diff --git a/core/models/caves.py b/core/models/caves.py
index 91ec492..d023f48 100644
--- a/core/models/caves.py
+++ b/core/models/caves.py
@@ -42,18 +42,19 @@ def writetrogglefile(filepath, filecontent):
     '''Set permissions to rw-rw-r-- and commit the new saved file to git
     Callers to cave.writeDataFile() or entrance.writeDataFile() should handle the exception PermissionsError explicitly
+    # see also core/views/expo.py editexpopage()
     filepath = Path(filepath)
     cwd = filepath.parent
     filename = filepath.name
     git = settings.GIT
+    # as the wsgi process www-data, we have group write-access but are not owner, so cannot chmod.
     # do not trap exceptions, pass them up to the view that called this function
-    # if the os.chmod fails, it can zero the contents of the file as a side effect. Dangerous.
+    print(f'WRITING{cwd}---{filename} ')
     with open(filepath, "w") as f:
-        print(f'WRITING{cwd}---{filename} ')
-    #filepath.chmod(0o664) # set file permissions to rw-rw-r--
-    os.chmod(filepath, 0o664) # set file permissions to rw-rw-r--
+    #os.chmod(filepath, 0o664) # set file permissions to rw-rw-r--
+    # should replace .call with .run and capture_output=True
     call([git, "add", filename], cwd=cwd)
     call([git, "commit", "-m", 'Online cave or entrance edit'], cwd=cwd)
diff --git a/core/views/caves.py b/core/views/caves.py
index c8ee7e8..5415302 100644
--- a/core/views/caves.py
+++ b/core/views/caves.py
@@ -359,16 +359,15 @@ def edit_cave(request, slug=None):
             for ceinst in ceinsts:
                 ceinst.cave = cave
-            cave.writeDataFile()
-            # try:
-                # cave.writeDataFile()
-            # except PermissionError:
-                # message = f'CANNOT  save this file.\nPERMISSIONS incorrectly set on server for this file {cave.filename}. Ask a nerd to fix this.'
-                # return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
-            # leave other exeptions unhandled so that they bubble up to userinterface
-            # except:
-                # message = f'CANNOT git on server for this file {cave.filename}. Edits not saved.\nAsk a nerd to fix this.'
-                # return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
+            try:
+                cave.writeDataFile()
+                # leave other exceptions unhandled so that they bubble up to user interface
+            except PermissionError:
+                message = f'CANNOT  save this file.\nPERMISSIONS incorrectly set on server for this file {cave.filename}. Ask a nerd to fix this.'
+                return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
+            except SubprocessError:
+                message = f'CANNOT git on server for this file {cave.filename}. Edits may not be committed.\nAsk a nerd to fix this.'
+                return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
             return HttpResponseRedirect("/" + cave.url)   
@@ -432,11 +431,12 @@ def edit_entrance(request, caveslug=None, slug=None):
+                # leave other exceptions unhandled so that they bubble up to user interface
             except PermissionError:
                 message = f'CANNOT  save this file.\nPERMISSIONS incorrectly set on server for this file {entrance.filename}. Ask a nerd to fix this.'
                 return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
-            except:
-                message = f'CANNOT git on server for this file {entrance.filename}. Edits not saved.\nAsk a nerd to fix this.'
+            except SubprocessError:
+                message = f'CANNOT git on server for this file {entrance.filename}. Edits may not be committed.\nAsk a nerd to fix this.'
                 return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
             return HttpResponseRedirect("/" + cave.url) 
diff --git a/core/views/expo.py b/core/views/expo.py
index 1acee15..6c79771 100644
--- a/core/views/expo.py
+++ b/core/views/expo.py
@@ -312,15 +312,18 @@ def editexpopage(request, path):
             git = settings.GIT
                 with open(filepath, "w") as f:
-                    os.chmod(filepath, 0o664) # set file permissions to rw-rw-r--
-                    f.write(result)
                     print(f'WRITING{cwd}---{filename} ')
+                    # as the wsgi process www-data, we have group write-access but are not owner, so cannot chmod.
+                    # os.chmod(filepath, 0o664) # set file permissions to rw-rw-r--
+                    # see also core/models/cave.py writetrogglefile()
+                    f.write(result)
+                    # should replace .call with .run and capture_output=True
                     subprocess.call([git, "add", filename], cwd=cwd)
                     subprocess.call([git, "commit", "-m", 'Edit this page'], cwd=cwd)
             except PermissionError:
                 message = f'CANNOT  save this file.\nPERMISSIONS incorrectly set on server for this file {filename}. Ask a nerd to fix this.'
                 return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
-            except:
+            except SubprocessError:
                 message = f'CANNOT git on server for this file {filename}. Edits not saved.\nAsk a nerd to fix this.'
                 return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})