diff --git a/core/models/survex.py b/core/models/survex.py
index c6d6af1..c1d8ca2 100644
--- a/core/models/survex.py
+++ b/core/models/survex.py
@@ -116,7 +116,9 @@ class SurvexBlockLookUpManager(models.Manager):
 class SurvexBlock(models.Model):
-    """One begin..end block within a survex file. The basic element of a survey trip."""
+    """One begin..end block within a survex file. The basic element of a survey trip.
+    Multiple anonymous survex blocks are possible within the same surfex file
+    """
     objects = SurvexBlockLookUpManager()
     name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
diff --git a/core/views/survex.py b/core/views/survex.py
index e60df6e..ea00fcc 100644
--- a/core/views/survex.py
+++ b/core/views/survex.py
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ even though there are dozens of surveys.
 - the primary survex file in each cave directory should be in a configuration, not buried in the code...
-- Save the edited survexfile as a survexfile object and re-parse it, and update
+- Save and re-parse an edited survexfile which already exists in the db, and update
   all its dependencies (work in progress)
@@ -115,6 +115,24 @@ survextemplatefile = """; *** THIS IS A TEMPLATE FILE NOT WHAT YOU MIGHT BE EXPE
 *end [surveyname]
+def get_survexfile(filename):
+    """Gets the SurvexFile object from the survex path for the file
+    in a robust way
+    """
+    refs = SurvexFile.objects.filter(path=filename)
+    if len(refs)==0: # new survex file, not created in db yet
+        survexfile = False
+    elif len(refs)==1:
+        survexfile = SurvexFile.objects.get(path=filename)
+    else:
+        survexfile = refs[0]
+        # OK this is due to a bug in the import file parsing, whoops. Now fixed ?!
+        print("BUG - to be fixed in the survex parser - not critical..")
+        print(f"Number of SurvexFile objects found: {len(refs)}")
+        for s in refs:
+            print (s.path, s.survexdirectory, s.cave)
+    # print(type(survexfile), filename)
+    return survexfile
 class SvxForm(forms.Form):
     """Two-pane form, upper half is the raw survex file, lower half (with green background)
@@ -138,18 +156,8 @@ class SvxForm(forms.Form):
             self.template = True
             self.survexfile = False
             return survextemplatefile
-        refs = SurvexFile.objects.filter(path=self.data["filename"])
-        if len(refs)==0: # new survex file, not created in db yet
-            self.survexfile = False
-        elif len(refs)==1:
-            self.survexfile = SurvexFile.objects.get(path=self.data["filename"])
-        else:
-            self.survexfile = refs[0]
-            # OK this is due to a bug in the import file parsing, whoops.
-            print("BUG - to be fixed in the survex parser - not critical..")
-            print(f"Number of SurvexFile objects found: {len(refs)}")
-            for s in refs:
-                print (s.path, s.survexdirectory, s.cave)     
+        if not self.survexfile:
+            self.survexfile = get_survexfile(self.data["filename"])
             fin = open(fname, "r", encoding="utf8", newline="")
             svxtext = fin.read()
@@ -205,10 +213,8 @@ class SvxForm(forms.Form):
             comment = f"Online survex edit: {self.data['filename']}.svx on dev machine '{socket.gethostname()}' "
         only_commit(fname, comment)
         return "SAVED and committed to git (if there were differences)"
     def Process(self):
@@ -260,6 +266,8 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
     Originally the non-existence of difflist was used as a marker to say that the file had been saved
     and that thuis there were no differences. This is inadequate, as a new file which has not been saved
     also has no difflist.
+    Needs refactoring. Too many piecemeal edits and odd state dependencies.
     warning = False
@@ -281,8 +289,11 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
             rcode = rform.cleaned_data["code"]
             outputtype = rform.cleaned_data["outputtype"] # used by CodeMirror ajax I think
             difflist = form.DiffCode(rcode)
-            # print(">>>> ", rform.data)
-            svxfile = form.survexfile
+            # keys = []
+            # for key in rform.data:
+                # keys.append(key)
+            # print(">>>> ", keys)
+            sfile = form.survexfile
             if "revert" in rform.data:
@@ -291,7 +302,7 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
                 if difflist:
                     message = "SAVE FILE FIRST"
                     form.data["code"] = rcode
-                elif svxfile:
+                elif sfile:
                     logmessage = form.Process()
                     if logmessage:
                         message = f"OUTPUT FROM PROCESSING\n{logmessage}"
@@ -305,13 +316,14 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
                     message = "You do not have authority to save this file. Please log in."
                 if message != "SAVED":
                     form.data["code"] = rcode
             if "diff" in rform.data:
                 print("Differences: ")
                 form.data["code"] = rcode
-    # GET or after POST-specific handling
-    svxfile = form.survexfile # only valid once form.GetDiscCode() called
+    # GET, also fall-through after POST-specific handling
+    svxfile = get_survexfile(survex_file)
     if "code" not in form.data:
         form.data["code"] = form.GetDiscCode()
         if form.template:
@@ -324,10 +336,8 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
     if message:
         difflist.insert(0, message)
-    # print [ form.data['code'] ]
     svxincludes = re.findall(r"(?i)\*include\s+(\S+)", form.data["code"] or "")
     # collect all the survex blocks which actually have a valid date
     if svxfile:
@@ -359,7 +369,6 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
         "form": form,
         "events": events,
-    # vmap.update(csrf(request)) # this now refreshes to the wrong value, now that we user render(request,
     if outputtype == "ajax": # used by CodeMirror ajax I think
         return render(request, "svxfiledifflistonly.html", vmap)
diff --git a/parsers/survex.py b/parsers/survex.py
index 57746e0..42c8c6b 100644
--- a/parsers/survex.py
+++ b/parsers/survex.py
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class LoadingSurvex:
     currentteam = set()
     inheritteam = set()
     pending = []
-    nocreate = False
+    adhocload = False
     def __init__(self):
         self.caveslist = GetCaveLookup()
@@ -1253,10 +1253,6 @@ class LoadingSurvex:
         svxid = included.groups()[0]
         if svxid.lower() == debugprinttrigger.lower():
             debugprint = True
-        if self.nocreate: 
-            # skip *include files if we are parsing just one file ?!
-            # Maybe do this as a setting in the survexfile SAVE form?
-            return
@@ -2138,19 +2134,24 @@ def FindAndLoadSurvex(survexblockroot):
 def parse_one_file(fpath): # --------------------------------------in progress-------------------
     """Parse just one file. Use when re-loading after editing.
-    NB careful of *include lines, which may exist! Ignore them.
-    Currently just returns True without saving anything
-    Problems with re-setting multiple anonymous blocks in the survexfile
-    Need to delete them all and recreate all the links, e.g. to wallets and people
+    NOTE: *include lines are ignored.
+    In the initial file parsing in databaseReset, the *include expansion is done 
+    in an earlier stange than LinearLoad(). By the time LinearLoad() is called,
+    all the *include expansion has happened.
+    Works fine for completely new survex file.
+    For an edited, pre-existing survex file, 
+    deleting all the survex blocks means that some other pages just crash, e.g.
+    /expedition/1996
     print(f"\n  - Loading One Survex file '{fpath}'", file=sys.stderr)
     svx_load = LoadingSurvex()
-    collatefilename = Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA, (fpath + ".svx"))
-    print(f"  - {collatefilename=}")
+    fname = Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA, (fpath + ".svx"))
+    # print(f"  - {fname=}")
     svxs = SurvexFile.objects.filter(path=fpath)
     # If this SurvexFile object already exists in the database, we want to keep the parent survexblock
@@ -2159,51 +2160,66 @@ def parse_one_file(fpath): # --------------------------------------in progress--
     # and we are not processing any *include we find
     if svxs:
         if len(svxs)>1:
-            print(f"  ! Error. More than one survex file object in database with the same file-path {svx}")
-            raise
-        print(f"  - pre-existing survexfile {svxs}")
+            print(f"  ! Mistake? More than one survex file object in database with the same file-path {svxs}")
+            print(f"  - Aborting file parsing & import into database.")
+            return True
+        print(f"  - Pre-existing survexfile {svxs}. NOT re-parsing now.")
+        # SurvexBlock.objects.all().delete()
+        return True # NOT WORKING YET
         svx = svxs[0] # first and only member of QuerySet
         b = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexfile=svx)
-        if len(b)>1:
-            print(f"  ! Error. More than one survex file object in database attached to survexblock {b}")
-            raise
-        survexblockroot=b[0]
-        print(f"  - {survexblockroot=}")
+        if len(b) >= 1:
+            # survexblockparent=b[0].parent 
+            # survexblockparent.survexfile = svx
+            # # Stamp all over the accumulated lengths and legs in the parent block,
+            # # This also obliterates survey lengths from all other 'sibling' survex files 
+            # # to the one being re-parsed
+            # survexblockparent.legsall=0
+            # survexblockparent.legslength=0.0
+            b.delete() # deletes all pre-existing SurvexBlocks attached to this SurvexFile
+            # all these foreign keys should be recreated properly when the file is parsed.
+            # so whiy is  /expedition/1996 crashing in nasty template error?
+        else:
+            survexblockparent = SurvexBlock(
+                name="fresh_parent", survexpath="", survexfile=svx, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
+            )
+            survexblockparent.save()
+        survexblockparent = SurvexBlock(
+            name="fresh_parent", survexpath="", survexfile=svx, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
+        )
+        survexblockparent.save()
+        print(f"  - {survexblockparent=}")
         dir = svx.survexdirectory
         svx_load.survexdict[dir] = [svx]
         svx_load.svxdirs[""] = dir
-        return True
-        svx_load.nocreate = True
+        svx_load.adhocload = True
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        svx_load.LinearLoad(survexblockroot, fpath, collatefilename)
+        svx_load.LinearLoad(survexblockparent, fpath, fname)
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+        svx_load.adhocload = False        
-        print(f"  - Not seen this survexfile before '{fpath}'")
+        print(f"  - Not seen this survexfile before '{fpath}' Loading...")
-    return True
-    omitsfileroot = MakeOmitFileRoot(fpath) # NO! This always creats a SurvexFile object. We are overwriting one..
-    survexomitsroot = SurvexBlock(
-        name=OMITBLOCK, survexpath="", survexfile=omitsfileroot, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
-    )
-    survexomitsroot.save()
-    # SurvexBlock.objects.all().delete()
-    # SurvexFile.objects.all().delete()
-    # SurvexDirectory.objects.all().delete()
-    # SurvexPersonRole.objects.all().delete()
-    # SurvexStation.objects.all().delete()
-    print(" - Loading Survex Blocks...")
-    svx_load.survexdict[survexfileroot.survexdirectory] = []
-    svx_load.survexdict[survexfileroot.survexdirectory].append(survexfileroot)
-    svx_load.svxdirs[""] = survexfileroot.survexdirectory
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    svx_load.LinearLoad(survexblockroot, survexfileroot.path, collatefilename)
-    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+        newfileroot = MakeFileRoot(fpath) 
+        survexblockparent = SurvexBlock(
+            name="adhoc_parent", survexpath="", survexfile=newfileroot, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
+        )
+        survexblockparent.save()
+        svx_load.survexdict[newfileroot.survexdirectory] = []
+        svx_load.survexdict[newfileroot.survexdirectory].append(newfileroot)
+        svx_load.svxdirs[""] = newfileroot.survexdirectory
+        svx_load.adhocload = True        
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+        svx_load.LinearLoad(survexblockparent, newfileroot.path, fname)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+        svx_load.adhocload = False        
     legsnumber = svx_load.legsnumber
@@ -2213,6 +2229,7 @@ def parse_one_file(fpath): # --------------------------------------in progress--
         tf += len(svx_load.survexdict[d])
     print(f"  - Number of SurvexFiles: {tf:,}")
     print(f"  - Number of Survex legs: {legsnumber:,}")
+    print(f"  - Length of Survex legs: {svx_load.slength}")
     # Now set Django SurvexFile object..
@@ -2234,7 +2251,7 @@ def MakeSurvexFileRoot():
     return fileroot
-def MakeOmitFileRoot(fn):
+def MakeFileRoot(fn):
     """Returns a file_object.path = _unseens.svx associated with directory_object.path = SURVEX_DATA"""
     fileroot = SurvexFile(path=fn, cave=None)
     fileroot.survexdirectory = SurvexDirectory.objects.get(path=settings.SURVEX_DATA)
@@ -2288,7 +2305,7 @@ def LoadSurvexBlocks():
     # sudo service mariadb start
-    omitsfileroot = MakeOmitFileRoot(UNSEENS)
+    omitsfileroot = MakeFileRoot(UNSEENS)
     survexomitsroot = SurvexBlock(
         name=OMITBLOCK, survexpath="", survexfile=omitsfileroot, legsall=0, legslength=0.0