#!/bin/bash # Run this in a terminal : 'bash os-survey.sh' # On WSL, do Shift-click in the file explorer on the troggle folder to open a Linux command line # 'Open Linux shell here' echo 'Run this in a terminal in your home directory: "bash os-trog.sh"' cat /etc/os-release # Expects an Ubuntu 24.04 relatively clean install. # 24.04 has python 3.12 echo '###' echo '### NOW INSTALLING tunnel and therion, go and have a cup of tea. Or a 3-course meal.' echo '###' sudo apt install tunnelx therion -y sudo apt install survex-aven -y sudo apt install gpsprune qgis -y cd ~/expo rsync -azv --delete-after --prune-empty-dirs --exclude="photos" --exclude="video" --exclude="mapapp" expo@expo.survex.com:expofiles/ expofiles # rsync -azv --exclude="*.jpg.xml" --exclude="*.jpeg.xml" --exclude="*.JPG.xml" expo@expo.survex.com:expofiles/photos/ expofiles/photos