mirror of
synced 2024-11-21 23:01:52 +00:00
dwg upload and django admin extra search
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,9 +40,11 @@ class SimpleTest(SimpleTestCase):
import troggle.core.models.survex as models_survex
import troggle.core.models.caves as models_caves
from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
from troggle.core.views.other import troggle404, frontpage
from troggle.core.views.other import frontpage
from troggle.core.views.caves import ent, cavepage
from troggle.core.views import scans, drawings, other, caves, statistics, survex
from troggle.core.views import scans, drawings, other, caves, statistics, survex, uploads
def test_import_views_uploads(self):
from troggle.core.views.uploads import dwgupload, scanupload
def test_import_parsers_QMs(self):
from troggle.core.models.caves import QM, Cave, LogbookEntry
def test_import_parsers_people(self):
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ class SimpleTest(SimpleTestCase):
from troggle.core.views.logbooks import expedition, personexpedition, Expeditions_tsvListView, Expeditions_jsonListView
from troggle.core.views.logbooks import get_logbook_entries, logbookentry, logbookSearch
from troggle.core.views.logbooks import notablepersons, person, get_people
from troggle.core.views.other import troggle404, frontpage
from troggle.core.views.other import controlpanel
from troggle.core.views.prospect import prospecting
from troggle.core.views.prospect import prospecting_image
from troggle.core.views.statistics import pathsreport, stats, dataissues
@ -86,20 +86,49 @@ class PostTests(TestCase):
self.assertTrue(u.is_active, 'User \'' + u.username + '\' is INACTIVE')
logged_in = c.login(username=u.username, password='secretword')
with open('README.txt','r') as testf:
response = self.client.post('/scanupload/2021:00', data={'title': '2021#00', 'name': 'README.txt', 'scanfiles': testf })
with open('core/fixtures/test_upload_file.txt','r') as testf:
response = self.client.post('/scanupload/2020:00', data={'name': 'test_upload_file.txt', 'uploadfiles': testf })
content = response.content.decode()
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK)
# with open('test_up.html', 'w') as f:
# with open('testresponse.html', 'w') as f:
# f.write(content)
t = re.search('<em>README', content)
self.assertIsNotNone(t, 'Logged in but failed to see "<em>\'README"' )
t = re.search(' saved as', content)
self.assertIsNotNone(t, 'Logged in but failed to see "File(s) saved as"' )
t = re.search('/expofiles/surveyscans/2021/2021%2300/README', content)
self.assertIsNotNone(t, 'Logged in but failed to see "/expofiles/..."' )
for ph in [ r'test_upload_',
r'← 2020#00 →',
r'Upload more?']:
phmatch = re.search(ph, content)
self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph +"'")
def test_dwg_upload(self):
'''Test file upload. Need to login first.
First upload is refused as it is a TXT file
Second upload is an image and suceeds.
c = self.client
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.get(username='expotest')
self.assertTrue(u.is_active, 'User \'' + u.username + '\' is INACTIVE')
logged_in = c.login(username=u.username, password='secretword')
with open('core/fixtures/test_upload_file.txt','r') as testf:
response = self.client.post('/dwgupload/uploads', data={'name': 'test_upload_file.txt', 'uploadfiles': testf })
content = response.content.decode()
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
t = re.search('Files refused:', content)
self.assertIsNotNone(t, 'Logged in but failed to see "Files refused:"' )
with open('core/fixtures/test_upload_nosuffix','r') as testf:
response = self.client.post('/dwgupload/uploads', data={'name': 'test_upload_nosuffix', 'uploadfiles': testf })
content = response.content.decode()
with open('testresponse.html', 'w') as f:
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
for ph in [ r'Upload more',
r' saved as ',
r'Clicking on a filename only']:
phmatch = re.search(ph, content)
self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph +"'")
class ComplexLoginTests(TestCase):
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ from django.core import serializers
from troggle.core.views.other import exportlogbook
from troggle.core.models.troggle import Person, PersonExpedition, Expedition, DataIssue
from troggle.core.models.caves import Cave, Area, Entrance, CaveAndEntrance, LogbookEntry, PersonTrip, QM
from troggle.core.models.survex import SurvexBlock, SurvexPersonRole, SurvexStation, Wallet, SingleScan
from troggle.core.models.survex import SurvexBlock, SurvexFile, SurvexPersonRole, SurvexStation, SurvexDirectory
from troggle.core.models.survex import Wallet, SingleScan, DrawingFile
'''This code significantly adds to the capabilities of the Django Management control panel for Troggle data.
In particular, it enables JSON export of any data with 'export_as_json'
@ -36,9 +37,9 @@ class SurvexBlockAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
inlines = (RoleInline,)
class SurveyAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
#inlines = (ScannedImageInline,)
search_fields = ('expedition__year','wallet_number')
# class SurveyAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
# #inlines = (ScannedImageInline,)
# search_fields = ('expedition__year','wallet_number')
class QMsFoundInline(admin.TabularInline):
@ -105,20 +106,38 @@ class CaveAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
class EntranceAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('caveandentrance__cave__kataster_number',)
class SurvexStationAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('name',)
class SurvexFileAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('path',)
class SurvexDirectoryAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('path', 'survexdirectory',)
class DrawingFileAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('dwgname',)
class WalletAdmin(TroggleModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('fpath',)
admin.site.register(Cave, CaveAdmin)
admin.site.register(Entrance, EntranceAdmin)
admin.site.register(SurvexBlock, SurvexBlockAdmin)
admin.site.register(DrawingFile, DrawingFileAdmin)
admin.site.register(SurvexDirectory, SurvexDirectoryAdmin)
admin.site.register(SurvexFile, SurvexFileAdmin)
admin.site.register(SurvexStation, SurvexStationAdmin)
admin.site.register(LogbookEntry, LogbookEntryAdmin)
admin.site.register(QM, QMAdmin)
admin.site.register(Wallet, WalletAdmin)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
This file is uploaded by the integration test suite as part of the tests.
It, and any other with similar names, e.g test_upload_GPev9qN.txt can be safely deleted,
EXCEPT for the original copy which lives in troggle/core/fixtures/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
This file is uploaded by the integration test suite as part of the tests.
This has no suffix so it is pretending to be a Therion config file.
It, and any other with similar names, e.g test_upload_GPev9qN.txt can be safely deleted,
EXCEPT for the original copy which lives in troggle/core/fixtures/
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
# #return super(LogbookEntry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # works in py3.5
# #return TroggleModel.__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fails in py3.5, runtime fail in 3.8
def cave(self): # Why didn't he just make this a foreign key to Cave ? Replaces __egtattrribute__ sillyness.
def cave(self): # Why didn't he just make this a foreign key to Cave ? Replaces __getattrribute__ sillyness.
c = CaveSlug.objects.get(slug=self.cave_slug, primary=True).cave
return c
@ -540,13 +540,13 @@ class PersonTrip(TroggleModel):
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.personexpedition} ({self.logbook_entry.date})'
scansFileStorage = FileSystemStorage(location=settings.SURVEY_SCANS, base_url=settings.SURVEYS_URL)
def get_scan_path(instance, filename):
if str(instance.survey.wallet_letter) != "None":
number=str(instance.survey.wallet_letter) + number #two strings formatting because convention is 2009#01 or 2009#X01
return os.path.join('./',year,year+r'#'+number,str(instance.contents)+str(instance.number_in_wallet)+r'.jpg')
# scansFileStorage = FileSystemStorage(location=settings.SURVEY_SCANS, base_url=settings.SURVEYS_URL)
# def get_scan_path(instance, filename):
# year=instance.survey.expedition.year
# number=str(instance.survey.wallet_number)
# if str(instance.survey.wallet_letter) != "None":
# number=str(instance.survey.wallet_letter) + number #two strings formatting because convention is 2009#01 or 2009#X01
# return os.path.join('./',year,year+r'#'+number,str(instance.contents)+str(instance.number_in_wallet)+r'.jpg')
Gcavelookup = None
Gcave_count = None
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ class SurvexDirectory(models.Model):
class Meta:
ordering = ('id',)
verbose_name_plural = "Survex directories"
# Don't change from the default as that breaks troggle webpages and internal referencing!
# def __str__(self):
# return "[SurvexDirectory:"+str(self.path) + "-" + str(self.primarysurvexfile.path) + "-" + str(self.cave)+"]"
def __str__(self):
return "[SurvexDirectory:"+str(self.path) + "-" + str(self.primarysurvexfile.path) + "-" + str(self.cave)+"]"
class SurvexFile(models.Model):
@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ class SurvexFile(models.Model):
self.survexdirectory = survexdirectory
def __str__(self):
return self.path
class SurvexStationLookUpManager(models.Manager):
def lookup(self, name):
@ -122,11 +124,11 @@ class SurvexBlock(models.Model):
class Meta:
ordering = ('id',)
# Don't change from the original as that breaks troggle webpages and internal referencing!
# def __str__(self):
# return "[SurvexBlock:"+ str(self.name) + "-path:" + \
# str(self.survexpath) + "-cave:" + \
# str(self.cave) + "]"
def __str__(self):
return "[SurvexBlock:"+ str(self.name) + "-path:" + \
str(self.survexpath) + "-cave:" + \
str(self.cave) + "]"
def __str__(self):
return self.name and str(self.name) or 'no name'
@ -134,40 +136,19 @@ class SurvexBlock(models.Model):
return True
def GetPersonroles(self):
'''To do: excise the 'role' bit of this while retaining personrole
which is used in some later logic
But apparently never used !?
res = [ ]
for personrole in self.survexpersonrole_set.order_by('personexpedition'):
# if res and res[-1]['person'] == personrole.personexpedition.person:
# res[-1]['roles'] += ", " + str(personrole.nrole)
# else:
# res.append({'person':personrole.personexpedition.person, 'expeditionyear':personrole.personexpedition.expedition.year, 'roles':str(personrole.nrole)})
res.append({'person':personrole.personexpedition.person, 'expeditionyear':personrole.personexpedition.expedition.year})
return res
def DayIndex(self):
return list(self.expeditionday.survexblock_set.all()).index(self)
# member of a SurvexBlock
# ('insts','Instruments'),
# ('dog','Other'),
# ('notes','Notes'),
# ('pics','Pictures'),
# ('tape','Tape measure'),
# ('useless','Useless'),
# ('helper','Helper'),
# ('disto','Disto'),
# ('consultant','Consultant'),
# )
class SurvexPersonRole(models.Model):
survexblock = models.ForeignKey('SurvexBlock',on_delete=models.CASCADE)
# nrole = models.CharField(choices=ROLE_CHOICES, max_length=200, blank=True, null=True)
# increasing levels of precision
personname = models.CharField(max_length=100)
person = models.ForeignKey('Person', blank=True, null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
@ -176,7 +157,7 @@ class SurvexPersonRole(models.Model):
expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.person) + " - " + str(self.survexblock) + " - " + str(self.nrole)
return str(self.person) + " - " + str(self.survexblock)
class Wallet(models.Model):
fpath = models.CharField(max_length=200)
@ -189,7 +170,7 @@ class Wallet(models.Model):
return urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, reverse('singlewallet', kwargs={"path":re.sub("#", "%23", self.walletname)}))
def __str__(self):
return str(self.walletname) + " (Survey Scans Folder)"
return str(self.walletname) + " (Wallet)"
class SingleScan(models.Model):
ffile = models.CharField(max_length=200)
@ -216,4 +197,8 @@ class DrawingFile(models.Model):
survexfiles = models.ManyToManyField("SurvexFile") # direct link to SVX files - not populated yet
class Meta:
ordering = ('dwgpath',)
ordering = ('dwgpath',)
def __str__(self):
return "Drawing File: " + str(self.dwgname) + " (" + str(self.filesize) + " bytes)"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import re, os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from django import forms
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ from troggle.parsers.imports import import_logbooks, import_QMs, import_drawings
# from databaseReset import reinit_db # don't do this. databaseRest runs code *at import time*
from troggle.core.models.troggle import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition
from troggle.core.models.caves import LogbookEntry, QM, Cave, PersonTrip
from troggle.core.models.survex import DrawingFile
from .auth import login_required_if_public
'''Utility functions and code to serve the control panel and individual user's
@ -32,9 +34,7 @@ todo = '''
so this is only a tool for a first pass, to be followed by extensive hand-editing!
When we have done all the old logbooks, delete this function and the two templates.
-Do GIT stuff for upload forms
-Move upload forms to proper file locations
def todos(request, module):
@ -200,150 +200,3 @@ def exportlogbook(request,year=None,extension=None):
return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'expeditions':Expedition.objects.all(),'jobs_completed':[completed]})
class FilesForm(forms.Form): # not a model-form, just a form-form
uploadfiles = forms.FileField()
def scanupload(request, wallet=None):
'''Upload scanned image files into a wallet on /expofiles
This does NOT use a Django model linked to a Django form. Just a simple Django form.
filesaved = False
actual_saved = []
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start {wallet}')
if wallet is None:
wallet = "2021#01" # improve this later
if not re.match('(19|20)\d\d:\d\d', wallet):
wallet = "2021:01" # improve this later
year = wallet[:4]
if int(year) < 1977:
year = "1977"
if int(year) > 2050:
year = "2050"
nexty = f'{int(year)+1}'
prevy = f'{int(year)-1}'
wnumber = wallet[5:]
next = f'{int(wnumber)+1:02d}'
prev = f'{int(wnumber)-1:02d}'
if int(wnumber) == 0:
prev = f'{int(wnumber):02d}'
context = {'year': year, 'prev': prev, 'next': next, 'prevy': prevy, 'nexty': nexty}
wallet = wallet.replace(':','#')
dirpath = Path(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, year, wallet)
form = FilesForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilesForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES["uploadfiles"]
multiple = request.FILES.getlist('uploadfiles')
fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, year, wallet))
actual_saved = []
if multiple:
for f in multiple:
actual_saved.append( fs.save(f.name, content=f) )
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload multiple {actual_saved}')
filesaved = True
files = []
dirs = []
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start {wallet} {dirpath}')
for f in dirpath.iterdir():
if f.is_dir():
if f.is_file():
if f.name != 'contents.json' and f.name != 'walletindex.html':
except FileNotFoundError:
files.append('(no wallet yet - would be created)')
if len(files) ==0 :
files.append('(no image files in wallet)')
files = sorted(files)
if dirs:
dirs = sorted(dirs)
return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'wallet': wallet, **context, 'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'filesaved': filesaved, 'actual_saved': actual_saved})
def dwgupload(request, folder=None):
'''Upload DRAWING files (tunnel or therion) into the upload folder in :drawings:
This does NOT use a Django model linked to a Django form. Just a simple Django form.
def dwgvalid(name):
if name in [ '.gitignore', '.hgignore', ]:
return False
if Path(name).suffix in ['.xml', '.th', '.th2', '', '.svg', '.jpg']:
return True
return False
filesaved = False
actual_saved = []
doesnotexist = ''
#print(f'! - FORM dwgupload - start "{folder}"')
if folder is None:
folder = "" # improve this later
dirpath = Path(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA)
urlfile = '/dwgdataraw'
urldir = '/dwgupload'
dirpath = Path(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA, folder)
urlfile = Path('/dwgdataraw/') / folder
urldir = Path('/dwgupload/') / folder
form = FilesForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilesForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES["uploadfiles"]
multiple = request.FILES.getlist('uploadfiles')
fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA, folder))
actual_saved = []
if multiple:
for f in multiple:
if dwgvalid(f.name):
actual_saved.append( fs.save(f.name, content=f) )
# print(f'! - FORM dwgupload multiple {actual_saved}')
filesaved = True
# DO GIT STUFF & load into Database too
# parsers.surveys.SetTunnelfileInfo(dwgfile) # commented out
# dwgfile.save()
files = []
dirs = []
#print(f'! - FORM dwgupload - start {folder} \n"{dirpath}" \n"{dirpath.parent}" \n"{dirpath.exists()}"')
for f in dirpath.iterdir():
if f.is_dir():
if f.name not in ['.git' ]:
if f.is_file():
if dwgvalid(f.name):
except FileNotFoundError:
doesnotexist = True
if files:
files = sorted(files)
if dirs:
dirs = sorted(dirs)
return render(request, 'dwguploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'doesnotexist': doesnotexist, 'urlfile': urlfile, 'urldir': urldir,'folder': folder, 'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'filesaved': filesaved, 'actual_saved': actual_saved})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
import re, os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.urls import reverse
from django.db.models import Q
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.template import Context, loader
from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage, default_storage
from troggle.parsers.imports import import_caves, import_people, import_surveyscans
from troggle.parsers.imports import import_logbooks, import_QMs, import_drawingsfiles, import_survex
# from databaseReset import reinit_db # don't do this. databaseRest runs code *at import time*
from troggle.core.models.troggle import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition
from troggle.core.models.caves import LogbookEntry, QM, Cave, PersonTrip
from troggle.core.models.survex import DrawingFile
from .auth import login_required_if_public
'''File upload 'views'
todo = '''
-Move upload forms to proper file locations
class FilesForm(forms.Form): # not a model-form, just a form-form
uploadfiles = forms.FileField()
def scanupload(request, wallet=None):
'''Upload scanned image files into a wallet on /expofiles
This does NOT use a Django model linked to a Django form. Just a simple Django form.
filesaved = False
actual_saved = []
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start {wallet}')
if wallet is None:
wallet = "2021#01" # improve this later
if not re.match('(19|20)\d\d:\d\d', wallet):
wallet = "2021:01" # improve this later
year = wallet[:4]
if int(year) < 1977:
year = "1977"
if int(year) > 2050:
year = "2050"
nexty = f'{int(year)+1}'
prevy = f'{int(year)-1}'
wnumber = wallet[5:]
next = f'{int(wnumber)+1:02d}'
prev = f'{int(wnumber)-1:02d}'
if int(wnumber) == 0:
prev = f'{int(wnumber):02d}'
context = {'year': year, 'prev': prev, 'next': next, 'prevy': prevy, 'nexty': nexty}
wallet = wallet.replace(':','#')
dirpath = Path(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, year, wallet)
form = FilesForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilesForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES["uploadfiles"]
multiple = request.FILES.getlist('uploadfiles')
fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, year, wallet))
actual_saved = []
if multiple:
for f in multiple:
actual_saved.append( fs.save(f.name, content=f) )
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload multiple {actual_saved}')
filesaved = True
files = []
dirs = []
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start {wallet} {dirpath}')
for f in dirpath.iterdir():
if f.is_dir():
if f.is_file():
if f.name != 'contents.json' and f.name != 'walletindex.html':
except FileNotFoundError:
files.append('(no wallet yet - would be created)')
if len(files) ==0 :
files.append('(no image files in wallet)')
files = sorted(files)
if dirs:
dirs = sorted(dirs)
return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'wallet': wallet, **context, 'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'filesaved': filesaved, 'actual_saved': actual_saved})
def dwgupload(request, folder=None):
'''Upload DRAWING files (tunnel or therion) into the upload folder in :drawings:
This does NOT use a Django model linked to a Django form. Just a simple Django form.
We use get_or_create instead of simply creating a new object in case someone uploads the same file
several times in one session, and expects them to be overwritten in the database. Although
the actual file will be duplicated in the filesystem with different random name ammendation.
def dwgvalid(name):
if name in [ '.gitignore', '.hgignore', ]:
return False
if Path(name).suffix.lower() in ['.xml', '.th', '.th2', '', '.svg', '.jpg', '.pdf', 'jpeg']:
return True
return False
filesaved = False
actual_saved = []
refused = []
doesnotexist = ''
#print(f'! - FORM dwgupload - start "{folder}"')
if folder is None:
folder = "" # improve this later
dirpath = Path(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA)
urlfile = '/dwgdataraw'
urldir = '/dwgupload'
dirpath = Path(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA, folder)
urlfile = Path('/dwgdataraw/') / folder
urldir = Path('/dwgupload/') / folder
form = FilesForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilesForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES["uploadfiles"]
multiple = request.FILES.getlist('uploadfiles')
fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA, folder))
actual_saved = []
refused = []
git = settings.GIT
if multiple:
for f in multiple:
if dwgvalid(f.name):
saved_filename = fs.save(f.name, content=f)
subprocess.call([git, "add", saved_filename], cwd=dirpath)
# dwgfile = DrawingFile(dwgpath=f.name, dwgname=Path(f.name).stem, filesize=f.size)
dwgfile, created = DrawingFile.objects.get_or_create(dwgpath=saved_filename, dwgname=Path(f.name).stem, filesize=f.size)
# if not created:
# print(f'FAILED to create {saved_filename} in {dirpath}')
# else:
# print(f'{dwgfile}')
# print(f'! - FORM dwgupload multiple {actual_saved}')
filesaved = True
subprocess.call([git, "commit", "-m", 'dwgupload'], cwd=dirpath)
files = []
dirs = []
#print(f'! - FORM dwgupload - start {folder} \n"{dirpath}" \n"{dirpath.parent}" \n"{dirpath.exists()}"')
for f in dirpath.iterdir():
if f.is_dir():
if f.name not in ['.git' ]:
if f.is_file():
if dwgvalid(f.name):
except FileNotFoundError:
doesnotexist = True
if files:
files = sorted(files)
if dirs:
dirs = sorted(dirs)
return render(request, 'dwguploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'doesnotexist': doesnotexist, 'urlfile': urlfile, 'urldir': urldir,'folder': folder, 'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'filesaved': filesaved, 'actual_saved': actual_saved, 'refused': refused})
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def get_or_create_placeholder(year):
placeholder_logbook_entry, newly_created = save_carefully(LogbookEntry, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
return placeholder_logbook_entry
def find_tunnel_file(dwgfile, path):
def find_dwg_file(dwgfile, path):
'''Is given a line of text 'path' which may or may not contain a recognisable name of a scanned file
which we have already seen when we imported all the files we could find in the surveyscans direstories
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def setdwgfileinfo(dwgfile):
# <pcarea area_signal="frame" sfscaledown="12.282584" sfrotatedeg="-90.76982" sfxtrans="11.676667377221136" sfytrans="-15.677173422877454" sfsketch="204description/scans/plan(38).png" sfstyle="" nodeconnzsetrelative="0.0">
for path, style in rx_pcpath.findall(ttext):
find_tunnel_file(dwgfile, path.decode())
find_dwg_file(dwgfile, path.decode())
# should also scan and look for survex blocks that might have been included, and image scans
# which would populate dwgfile.survexfile
@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ class LoadingSurvex():
if (personexpedition, tm) not in teammembers:
teammembers.append((personexpedition, tm))
personrole = SurvexPersonRole(survexblock=survexblock, personexpedition=personexpedition, personname=tm)
# personrole = SurvexPersonRole(survexblock=survexblock, nrole=mteammember.group(1).lower(), personexpedition=personexpedition, personname=tm)
personrole.expeditionday = survexblock.expeditionday
if personexpedition:
@ -22,41 +22,48 @@
<p>Only drawings and drawing config files can be uploaded.
<div style = "max-width:70%; margin-left:20%; text-align: left" >
{% if refused %}
<b>Files refused: </b><br>
{% for f in refused %}
<em>{{f}}</em> <br>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if filesaved %}
<b>Drawing(s) saved as <br>
<b>Drawing(s) saved as </b><br>
{% for f in actual_saved %}
<em>{{f}}</em> <br>
{% endfor %}
<br><br>Upload more?</b>
<br>Upload more?</b>
{% endif %}
{% if doesnotexist %}
<p>No folder of this name.<br>
It would be created if you upload a file.
{% else %}
<strong style="font-size: 110%;">Files:</strong><br>
{% for f in files %}
<a href="{{urlfile|urlencode}}/{{f|urlencode}}">{{f}}</a><br />
{% empty %}
<p><No files here>
{% endfor %}
{% if doesnotexist %}
<p>No folder of this name.<br>
It would be created if you upload a file.
{% else %}
<strong style="font-size: 110%;">Files:</strong><br>
{% for f in files %}
<a href="{{urlfile|urlencode}}/{{f|urlencode}}">{{f}}</a><br />
{% empty %}
<p><No files here>
{% endfor %}
<p><strong style="font-size: 110%;">Directories:</strong><br>
{% if folder %}
<a href="{{urldir}}/..">[up]</a><br />
<p><strong style="font-size: 110%;">Directories:</strong><br>
{% if folder %}
<a href="{{urldir}}/..">[up]</a><br />
{% endif %}
{% for f in dirs %}
<a href="{{urldir}}/{{f}}">/{{f}}/</a><br />
{% empty %}
<p><No subdirectories>
{% endfor %}
<p>Clicking on a filename only works if the drawing file has been imported into the system as part of a bulk-import
as we are matching it against a file recorded in the database.
{% endif %}
{% for f in dirs %}
<a href="{{urldir}}/{{f}}">/{{f}}/</a><br />
{% empty %}
<p><No subdirectories>
{% endfor %}
<p>Clicking on a filename only works if the drawing file has been imported into the system as part of a bulk-import
as we are matching it against a file recorded in the database.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ from troggle.core.views import caves, statistics, survex
from troggle.core.views.scans import scansingle, singlewallet, allwallets
from troggle.core.views.drawings import dwgallfiles, dwgfilesingle
#from troggle.core.views.drawings import dwgfileupload
from troggle.core.views.other import dwgupload
from troggle.core.views.other import troggle404, frontpage, todos, controlpanel, frontpage, scanupload
from troggle.core.views.uploads import dwgupload, scanupload
from troggle.core.views.other import troggle404, frontpage, todos, controlpanel, frontpage
from troggle.core.views.other import exportlogbook
from troggle.core.views.caves import ent, cavepage
from troggle.core.views.logbooks import get_logbook_entries, logbookentry, logbookSearch
Reference in New Issue
Block a user