diff --git a/core/views/expo.py b/core/views/expo.py
index 54c166c..0fc86e2 100644
--- a/core/views/expo.py
+++ b/core/views/expo.py
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def expowebpage(request, expowebpath, path):
         with open(os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path), "r") as o:   
             html = o.read()
-         return HttpResponse(default_head +  '<h3>UTF-8 Parsing Failure:<br>Page could not be parsed using UTF-8:<br>failure detected in expowebpage in views.expo.py</h3> Please edit this <var>:expoweb:</var> page to replace dubious umlauts with HTML entitiies  in the expected code. </body' )
+         return HttpResponse(default_head +  '<h3>UTF-8 Parsing Failure:<br>Page could not be parsed using UTF-8:<br>failure detected in expowebpage in views.expo.py</h3> Please edit this <var>:expoweb:</var> page to replace dubious umlauts and &pound; symbols with correct HTML entities e.g. <em>&amp;pound;;</em>. </body' )
     m = re.search(r'(.*)<\s*head([^>]*)>(.*)<\s*/head\s*>(.*)<\s*body([^>]*)>(.*)<\s*/body\s*>(.*)', html, re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE)
     if m:
diff --git a/templates/expopage.html b/templates/expopage.html
index fab3bc1..912fe5a 100644
--- a/templates/expopage.html
+++ b/templates/expopage.html
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 {% else %}
     {% if not has_menu %}
         {% include "menu.html" %}
+    {% else %}
+        {% if editable %}<li><a href="{% url "editexpopage" path %}" class="editlink"><strong>Edit this Page</strong></a></li>{% endif %}
     {% endif %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}