import re, os from pathlib import Path from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse from django.db.models import Q from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.template import Context, loader from import FileSystemStorage, default_storage from troggle.parsers.imports import import_caves, import_people, import_surveyscans from troggle.parsers.imports import import_logbooks, import_QMs, import_drawingsfiles, import_survex # from databaseReset import reinit_db # don't do this. databaseRest runs code *at import time* from troggle.core.models.troggle import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition from troggle.core.models.caves import LogbookEntry, QM, Cave, PersonTrip from .login import login_required_if_public from troggle.core.forms import UploadFileForm, SimpleUploadFileForm '''Utility functions and code to serve the control panel and individual user's progress and task list (deprecated as we do not have individual user login). Also has code to download a logbook in a choice of formats (why?!) ''' todo = ''' - Check that the logbookdownloader works by testing with a round trip. - Use it to convert all older logbooks into the 2005-variant of HTML then we can get rid of the parsers for older formats. There are no images stored in the database, so this is only a tool for a first pass, to be followed by extensive hand-editing! When we have done all the old logbooks, delete this function and the two templates. - But how does this interact with troggle/ ? - deleted newfile() - check on deleted UploadFileForm using the editfile.html template which is about re-submitting a LBE aka TripReport ''' def todos(request, module): '''produces todo text from module We should automate this to find all those strings automatically ''' from troggle.core.TESTS.tests import todo as tests from troggle.core.views.logbooks import todo as viewlogbooks from troggle.parsers.caves import todo as parserscaves from troggle.parsers.logbooks import todo as parserslogbooks from troggle.parsers.survex import todo as parserssurvex from troggle.core.models.caves import todo as modelcaves from troggle.core.forms import todo as forms from troggle.core.templatetags.wiki_markup import todo as wiki tododict = {'views/other': todo, 'tests': tests, 'views/logbooks': viewlogbooks, 'parsers/caves': parserscaves, 'parsers/logbooks': parserslogbooks, 'parsers/survex': parserssurvex, 'core/models/caves': modelcaves, 'core/forms': forms, 'core/templatetags/wiki_markup': wiki} return render(request,'core/todos.html', {'tododict': tododict}) def troggle404(request): # cannot get this to work. Handler404 in not right syntax '''Custom 404 page to be used even when Debug=True ''' context = RequestContext(request) #context['caves'] = Cave.objects.all() return render(request, ('404.html', context.flatten())) def frontpage(request): '''never seen in common practice. Logon should redirect here when this is more useful''' # the messages system does a popup on this page if there is a recent message, e.g. from the admin site actions. # via django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware # this is set in the templates. if request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request,'tasks.html') expeditions = Expedition.objects.order_by("-year") logbookentry = LogbookEntry cave = Cave #from django.contrib.admin.templatetags import log return render(request,'frontpage.html', locals()) @login_required_if_public def controlpanel(request): '''This should be re-written to use ajax so that the user can see the progress of the actions. Also need to add reinit_db option ''' jobs_completed=[] def process_imports(): ''' jq.enq("reinit",reinit_db) jq.enq("caves",import_caves) jq.enq("people",import_people) jq.enq("scans",import_surveyscans) jq.enq("logbooks",import_logbooks) jq.enq("QMs",import_QMs) jq.enq("drawings",import_drawingsfiles) jq.enq("survex",import_survex) ''' if request.POST.get("import_caves", False): import_caves() jobs_completed.append('Caves') if request.POST.get("import_people", False): import_people() jobs_completed.append('People') if request.POST.get("import_surveyscans", False): import_surveyscans() jobs_completed.append('Scans') if request.POST.get("import_logbooks", False): import_logbooks() jobs_completed.append('Logbooks') if request.POST.get("import_QMs", False): import_QMs() jobs_completed.append('QMs') if request.POST.get("import_drawingsfiles", False): import_drawingsfiles() jobs_completed.append('Drawings') if request.POST.get("import_survex", False): import_survex() jobs_completed.append('Survex') print("", flush=True) if not request.user.is_superuser: # expoadmin is both .is_staff and ._is_superuser return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'error': 'You are logged in, but not logged in as "expoadmin". \nLogout and login again to contnue.'}) else: if request.method=='POST': #reinit_db() process_imports() return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'expeditions':Expedition.objects.all(),'jobs_completed':jobs_completed}) else: return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'expeditions':Expedition.objects.all(),'jobs_completed':jobs_completed}) def exportlogbook(request,year=None,extension=None): '''Constructs, from the database, a complete HTML (or TXT) formatted logbook - but TEXT ONLY for the current year. Formats available are HTML2005 or 2008text There are no images stored in the database, so this is only a tool for a first pass, to be followed by extensive hand-editing. NEED TO ADD IN THE MATERIAL WHIHC IS NOT IN ANY LBE ! e.g. front matter. This is the recipient of the POST action os the export form in the control panel ''' def lbeKey(lbe): """This function goes into a lexicogrpahic sort function """ return str( if not request.method=='POST': return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'expeditions':Expedition.objects.all(),'jobs_completed':""}) else: print(f'Logbook export {request.POST}') if request.POST.get("year", '2016'): year = request.POST['year'] if request.POST.get("extension", 'html'): extension = request.POST['extension'] # e.g. html current_expedition=Expedition.objects.get(year=year) logbook_entries=LogbookEntry.objects.filter(expedition=current_expedition).order_by('date') # need to be sorted by date! #print(f'Logbook has {len(logbook_entries)} entries in it.') if extension =='txt': response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/plain') style='2008' else : extension == 'html' response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/html') style='2005' filename='newlogbook.' + extension template='logbook'+style+'style.'+extension response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename='+filename t=loader.get_template(template) logbookfile = (t.render({'logbook_entries':logbook_entries})) dir = Path(settings.EXPOWEB) / "years" / year filepath = Path(dir, filename) with(open(filepath, 'w')) as lb: lb.writelines(logbookfile) #print(f'Logbook exported to {filepath}') completed = f'Logbook exported to {filename}' return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'expeditions':Expedition.objects.all(),'jobs_completed':[completed]}) def ajax_test(request): post_text = request.POST['post_data'] return HttpResponse("{'response_text': '"+post_text+" recieved.'}", content_type="application/json") @login_required_if_public def scanupload(request, year='2050'): print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start') if request.method == 'POST': form = SimpleUploadFileForm(request.POST,request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): # comment out so nothing saved in MEDIA_ROOT/fileuploads f = request.FILES["simplefile"] w = request.POST["title"] print(f'! - FORM scanupload uploaded {}') fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, year, w)) actual_saved =, content=f) # name may chnage to avoid clash # INSERT check if name is changed, to allow user to abort and rename - or lets do a chaecjk anyway. print(f'! - FORM scanupload {actual_saved}') form = SimpleUploadFileForm() return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html', {'form': form,'filesaved': True, 'actual_saved': actual_saved}) else: form = SimpleUploadFileForm() return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html', {'form':form,})