diff --git a/templates/cave.html b/templates/cave.html
index 00b2a5f..f3b36db 100644
--- a/templates/cave.html
+++ b/templates/cave.html
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 {% endif %}
   <h2>Scanned survey notes</h2>
-  <a href="{% url "cavewallets" cave_id %}">{{ cave_id|safe }}</a>
+  <a href="{% url "cavewallets" cave_id %}">{{ cave_id|safe }}</a> (if any)
 {% endif %}
 {% if cave.notes %}
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
 <a class="editlink" href="{% if local %}https://expo.survex.com{% endif %}{% url "newentrance" cave.url_parent cave.slug %}">New Entrance</a>
     <h2>Survex File(s)</h2>
-    All <a href="/survexfile/{{ cave.areacode }}-{% if cave.kataster_number %}{{cave.kataster_number}}{% else %}{{cave.unofficial_number}}{% endif %}">survexfiles</a> for this cave <br />
+    All <a href="/survexfile/{{ cave.areacode }}-{% if cave.kataster_number %}{{cave.kataster_number}}{% else %}{{cave.unofficial_number}}{% endif %}">survexfiles</a> for this cave (if any) <br />
 {% if cave.survex_file %}
     Primary <a href="/survexfile/{{cave.survex_file}}">survex file</a> for this cave 
diff --git a/templates/eastings.html b/templates/eastings.html
index 2bb57ed..399cb97 100644
--- a/templates/eastings.html
+++ b/templates/eastings.html
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ th, td {
 <p>OK now for the nasty bit. Many of the older caves did not have easting & northing in UTM 33T at all, but (probably) in BMN and converting between BMN into UTM requires ellipsoids and bessel functions.. or we can just take a linear approximation, which is what I have done here:<br>
 e.northingUTM = e.northingBMN + 5198919.918<br>
 e.eastingUTM = e.easting + 374854.63<br>
-Such converted eastings and northings are <em>in italics</em> in the table below. As you can see, some were wildly out.
+Such converted eastings and northings are <em>in italics</em> in the table below. As you can see, some were wildly out. Well they were until I swapped teh easting/northings around and dealt with obvious typos.
 <p>These magic numbers simply come from assuming that both BMN and UTM are in metres, and linear over our area, and then taking the avergage of the offsets for 5 locations, the 5 cave entrances at the bottom of this page: 
 <a href="http://localhost:8000/handbook/survey/coord.htm#summary">Olaf's Coordinates</a>.
 <p>This horrible approximation is accruate to ~8m in the northing and ~30m in the easting.