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synced 2025-02-17 20:50:13 +00:00
Make people listed in wallets url-linkable
This commit is contained in:
@ -598,9 +598,13 @@ def GetCaveLookup():
("2007-71", "1623-271"),
("2010-01", "1623-263"),
("2010-03", "1623-293"),
("2012-70", "1623-296"),
("1623-2012-70", "1623-296"),
("2012-dd-05", "1623-286"),
("2012-dd-08", "1623-297"),
# ("2011-01", "1623-292"), seems to be a mistake
("2012-dd-05", "1623-286"),
("2012-0w-01", "2012-ow-01"),
("2012-0w-01", "2012-ow-01"), # typo zero for 'O'
("2012-ns-13", "1623-292"),
("2014-neo-01", "1623-273"),
("2014-sd-01", "1623-274"),
@ -624,8 +628,8 @@ def GetCaveLookup():
("2011-01-bs30", "1623-190"),
("bs30", "1623-190"),
("2011-01", "1623-190"),
("2002-x11", "2005-08"),
("2002-x12", "2005-07"),
("2002-x11", "1623-2005-08"),
("2002-x12", "1623-2005-07"),
("2002-x13", "1623-2005-06"),
("2002-x14", "2005-05"),
("kh", "1623-161"),
@ -676,7 +680,7 @@ def GetCaveLookup():
message = f" * Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '{alias}' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '{key}' to it"
DataIssue.objects.create(parser="aliases", message=message)
DataIssue.objects.update_or_create(parser="aliases", message=message)
addmore = {}
for id in Gcavelookup:
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ def make_valid_date(date):
return None
if datestr: # might have been None
print(f"! - Failed to understand date, none of our tricks worked {datestr=} ")
if datestr != "None":
print(f"! - Failed to understand date, none of our tricks worked {datestr=} ")
return None
archaic_wallets = [
@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ def populatewallet(w):
Only gets data from the survex file when it was parsed on import, or edited (& thus parsed) online,
so doesn't work if there was no *ref value
slugpeople = []
slugpeople = set()
blocks = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(scanswallet=w)
for b in blocks:
for personrole in b.survexpersonrole_set.all():
slugpeople.append(personrole.person) # Person objects, not the names anymore
w.slugpeople = list(set(slugpeople))
slugpeople.add(personrole.person) # Person objects, not the names anymore
w.slugpeople = slugpeople
def caveifywallet(w):
@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ def fillblankpeople(w):
if no one explicitly attached.
the JSON string which may OR MAY NOT be formatted as a list.
w.slugpeople is set only if there is no explicit string of people's name in the wallet
w.persons is set only if there is an explicit list of peoples' names in the wallet
The template choses which to display depending on whether w.slugpeople exists or not.
w.slugpeople is from the survexfiles
w.persons is from the explicit list of peoples' names in the wallet
The template choses how to display them.
def nobody(wplist):
if len(wplist) > 1:
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def fillblankpeople(w):
return False
wp = w.people() # just a list of names as strings, direct from JSON. Replace with list of Person objects in parser?
wp = w.people() # just a list of names as strings, direct from JSON.
if not isinstance(wp, list): # might be None
print(f"{w} NOT A LIST {type(wp)}: {wp}")
@ -109,9 +109,13 @@ def fillblankpeople(w):
if nobody(wp):
populatewallet(w) # sets w.slugpeople
w.persons = wp
w.persons = parse_name_list(w)
populatewallet(w) # sets w.slugpeople
if hasattr(w, "slugpeople"):
w.persons = w.persons.difference(w.slugpeople)
def is_cave(wallet, id):
if not id:
return False
@ -162,18 +166,43 @@ def fillblankothers(w):
w.caveobj = Gcavelookup[wcaveid.strip("' []'")]
def fixsurvextick(w, ticks):
ticks["S"] = w.fixsurvextick(ticks["S"])
def parse_name_list(w):
"""Given a list of strings, which are names, and the year of an expo,
return a set of Persons
namelist = w.people()
peeps = set()
expo = Expedition.objects.get(year=w.year())
crew = GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expo)
for n in namelist:
# if n.lower().startswith("lydia"):
# print(f"{w} {n=} ")
# for x in crew:
# if x.lower()==n.lower():
# print(f"{w} {n=} {x=}")
if n.lower() in crew:
if n.startswith("*"): #ignore people flagged as guests or not-expo anyway, such as ARGE
nobod = n.lower()
if nobod == "unknown" or nobod == "nobody" or nobod == " " or nobod == "":
wurl = f"/walletedit/{w.walletname.replace('#',':')}"
message = f"{w} name '{n.lower()}' NOT found in GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup({w.year()}) ?!"
DataIssue.objects.update_or_create(parser="wallets", message=message, url=wurl)
return peeps
def walletslistperson(request, slug):
"""Page which displays a list of all the wallets for a specific person
HORRIBLE linear search through everything. Index and do SQL query properly
Currently ONLY getting wallets with survex files attached, not free-text searching the wallet.people list
# GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
# Remember that 'personexpedition__expedition' is interpreted by Django to mean the
# 'expedition' object which is connected by a foreign key to the 'personexpedition'
@ -183,29 +212,39 @@ def walletslistperson(request, slug):
def personwallet(p):
manywallets = set()
# Get the persons from the survexblocks on the survexfiles attached to the wallet directly
sps = SurvexPersonRole.objects.filter(person=p)
for sp in sps:
w = sp.survexblock.scanswallet
if w:
# Now read the text strings in the list of wallet people and identify the person
pes = PersonExpedition.objects.filter(person=p)
for person_expo in pes:
expo = person_expo.expedition
year = expo.year
crew = GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expo)
wallets = Wallet.objects.filter(walletyear__year=year)
for w in wallets:
if w in manywallets: # already seen it
if w in manywallets:
# we already know this is a wallet we need to report on
w.persons = w.people() # ephemeral attribute 'persons' for web page
crew = GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expo)
for n in w.persons:
for n in w.people():
# if n.lower().startswith("lydia"):
# print(f"{w} {n=} ")
# for x in crew:
# if x.lower()==n.lower():
# print(f"{w} {n=} {x=}")
if n.lower() in crew:
if crew[n.lower()] == person_expo:
# print(f"{w} Found a non-survex wallet for {person_expo}")
if n.startswith("*"): #ignore people flagged as guests or not-expo anyway, such as ARGE
nobod = n.lower()
if nobod == "unknown" or nobod == "nobody" or nobod == " " or nobod == "":
@ -337,8 +376,8 @@ def cavewallets(request, caveid):
# print(f' - Found one ! {z.walletname=} {zcaveid=}')
elif cleanid in ['surface', 'unknown', '']:
message = f" ! In {z.walletname} cavewallets, ignoring '{cleanid}' as not a cave"
# message = f" ! In {z.walletname} cavewallets, ignoring '{cleanid}' as not a cave"
# print(message)
wurl = f"/walletedit/{z.walletname.replace('#',':')}"
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
{% endfor %}
Red star <span style="color: red">*</span> against a name indicates that no survex file is explicitly associated with the cave.
Red star <span style="color: red">*</span> against a name indicates that no survex file is explicitly associated with the cave (but there might be a *fix somewhere)
<div style="column-count: 3;">
@ -31,8 +31,13 @@ traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete c
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.walletdate %}{{wallet.walletdate}}{% else %} {% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.name %}{{wallet.name|truncatechars:20}}{% else %}<em>{% if wallet.displaynames %} {% for dn in wallet.displaynames %}{{dn}}{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}{% else %} {% endif %}</em>{% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.slugpeople %}<em>{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</em>{% else %}{{wallet.persons }}{% endif %}</td>
<td align="center" style="padding:2px"><a href="{{wallet.get_absolute_url}}">{{wallet.singlescan_set.all|length}}</a></td>
<td style="padding:2px">
{% if wallet.slugpeople %}
<em>{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</em>
{% endif %}
{%for p in wallet.persons%}
<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}</td> <td align="center" style="padding:2px"><a href="{{wallet.get_absolute_url}}">{{wallet.singlescan_set.all|length}}</a></td>
<td style="padding:2px">
{% for survexblock in wallet.survexblock_set.all %}
<a href="{% url "svx" survexblock.survexfile.path %}">{{survexblock}}</a>
@ -49,5 +54,5 @@ traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete c
{% endfor %}
<br />Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
{% endblock %}
@ -30,7 +30,13 @@ traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete c
<td style="padding:2px" >{% if wallet.walletdate %}{{wallet.walletdate}}{% else %} {% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.name %}{{wallet.name|truncatechars:20}}{% else %}<em>{% if wallet.displaynames %} {% for dn in wallet.displaynames %}{{dn}}{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}{% else %} {% endif %}</em>{% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.slugpeople %}<em>{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</em>{% else %}{{wallet.persons }}{% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">
{% if wallet.slugpeople %}
<em>{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</em>
{% endif %}
{%for p in wallet.persons%}
<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">
{% if wallet.cave %}
{% if wallet.caveobj.slug %}
@ -58,6 +64,6 @@ traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete c
{% endfor %}
<br />Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
{% endblock %}
@ -39,7 +39,13 @@ traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete c
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.walletdate %}{{wallet.walletdate}}{% else %} {% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.name %}{{wallet.name|truncatechars:20}}{% else %}<em>{% if wallet.displaynames %} {% for dn in wallet.displaynames %}{{dn}}{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}{% else %} {% endif %}</em>{% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">{% if wallet.slugpeople %}<em>{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</em>{% else %}{{wallet.persons }}{% endif %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">
{% if wallet.slugpeople %}
<em>{%for p in wallet.slugpeople%}<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</em>
{% endif %}
{%for p in wallet.persons%}
<a href="/person/{{p.slug}}">{{p.fullname}}</a>{%if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}</td>
<td style="padding:2px">
{% if wallet.cave %}
{% if wallet.caveobj.slug %}
@ -67,5 +73,5 @@ traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete c
{% endfor %}
<br />Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
{% endblock %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user