diff --git a/core/views_survex.py b/core/views_survex.py
index 95bdc70..852dd25 100644
--- a/core/views_survex.py
+++ b/core/views_survex.py
@@ -213,6 +213,11 @@ def err(request, survex_file):
 def identifycavedircontents(gcavedir):
     # find the primary survex file in each cave directory
+    # name is the directory, nf is the base name of the file we are currently trying
+    # primesvx is the 'controlling' .svx for this dir. This code currently wrongly assumes that every dir has one
+    # The in-scan exceptions are a bad idea.
+    # subsvx is all the svx files in this dir, with 'primesvx' listed first
+    # subdirs is sibdirs of the current dir.
     name = os.path.split(gcavedir)[1]
     subdirs = [ ]
     subsvx = [ ]
@@ -231,7 +236,7 @@ def identifycavedircontents(gcavedir):
         elif f[-4:] == ".svx":
             nf = f[:-4]
-            if nf.lower() == name.lower() or nf[:3] == "all" or (name, nf) in [("resurvey2005", "145-2005"), ("cucc", "cu115")]:
+            if nf.lower() == name.lower() or nf[:3] == "all" or (name, nf) in [("resurvey2005", "145-2005"),("cucc","142"),("cucc","cu115")]:
                 if primesvx:
                     if nf[:3] == "all":
                         assert primesvx[:3] != "all", (name, nf, primesvx, gcavedir, subsvx)
@@ -242,10 +247,15 @@ def identifycavedircontents(gcavedir):
                     primesvx = nf
-        else:
-            assert re.match(".*?(?:.3d|.log|.err|.txt|.tmp|.diff|.e?spec|~)$", f), (gcavedir, f)
+        #else:
+            # This assert means that having a .ods file in the dir is fatal - that's not a good thing
+            # so commented out [W]
+            #assert re.match(".*?(?:.3d|.log|.err|.txt|.tmp|.diff|.e?spec|~)$", f), (gcavedir, f)
-    assert primesvx, (gcavedir, subsvx)
+    #If this code fails then _no_ survey files are vieable. 
+    #This assert means that any wierd file someone checks in to the dataset can make _everything_ unveiwable.
+    #If we don't grok it then just skip it.?
+    #assert primesvx, (gcavedir, subsvx)
     if primesvx:
         subsvx.insert(0, primesvx)
     return subdirs, subsvx