diff --git a/core/views/uploads.py b/core/views/uploads.py
index 9bcce94..0be3d35 100644
--- a/core/views/uploads.py
+++ b/core/views/uploads.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import subprocess
+import hashlib
 from pathlib import Path
 from django import forms
@@ -6,6 +7,7 @@ from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
 from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
 import settings
+from troggle.core.models.logbooks import LogbookEntry, PersonLogEntry
 from troggle.core.models.survex import DrawingFile
 # from databaseReset import reinit_db # don't do this. databaseRest runs code *at import time*
@@ -38,6 +40,8 @@ todo = """
 - Make file rename utility less ugly.
+sha = hashlib.new('sha256')
 class FilesForm(forms.Form):  # not a model-form, just a form-form
     uploadfiles = forms.FileField()
@@ -56,10 +60,33 @@ class LogbookEditForm(forms.Form):  # not a model-form, just a form-form
     author = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
-def logbookedit(request, year=None):
-    """Type in a logbook entry.
-    No editing yet, name is implying a future enhancement
+def logbookedit(request, year=None, slug=None):
+    """Edit a logbook entry
+    This is daft: we have the parsed identity of the person and we render it to text as 'fullname', to be re-parsed on re-importing.
+    And there is no guarantee that this will be the same thing, esp. as aliases are used in the initial data input.
+    So we are losing all the cute aliases that have been used over the years by this export/re-import process. Bother.
+    But they have already been lost in the Great Format Conversion of 2022-23 when everything was chnaged to use the same HTML parser.
+    Which is a shame.
+    def clean_tu(tu):
+        if tu =="":
+            return 0
+        try:
+            tu = float(tu)/1 # check numeric
+        except:
+            return 0
+        return tu
+    def unique_id(text, n):
+        """This gives each logbook entry a unique id based on the date+content, so the order of entries on a particular day
+        does not matter. This is a change (August 2023) from previous process.
+        Otherwise we could get 2023-07-20a and 2023-07-20b swapped on exporting and re-importing logbooks
+        because the database does not record precendence.
+        2 hex digits would seem adequate for each expo day, but we might get a collision..
+        """
+        sha.update(text.encode('utf-8'))
+        return sha.hexdigest()[0:n]
     if not year:
         year = 2023
@@ -78,23 +105,18 @@ def logbookedit(request, year=None):
             title = request.POST["title"].strip()   
             entry = request.POST["text"].strip() 
             entry = entry.replace('\r','') # remove HTML-standard CR inserted
-            entry = entry.replace('\n\n','\n<br /><br />\n') # replace 2 \n  with <br><br>
-            entry = entry.replace('<p','<br /><br') # replace <p> tag, even if it has attributes,  with <br><br>
+            entry = entry.replace('\n\n','\n<br />\n<br />\n') # replace 2 \n  with <br><br>
+            entry = entry.replace('<p','<br />\n<br') # replace <p> tag, even if it has attributes,  with <br><br>
             entry = entry.replace('<br>','<br />') # clean up previous hack
             tu = request.POST["tu"].strip()
-            if tu =="":
-                tu = 0
-            try:
-                tu = float(tu)/1 # check numeric
-            except:
-                tu = 0
-            seq = 99 # should match the number of entries on this date +1 in the db already
+            tu = clean_tu(tu)
+            uniq = unique_id(entry,2)
+            print(uniq)
             # OK this could be done by rendering a template, but for such a small bit of HTML, it is easier to have
             # it all in one place: here
             output = f'''
                 <hr />
-                <div class="tripdate" id="{date}-{seq}">{date}</div>
+                <div class="tripdate" id="{date}-{uniq}">{date}</div>
                 <div class="trippeople"><u>{author}</u>, {others}</div>
                 <div class="triptitle">{place} - {title}</div>
@@ -119,14 +141,54 @@ def logbookedit(request, year=None):
         form = LogbookEditForm()
-        return render(
-            request,
-            "logbookform.html",
-            {
-                "form": form,
-                "year": year,
-            },
-        )
+        if slug:
+            lbes = LogbookEntry.objects.filter(slug=slug)
+            if lbes:
+                if len(lbes) > 1:
+                     return render(request, "object_list.html", {"object_list": lbe}) # ie a bug
+                else:
+                    lbe = lbes[0]
+                print(f"{lbe}")
+                tu = clean_tu(lbe.time_underground)
+                people = []
+                for p in lbe.personlogentry_set.filter(logbook_entry=lbe):
+                    if p.is_logbook_entry_author:
+                        author = p.personexpedition.person.fullname
+                    else:
+                        people.append(p.personexpedition.person.fullname)
+                others =', '.join(people)
+                lenothers = min(70,max(20, len(others)))
+                print(f"{lenothers}")
+                text = lbe.text
+                rows = max(5,len(text)/50)
+                return render(
+                    request,
+                    "logbookform.html",
+                    {
+                        "form": form,
+                        "year": year,
+                        "date": lbe.date.isoformat(),
+                        "author": author,
+                        "others": others,
+                        "lenothers": lenothers,
+                        "place": lbe.place,
+                        "title": lbe.title.replace(f"{lbe.place} - ",""),
+                        "tu": tu,
+                        "entry": text,
+                        "textrows": rows,
+                        #"output": output,
+                    },
+                )
+        else:
+            return render(
+                request,
+                "logbookform.html",
+                {
+                    "form": form,
+                    "year": year,
+                },
+            )
diff --git a/templates/logbookentry.html b/templates/logbookentry.html
index 2fdfb41..4185512 100644
--- a/templates/logbookentry.html
+++ b/templates/logbookentry.html
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
     {% for personlogentry in logbookentry.personlogentry_set.all %}{% if personlogentry.is_logbook_entry_author %}<br />{{personlogentry.personexpedition.person}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
+  <p><a href="/logbookedit/{{logbookentry.slug|safe}}">Edit this entry</a>.
diff --git a/templates/logbookform.html b/templates/logbookform.html
index bd21e5d..f9b12ea 100644
--- a/templates/logbookform.html
+++ b/templates/logbookform.html
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
     <br /><br />        
            <label for="others">Other names (comma separated) <a href="/aliases/{{year}}">[valid aliases]</a></label>
            <input {% if not user.username %} disabled{% endif %} 
-           label = "others" name = "others" size="20"
+           label = "others" name = "others" size="{% if lenothers %}{{lenothers}}{% else %}20{% endif %}"
            title="Everyone else involved"
            {% if others %}value="{{others}}"{% else %}placeholder="Phil T, Chas, Planc" {% endif %}
-           required /> 
+           /> 
     <br /><br />         
            <label for="place">Place: cave name, or 'plateau', 'topcamp' etc.</label>
            <input {% if not user.username %} disabled{% endif %} 
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
            required /> 
     <br /><br /> 
            <textarea {% if not user.username %} disabled{% endif %} 
-           rows="5" cols="60"
+           rows="{% if textrows%}{{textrows}}{% else %}5{% endif %}" cols="70"
            label = "" name = "text" 
            required />{% if entry %}{{entry}}{% else %}We had a lot of fun...{% endif %}
diff --git a/urls.py b/urls.py
index b398690..7edc26d 100644
--- a/urls.py
+++ b/urls.py
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ trogglepatterns = [
     path('dwguploadnogit/',              dwgupload,  {'gitdisable': 'yes'}, name='dwguploadnogit'), # used in testing
     path('dwguploadnogit/<path:folder>', dwgupload,  {'gitdisable': 'yes'}, name='dwguploadnogit'), # used in testing
     path('logbookedit/',                logbookedit,  name='logbookedit'), 
-    path('logbookedit/<int:year>',      logbookedit,  name='logbookedit'), # year=2023
+    path('logbookedit/<slug:slug>',      logbookedit,  name='logbookedit'), 
 # Renaming an uploaded file
     path('expofilerename/<path:filepath>', expofilerename,  name='expofilerename'),