmsopen # a QuerySet def get_ticked_QMs(self): """Searches for all QMs that reference this cave.""" qms = QM.objects.filter(cave=self).order_by( "expoyear", "block__date" ) qmticked = qms.filter(ticked=True) return qmticked # a QuerySet def get_QMs(self): qms = self.get_open_QMs() | self.get_ticked_QMs() # set union operation return qms # a QuerySet def entrances(self): return CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(cave=self) def no_location(self): no_data = True for e in CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(cave=self): if e.entrance.best_station() and e.entrance.best_station() != "": #print(self, e, e.entrance.best_station()) try: x = e.entrance.best_station_object().x no_data = False except: pass return no_data def singleentrance(self): return len(CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(cave=self)) == 1 def entrancelist(self): rs = [] res = "" for e in CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(cave=self): if e.entranceletter: rs.append(e.entranceletter) rs.sort() prevR = "" n = 0 for r in rs: if prevR: if chr(ord(prevR) + 1) == r: prevR = r n += 1 else: if n == 0: res += ", " + prevR else: res += "–" + prevR else: prevR = r n = 0 res += r if n == 0: if res: res += ", " + prevR else: res += "–" + prevR return res def file_output(self): """This produces the content which wll be re-saved as the cave_data html file. """ if not self.filename: self.filename = self.slug() + ".html" filepath = Path(settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS, self.filename) t = loader.get_template("dataformat/cave.xml") now = c = dict({"cave": self, "date": now}) content = t.render(c) return (filepath, content, "utf8") def writeDataFile(self): filepath, content, coding = self.file_output() writetrogglefile(filepath, content) return class Entrance(TroggleModel): MARKING_CHOICES = ( ("P", "Paint"), ("P?", "Paint (?)"), ("T", "Tag"), ("T?", "Tag (?)"), ("R", "Needs Retag"), ("S", "Spit"), ("S?", "Spit (?)"), ("U", "Unmarked"), ("?", "Unknown"), ) FINDABLE_CHOICES = (("?", "To be confirmed ..."), ("S", "Coordinates"), ("L", "Lost"), ("R", "Refindable")) alt = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) approach = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) bearings = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) entrance_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) explorers = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) filename = models.CharField(max_length=200) findability = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=FINDABLE_CHOICES, blank=True, null=True, default="?") findability_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) lastvisit = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) lat_wgs84 = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # manually entered not calculated location_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) long_wgs84 = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) # manually entered not calculated # map_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) marking = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=MARKING_CHOICES, default="?") marking_comment = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) other_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) photo = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50, unique=True, default="default_slug_id") underground_description = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) tag_station = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) other_station = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: ordering = ["caveandentrance__entranceletter"] def __str__(self): return str(self.slug) def single(self, station): if not station: return None try: single = SurvexStation.objects.get(name = station) return single except: stations = SurvexStation.objects.filter(name = station) print(f" # EXCEPTION looking for '{station}' in all stations. (Entrance {self})") if len(stations) > 1: print(f" # MULTIPLE stations found with same name '{station}' in Entrance {self}:") for s in stations: print(f" # {} - {} {s.latlong()}") # .id is Django internal field, not one of ours return stations[0] else: return None def singleletter(self): """Used in template/dataformat/cave.xml to write out a replacement cave_data file why is this not working? """ cavelist = self.cavelist try: first = cavelist[0] ce = CaveAndEntrance.objects.get(entrance=self, cave=first) except: # will fail if no caves in cavelist or if the cave isnt in the db return "Z" print(f"singleletter() access for first cave in {cavelist=}") if ce.entranceletter == "": print(f"### BLANK LETTER") return "Y" else: letter = ce.entranceletter print(f"### LETTER {letter}") return letter def other_location(self): return self.single(self.other_station) def find_location(self): r = {"": "To be entered ", "?": "To be confirmed:", "S": "", "L": "Lost:", "R": "Refindable:"}[self.findability] if self.tag_station: try: s = SurvexStation.objects.lookup(self.tag_station) return r + f"{s.x:0.0f}E {s.y:0.0f}N {s.z:0.0f}Alt" except: return r + f"{self.tag_station} Tag Station not in dataset" if self.other_station: try: s = SurvexStation.objects.lookup(self.other_station) return r + f"{s.x:0.0f}E {s.y:0.0f}N {s.z:0.0f}Alt {self.other_description}" except: return r + f"{self.tag_station} Other Station not in dataset" if self.FINDABLE_CHOICES == "S": r += "ERROR, Entrance has been surveyed but has no survex point" if self.bearings: return r + self.bearings return r def best_station(self): if self.tag_station: return self.tag_station if self.other_station: return self.other_station def best_station_object(self): bs = self.best_station() return SurvexStation.objects.get(name=bs) def has_photo(self): if if (" -1 or" -1 or" -1 or" -1 ): return "Yes" else: return "Missing" else: return "No" def marking_val(self): for m in self.MARKING_CHOICES: if m[0] == self.marking: return m[1] def findability_val(self): for f in self.FINDABLE_CHOICES: if f[0] == self.findability: return f[1] def tag(self): return self.single(self.tag_station) def other(self): return self.single(self.other_station) def needs_surface_work(self): return self.findability != "S" or not self.has_photo or self.marking != "T" def get_absolute_url(self): res = "/".join((self.get_root().cave.get_absolute_url(), self.title)) return res def cavelist(self): rs = [] for e in CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(entrance=self): if e.cave: rs.append(e.cave) return rs def firstcave(self): for e in CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(entrance=self): if e.cave: return(e.cave) def get_file_path(self): return Path(settings.ENTRANCEDESCRIPTIONS, self.filename) def file_output(self): if not self.filename: self.filename = self.slug + ".html" filepath = self.get_file_path() t = loader.get_template("dataformat/entrance.xml") now = c = dict({"entrance": self, "date": now}) content = t.render(c) return (filepath, content, "utf8") def writeDataFile(self): filepath, content, coding = self.file_output() writetrogglefile(filepath, content) return def url_parent(self): if self.url: return self.url.rsplit("/", 1)[0] else: cavelist = self.cavelist() if len(self.cavelist()) == 1: return cavelist[0].url_parent() else: return "" def latlong(self): """Gets lat long assuming that it has to get it from the associated stations """ station = None if self.other_station: try: station = SurvexStation.objects.get(name = self.other_station) except: pass if self.tag_station: try: station = SurvexStation.objects.get(name = self.tag_station) except: pass if station: return station.latlong() def lat(self): if self.latlong(): return self.latlong()[0] else: return None def long(self): if self.latlong(): return self.latlong()[1] else: return None def best_alt(self): return self.best_station_object().z def best_srtm_alt(self): return self.best_station_object().srtm_alt def GetCaveLookup(): """A very relaxed way of finding probably the right cave given almost any string which might serve to identify it lookup function modelled on GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup repeated assignment each call, needs refactoring Used when parsing wallets contents.json file too in views/ Needs to be a proper function that raises an exception if there is a duplicate. OR we could set it to return None if there are duplicates, and require the caller to fall back on doing the actual database query it wants rather than using this cache shortcut """ duplicates = {} def checkcaveid(cave, id): global Gcavelookup if id not in Gcavelookup: Gcavelookup[id] = cave Gcave_count[id] += 1 else: if cave == Gcavelookup[id]: pass # same id, same cave else: # same id but different cave, e.g. 122 => 1623-122 and 1626-122 duplicates[id] = 1 global Gcavelookup if Gcavelookup: return Gcavelookup Gcavelookup = {"NONEPLACEHOLDER": None} global Gcave_count Gcave_count = defaultdict(int) # sets default value to int(0) for cave in Cave.objects.all(): key = cave.official_name.lower() if key != "" and key != "unamed" and key != "unnamed": if Gcave_count[key] > 0: # message = f" - Warning: ignoring alias id '{id:3}'. Caves '{Gcavelookup[id]}' and '{cave}'. " # print(message) # DataIssue.objects.create(parser="aliases", message=message) duplicates[key] = 1 else: Gcavelookup[key] = cave Gcave_count[key] += 1 if cave.kataster_number: # NOTE this will set an alias for "145" not "1623-145" checkcaveid(cave, cave.kataster_number) # we do expect 1623/55 and 1626/55 to cause clash, removed below # the rest of these are 'nice to have' but may validly already be set if cave.unofficial_number: unoffn = cave.unofficial_number.lower() checkcaveid(cave, unoffn) if cave.filename: # this is the slug - usually.. but usually done as as f'{cave.area}-{cave.kataster_number}' fn = cave.filename.replace(".html", "").lower() checkcaveid(cave, fn) if cave.slug(): # also possibly done already slug = cave.slug().lower() checkcaveid(cave, slug) # These might alse create more duplicate entries # Yes, this should be set in, and imported from, # On reset, these aliases only work if the cave already properly exists with an entry in :expoweb:/cave_data/ # but as the aliases are recomputed repeatedly, eventually they work on PENDING caves too aliases = [ ("1987-02", "1623-267"), ("1990-01", "1623-171"), ("1990-02", "1623-172"), ("1990-03", "1623-173"), ("1990-04", "1623-174"), ("1990-05", "1623-175"), ("1990-06", "1623-176"), ("1990-07", "1623-177"), ("1990-08", "1623-178"), ("1990-09", "1623-179"), ("1990-10", "1623-180"), ("1990-11", "1623-181"), ("1990-12", "1623-182"), ("1990-13", "1623-183"), ("1990-14", "1623-184"), ("1990-18", "1623-188"), ("1990-adam", "1623-225"), ("1993-01", "1623-200"), ("1996-02", "1623-224"), ("1996-03", "1623-223"), ("1996-04", "1623-222"), ("1996wk2", "1623-207"), ("1996wk3", "1623-208"), ("1996wk5", "1623-219"), ("1996wk6", "1623-218"), ("1996wk8", "1623-209"), ("1996wk11", "1623-268"), ("96wk11", "1623-268"), ("1998-01", "1623-201"), ("1998-03", "1623-210"), ("1999-03", "1623-204"), ("1999-04", "1623-230"), ("1999-10", "1623-162"), ("1999-bo-01", "1623-205"), ("1999-ob-03", "1623-226"), ("1999-ob-04", "1623-227"), ("99ob02", "1999-ob-02"), # exists? pending ("1623-99ob02", "1999-ob-02"), ("gassischacht", "1623-259"), ("1623-gassischacht", "1623-259"), ("2007-gassischacht", "1623-259"), ("2000-03", "1623-214"), ("2000-04", "1623-220"), ("2000-05", "1623-215"), ("2000-06", "1623-216"), ("2000-07", "1623-217"), ("2000-09", "1623-234"), ("2000-aa-01", "1623-250"), ("2001-04", "1623-239"), ("2001-05", "1623-243"), ("2002-01", "1623-249"), ("2002-02", "1623-234"), ("2002-04", "1623-242"), ("2002-05", "1623-294"), ("quarriesd", "1623-2002-08"), ("1623-quarriesd", "1623-2002-08"), ("2002-08", "1623-2002-08"), ("2003-01", "1623-256"), ("2003-02", "1623-248"), ("2003-03", "1623-247"), ("2003-04", "1623-241"), ("2003-05", "1623-246"), ("2003-06", "1623-161"), ("2003-08", "1623-240"), ("2003-09", "1623-245"), ("2003-10", "1623-244"), ("2004-01", "1623-269"), ("2004-03", "1623-270"), ("2004-11", "1623-251"), ("2004-12", "1623-161"), ("2004-15", "1623-253"), ("2004-19", "1623-254"), ("2004-20", "1623-255"), ("2005-04", "1623-204"), ("2005-05", "1623-264"), ("2005-07", "1623-257"), ("2006-08", "1623-285"), ("2006-09", "1623-298"), ("2007-71", "1623-271"), ("2010-01", "1623-263"), ("2010-03", "1623-293"), ("2012-70", "1623-296"), ("1623-2012-70", "1623-296"), ("2012-dd-05", "1623-286"), ("2012-dd-08", "1623-297"), # ("2011-01", "1623-292"), seems to be a mistake ("2012-dd-05", "1623-286"), ("2012-0w-01", "2012-ow-01"), # catch the typo: zero for 'O' ("2012-ns-13", "1623-292"), ("2014-neo-01", "1623-273"), ("2014-sd-01", "1623-274"), ("2014-ms-14", "1623-287"), ("2015-mf-06", "1623-288"), ("2016-jb-01", "1623-289"), ("2016-01", "1623-2012-ns-07"), ("2016-03", "1623-2012-ns-12"), ("2016-04", "1623-2012-ns-10"), ("2017-pw-01", "1623-277"), ("2017_cucc_24", "1623-291"), # note _ not - ("2017_cucc_23", "1623-295"), # note _ not - ("2017_cucc_28", "1623-290"), # note _ not - ("2013-cucc-03", "1623-2013-03"), ("2018-ps-01", "1623-114"), ("bs17", "1623-283"), ("1976/b11", "1623-198"), # / in name with crash url resolution, bad idea, fix in original doc ("1976/b8", "1623-197"), # / in name with crash url resolution, bad idea, fix in original doc ("1976/b9", "1623-190"), # / in name with crash url resolution, bad idea, fix in original doc ("1976-b11", "1623-198"), ("1976-b8", "1623-197"), ("1976-b9", "1623-190"), ("b11", "1623-198"), ("b8", "1623-197"), ("b9", "1623-190"), ("2011-01-bs30", "1623-190"), ("bs30", "1623-190"), ("2011-01", "1623-190"), ("2002-x11", "1623-2005-08"), ("2002-x12", "2005-07"), ("2002-x13", "1623-2005-06"), ("2002-x14", "2005-05"), ("kh", "1623-161"), ("161-kh", "1623-161"), ("204-steinBH", "1623-204"), ("stonebridge", "1623-204"), ("hauchhole", "1623-234"), ("hauch", "1623-234"), ("234-hauch", "1623-234"), ("tunnocks", "1623-258"), ("balcony", "1623-264"), ("balkon", "1623-264"), ("fgh", "1623-290"), ("fishface", "1623-290"), ("gsh", "1623-291"), ("tempest", "1623-2023-lc-01"), ("1623-2023-kt-02", "2023-kt-02"), # 1626 aliases ("langgustl", "1626-354"), ("2018-dm-07", "1626-359"), ("1626-2018-dm-07", "1626-359"), ("homecoming", "2018-dm-07"), ("heimkommen", "2018-dm-07"), ("Heimkehr", "2018-dm-07"), ("hc", "2018-dm-07"), ("loveshack", "1626-2018-ad-03"), ("crushed-garlic", "1626-2018-ad-03"), ("BuzzardHole", "1626-2023-buzzardhole"), ("2023-BuzzardHole", "1626-2023-buzzardhole"), ("1626-2023-BuzzardHole", "1626-2023-buzzardhole"), ] for key, alias in aliases: if alias in Gcavelookup: if key in Gcavelookup: # already set by a different method, but is it the same cave? if Gcavelookup[key] == Gcavelookup[alias]: pass else: # aliases wrong - these are different caves message = f" - Alias list is mis-identifying different caves {key}:{Gcavelookup[key]} != {alias}:{Gcavelookup[alias]} " print(message) DataIssue.objects.create(parser="alias", message=message) # Gcave_count[key] += 1 Gcavelookup[key] = Gcavelookup[alias] else: message = f" * Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '{alias}' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '{key}' to it" print(message) DataIssue.objects.update_or_create(parser="aliases", message=message) addmore = {} for id in Gcavelookup: addmore[id.replace("-", "_")] = Gcavelookup[id] addmore[id.replace("-", "_")] = Gcavelookup[id] addmore[id.replace("-", "_").upper()] = Gcavelookup[id] addmore[id.replace("-", "_").lower()] = Gcavelookup[id] addmore[id.replace("_", "-").upper()] = Gcavelookup[id] addmore[id.replace("_", "-").lower()] = Gcavelookup[id] Gcavelookup = {**addmore, **Gcavelookup} addmore = {} ldup = [] for d in duplicates: # if an alias resolves to 2 or more caves, remove it as an alias # NOTE such an alisas is restored, assuming a 1623 area, when parsing Wallets - but only wallets. Gcavelookup.pop(d) Gcave_count.pop(d) # so should not get a duplicate msg below.. ldup.append(d) if ldup: message = f" - Ambiguous aliases being removed: {ldup}" print(message) update_dataissue("aliases ok", message) for c in Gcave_count: if Gcave_count[c] > 1: message = f" ** Duplicate cave id count={Gcave_count[c]} id:'{Gcavelookup[c]}' cave __str__:'{c}'" print(message) DataIssue.objects.update_or_create(parser="aliases", message=message) return Gcavelookup def update_dataissue(parsercode, message): try: DataIssue.objects.update_or_create(parser=parsercode, message=message) except: # Complete bollocks, but MariaDB barfs when it shouldn't : Django 3.2 issues = DataIssue.objects.filter(parser=parsercode, message=message) print(f" # EXCEPTION looking for DataIssue '{parsercode}' {message})") if len(issues) > 1: print(f" # MULTIPLE DataIssues '{parsercode}' {message}") for s in issues: print(f" # {} DataIssues '{parsercode}' {message}") # .id is Django internal field, not one of ours message = "#2 " + message issues[0].message = message issues[0].save()