#!/bin/bash # read in the input string from command line arguments input=$1 # pad the input string with a single "1" bit padded_input="$input"$(echo -ne '\x80') # pad the input string to a multiple of 512 bits (64 bytes) while (( $(echo -n "$padded_input" | wc -c) % 64 != 56 )) do padded_input="$padded_input"$(echo -ne '\x00') done # append the length of the input string (in bits) as a 64-bit little-endian integer length=$(echo -n "$input" | wc -c) length=$(echo "obase=16; $length * 8" | bc | xxd -p -c 16 | tac | tr -d '\n') while (( $(echo -n "$length" | wc -c) < 16 )) do length="$length"0 done padded_input="$padded_input"$(echo -ne "$length" | xxd -r -p) # initialize the buffer (A, B, C, D) A="67452301" B="efcdab89" C="98badcfe" D="10325476" # process the input in 512-bit (64-byte) chunks for (( i=0; i<$(echo -n "$padded_input" | wc -c)/64; i++ )) do chunk=$(echo -n "$padded_input" | dd bs=64 skip=$i count=1 2>/dev/null | xxd -p -c 64) # initialize the message schedule (M) M=() for (( j=0; j<16; j++ )) do word=$(echo -ne "${chunk:$j*8:8}" | xxd -r -p | od -An -tu4 -v) M+=($word) done for (( j=16; j<64; j++ )) do word1=${M[j-15]} s0=$(( (word1>>7 | word1<<25) ^ (word1>>18 | word1<<14) ^ (word1>>3) )) word2=${M[j-2]} s1=$(( (word2>>17 | word2<<15) ^ (word2>>19 | word2<<13) ^ (word2>>10) )) M+=($((M[j-16] + s0 + M[j-7] + s1))) done # initialize the working variables AA=$A BB=$B CC=$C DD=$D # round 1 for (( j=0; j<16; j++ )) do F=$(( (B & C) | (~B & D) )) g=$j dTemp=$((D)) D=$((C)) C=$((B)) B=$((B + ((A + F + M[g] + 0xd76aa478) & 0xffffffff))) A=$((dTemp)) done # round 2 for (( j=16; j<32; j++ )) do F=$(( (D & B) | (~D & C) )) g=$(( (5*j + 1) % 16 )) dTemp=$((D)) D=$((C)) C=$((B))