diff --git a/urls.py b/urls.py
index 9bddbfb..67c50ac 100644
--- a/urls.py
+++ b/urls.py
@@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
-from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
-from django.conf import settings
-from core.views import * # flat import
-from core.views_other import *
-from core.views_caves import *
-from core.views_survex import *
-from core.models import *
-from django.views.generic.create_update import create_object
-from django.contrib import admin
-from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
-from django.contrib import admin
-# type url probably means it's used.
-actualurlpatterns = patterns('',
- url(r'^$', views_other.frontpage, name="frontpage"),
- url(r'^todo/$', views_other.todo, name="todo"),
- url(r'^caves/?$', views_caves.caveindex, name="caveindex"),
- url(r'^people/?$', views_logbooks.personindex, name="personindex"),
- url(r'^newqmnumber/?$', views_other.ajax_QM_number, ),
- url(r'^lbo_suggestions/?$', logbook_entry_suggestions),
- #(r'^person/(?P\d*)/?$', views_logbooks.person),
- url(r'^person/(?P[A-Z]*[a-z\-\']*)[^a-zA-Z]*(?P[a-z\-\']*[^a-zA-Z]*[A-Z]*[a-z\-]*)/?', views_logbooks.person, name="person"),
- #url(r'^person/(\w+_\w+)$', views_logbooks.person, name="person"),
- url(r'^expedition/(\d+)$', views_logbooks.expedition, name="expedition"),
- url(r'^expeditions/?$', object_list, {'queryset':Expedition.objects.all(),'template_name':'object_list.html'},name="expeditions"),
- url(r'^personexpedition/(?P[A-Z]*[a-z]*)[^a-zA-Z]*(?P[A-Z]*[a-z]*)/(?P\d+)/?$', views_logbooks.personexpedition, name="personexpedition"),
- url(r'^logbookentry/(?P.*)/(?P.*)/?$', views_logbooks.logbookentry,name="logbookentry"),
- url(r'^newlogbookentry/(?P.*)$', views_logbooks.newLogbookEntry, name="newLogBookEntry"),
- url(r'^editlogbookentry/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/$', views_logbooks.newLogbookEntry, name="editLogBookEntry"),
- url(r'^deletelogbookentry/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/$', views_logbooks.deleteLogbookEntry, name="deleteLogBookEntry"),
- url(r'^newfile', views_other.newFile, name="newFile"),
- url(r'^getEntrances/(?P.*)', views_caves.get_entrances, name = "get_entrances"),
- url(r'^getQMs/(?P.*)', views_caves.get_qms, name = "get_qms"),
- url(r'^getPeople/(?P.*)', views_logbooks.get_people, name = "get_people"),
- url(r'^getLogBookEntries/(?P.*)', views_logbooks.get_logbook_entries, name = "get_logbook_entries"),
- url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/?$', views_caves.cave, name="cave"),
- url(r'^caveslug/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveSlug, name="caveSlug"),
- url(r'^cave/entrance/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveEntrance),
- url(r'^cave/description/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveDescription),
- url(r'^cave/qms/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveQMs),
- url(r'^cave/logbook/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveLogbook),
- #url(r'^cavedescription/(?P[^/]+)/?$', views_caves.cave_description, name="cavedescription"),
- #url(r'^cavedescription/?$', object_list, {'queryset':CaveDescription.objects.all(),'template_name':'object_list.html'}, name="cavedescriptions"),
- #url(r'^cavehref/(.+)$', views_caves.cave, name="cave"),url(r'cave'),
- url(r'^jgtfile/(.*)$', view_surveys.jgtfile, name="jgtfile"),
- url(r'^jgtuploadfile$', view_surveys.jgtuploadfile, name="jgtuploadfile"),
- url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/?(?P[^/])$', ent),
- #(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/edit/$', edit_cave),
- #(r'^cavesearch', caveSearch),
- url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/(?P\d\d\d\d)-(?P\d*)(?P[ABCDX]?)?$', views_caves.qm, name="qm"),
- url(r'^logbooksearch/(.*)/?$', views_logbooks.logbookSearch),
- url(r'^statistics/?$', views_other.stats, name="stats"),
- url(r'^survey/?$', surveyindex, name="survey"),
- url(r'^survey/(?P\d\d\d\d)\#(?P\d*)$', survey, name="survey"),
- url(r'^controlpanel/?$', views_other.controlPanel, name="controlpanel"),
- url(r'^CAVETAB2\.CSV/?$', views_other.downloadCavetab, name="downloadcavetab"),
- url(r'^Surveys\.csv/?$', views_other.downloadSurveys, name="downloadsurveys"),
- url(r'^logbook(?P\d\d\d\d)\.(?P.*)/?$',views_other.downloadLogbook),
- url(r'^logbook/?$',views_other.downloadLogbook, name="downloadlogbook"),
- url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/qm\.csv/?$', views_other.downloadQMs, name="downloadqms"),
- (r'^downloadqms$', views_other.downloadQMs),
- url(r'^eyecandy$', views_other.eyecandy),
- (r'^admin/doc/?', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
- url(r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root, name="admin"),
- # don't know why this needs troggle/ in here. nice to get it out
- url(r'^troggle/media-admin/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ADMIN_DIR, 'show_indexes':True}),
- (r'^accounts/', include('registration.urls')),
- (r'^profiles/', include('profiles.urls')),
-# (r'^personform/(.*)$', personForm),
- (r'^site_media/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
- {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),
- (r'^tinymce_media/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
- {'document_root': settings.TINY_MCE_MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),
- url(r'^survexblock/(.+)$', views_caves.survexblock, name="survexblock"),
- url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.svx$', views_survex.svx, name="svx"),
- url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.3d$', views_survex.threed, name="threed"),
- url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.log$', views_survex.svxraw),
- url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.err$', views_survex.err),
- url(r'^survexfile/caves/$', views_survex.survexcaveslist, name="survexcaveslist"),
- url(r'^survexfile/caves/(?P.*)$', views_survex.survexcavesingle, name="survexcavessingle"),
- url(r'^survexfileraw/(?P.*?)\.svx$', views_survex.svxraw, name="svxraw"),
- (r'^survey_files/listdir/(?P.*)$', view_surveys.listdir),
- (r'^survey_files/download/(?P.*)$', view_surveys.download),
- #(r'^survey_files/upload/(?P.*)$', view_surveys.upload),
- #(r'^survey_scans/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.SURVEY_SCANS, 'show_indexes':True}),
- url(r'^survey_scans/$', view_surveys.surveyscansfolders, name="surveyscansfolders"),
- url(r'^survey_scans/(?P[^/]+)/$', view_surveys.surveyscansfolder, name="surveyscansfolder"),
- url(r'^survey_scans/(?P[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+(?:png|jpg))$',
- view_surveys.surveyscansingle, name="surveyscansingle"),
- url(r'^tunneldata/$', view_surveys.tunneldata, name="tunneldata"),
- url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfile, name="tunnelfile"),
- url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P.+?\.xml)/upload$',view_surveys.tunnelfileupload, name="tunnelfileupload"),
- #url(r'^tunneldatainfo/(?P.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfileinfo, name="tunnelfileinfo"),
- (r'^photos/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
- {'document_root': settings.PHOTOS_ROOT, 'show_indexes':True}),
- # for those silly ideas
- url(r'^experimental.*$', views_logbooks.experimental, name="experimental"),
- #url(r'^trip_report/?$',views_other.tripreport,name="trip_report")
- url(r'^(.*)_edit$', 'flatpages.views.editflatpage', name="editflatpage"),
- url(r'^(.*)$', 'flatpages.views.flatpage', name="flatpage"),
-#Allow prefix to all urls
-urlpatterns = patterns ('',
- ('^%s' % settings.DIR_ROOT, include(actualurlpatterns))
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+from django.conf import settings
+from core.views import * # flat import
+from core.views_other import *
+from core.views_caves import *
+from core.views_survex import *
+from core.models import *
+from django.views.generic.create_update import create_object
+from django.contrib import admin
+from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
+from django.contrib import admin
+# type url probably means it's used.
+actualurlpatterns = patterns('',
+ url(r'^$', views_other.frontpage, name="frontpage"),
+ url(r'^todo/$', views_other.todo, name="todo"),
+ url(r'^caves/?$', views_caves.caveindex, name="caveindex"),
+ url(r'^people/?$', views_logbooks.personindex, name="personindex"),
+ url(r'^newqmnumber/?$', views_other.ajax_QM_number, ),
+ url(r'^lbo_suggestions/?$', logbook_entry_suggestions),
+ #(r'^person/(?P\d*)/?$', views_logbooks.person),
+ url(r'^person/(?P[A-Z]*[a-z\-\']*)[^a-zA-Z]*(?P[a-z\-\']*[^a-zA-Z]*[A-Z]*[a-z\-]*)/?', views_logbooks.person, name="person"),
+ #url(r'^person/(\w+_\w+)$', views_logbooks.person, name="person"),
+ url(r'^expedition/(\d+)$', views_logbooks.expedition, name="expedition"),
+ url(r'^expeditions/?$', object_list, {'queryset':Expedition.objects.all(),'template_name':'object_list.html'},name="expeditions"),
+ url(r'^personexpedition/(?P[A-Z]*[a-z]*)[^a-zA-Z]*(?P[A-Z]*[a-z]*)/(?P\d+)/?$', views_logbooks.personexpedition, name="personexpedition"),
+ url(r'^logbookentry/(?P.*)/(?P.*)/?$', views_logbooks.logbookentry,name="logbookentry"),
+ url(r'^newlogbookentry/(?P.*)$', views_logbooks.newLogbookEntry, name="newLogBookEntry"),
+ url(r'^editlogbookentry/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/$', views_logbooks.newLogbookEntry, name="editLogBookEntry"),
+ url(r'^deletelogbookentry/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)/$', views_logbooks.deleteLogbookEntry, name="deleteLogBookEntry"),
+ url(r'^newfile', views_other.newFile, name="newFile"),
+ url(r'^getEntrances/(?P.*)', views_caves.get_entrances, name = "get_entrances"),
+ url(r'^getQMs/(?P.*)', views_caves.get_qms, name = "get_qms"),
+ url(r'^getPeople/(?P.*)', views_logbooks.get_people, name = "get_people"),
+ url(r'^getLogBookEntries/(?P.*)', views_logbooks.get_logbook_entries, name = "get_logbook_entries"),
+ url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/?$', views_caves.cave, name="cave"),
+ url(r'^caveslug/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveSlug, name="caveSlug"),
+ url(r'^cave/entrance/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveEntrance),
+ url(r'^cave/description/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveDescription),
+ url(r'^cave/qms/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveQMs),
+ url(r'^cave/logbook/([^/]+)/?$', views_caves.caveLogbook),
+ #url(r'^cavedescription/(?P[^/]+)/?$', views_caves.cave_description, name="cavedescription"),
+ #url(r'^cavedescription/?$', object_list, {'queryset':CaveDescription.objects.all(),'template_name':'object_list.html'}, name="cavedescriptions"),
+ #url(r'^cavehref/(.+)$', views_caves.cave, name="cave"),url(r'cave'),
+ url(r'^jgtfile/(.*)$', view_surveys.jgtfile, name="jgtfile"),
+ url(r'^jgtuploadfile$', view_surveys.jgtuploadfile, name="jgtuploadfile"),
+ url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/?(?P[^/])$', ent),
+ #(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/edit/$', edit_cave),
+ #(r'^cavesearch', caveSearch),
+ url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/(?P\d\d\d\d)-(?P\d*)(?P[ABCDX]?)?$', views_caves.qm, name="qm"),
+ url(r'^logbooksearch/(.*)/?$', views_logbooks.logbookSearch),
+ url(r'^statistics/?$', views_other.stats, name="stats"),
+ url(r'^survey/?$', surveyindex, name="survey"),
+ url(r'^survey/(?P\d\d\d\d)\#(?P\d*)$', survey, name="survey"),
+ url(r'^controlpanel/?$', views_other.controlPanel, name="controlpanel"),
+ url(r'^CAVETAB2\.CSV/?$', views_other.downloadCavetab, name="downloadcavetab"),
+ url(r'^Surveys\.csv/?$', views_other.downloadSurveys, name="downloadsurveys"),
+ url(r'^logbook(?P\d\d\d\d)\.(?P.*)/?$',views_other.downloadLogbook),
+ url(r'^logbook/?$',views_other.downloadLogbook, name="downloadlogbook"),
+ url(r'^cave/(?P[^/]+)/qm\.csv/?$', views_other.downloadQMs, name="downloadqms"),
+ (r'^downloadqms$', views_other.downloadQMs),
+ url(r'^eyecandy$', views_other.eyecandy),
+ (r'^admin/doc/?', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
+ url(r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root, name="admin"),
+ # don't know why this needs troggle/ in here. nice to get it out
+ url(r'^troggle/media-admin/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ADMIN_DIR, 'show_indexes':True}),
+ (r'^accounts/', include('registration.urls')),
+ (r'^profiles/', include('profiles.urls')),
+# (r'^personform/(.*)$', personForm),
+ (r'^site_media/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
+ {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),
+ (r'^tinymce_media/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
+ {'document_root': settings.TINY_MCE_MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),
+ url(r'^survexblock/(.+)$', views_caves.survexblock, name="survexblock"),
+ url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.svx$', views_survex.svx, name="svx"),
+ url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.3d$', views_survex.threed, name="threed"),
+ url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.log$', views_survex.svxraw),
+ url(r'^survexfile/(?P.*?)\.err$', views_survex.err),
+ url(r'^survexfile/caves/$', views_survex.survexcaveslist, name="survexcaveslist"),
+ url(r'^survexfile/caves/(?P.*)$', views_survex.survexcavesingle, name="survexcavessingle"),
+ url(r'^survexfileraw/(?P.*?)\.svx$', views_survex.svxraw, name="svxraw"),
+ (r'^survey_files/listdir/(?P.*)$', view_surveys.listdir),
+ (r'^survey_files/download/(?P.*)$', view_surveys.download),
+ #(r'^survey_files/upload/(?P.*)$', view_surveys.upload),
+ #(r'^survey_scans/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.SURVEY_SCANS, 'show_indexes':True}),
+ url(r'^survey_scans/$', view_surveys.surveyscansfolders, name="surveyscansfolders"),
+ url(r'^survey_scans/(?P[^/]+)/$', view_surveys.surveyscansfolder, name="surveyscansfolder"),
+ url(r'^survey_scans/(?P[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+(?:png|jpg))$',
+ view_surveys.surveyscansingle, name="surveyscansingle"),
+ url(r'^tunneldata/$', view_surveys.tunneldata, name="tunneldata"),
+ url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfile, name="tunnelfile"),
+ url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P.+?\.xml)/upload$',view_surveys.tunnelfileupload, name="tunnelfileupload"),
+ #url(r'^tunneldatainfo/(?P.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfileinfo, name="tunnelfileinfo"),
+ (r'^photos/(?P.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
+ {'document_root': settings.PHOTOS_ROOT, 'show_indexes':True}),
+ # for those silly ideas
+ url(r'^experimental.*$', views_logbooks.experimental, name="experimental"),
+ #url(r'^trip_report/?$',views_other.tripreport,name="trip_report")
+ url(r'^(.*)_edit$', 'flatpages.views.editflatpage', name="editflatpage"),
+ url(r'^(.*)$', 'flatpages.views.flatpage', name="flatpage"),
+#Allow prefix to all urls
+urlpatterns = patterns ('',
+ ('^%s' % settings.DIR_ROOT, include(actualurlpatterns))
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 1970c7b..c26f1d9 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
-from django.conf import settings
-import random, re, logging
-from core.models import CaveDescription
-def weighted_choice(lst):
- n = random.uniform(0,1)
- for item, weight in lst:
- if n < weight:
- break
- n = n - weight
- return item
-def randomLogbookSentence():
- from troggle.core.models import LogbookEntry
- randSent={}
- # needs to handle empty logbooks without crashing
- #Choose a random logbook entry
- randSent['entry']=LogbookEntry.objects.order_by('?')[0]
- #Choose again if there are no sentances (this happens if it is a placeholder entry)
- while len(re.findall('[A-Z].*?\.',randSent['entry'].text))==0:
- randSent['entry']=LogbookEntry.objects.order_by('?')[0]
- #Choose a random sentence from that entry. Store the sentence as randSent['sentence'], and the number of that sentence in the entry as randSent['number']
- sentenceList=re.findall('[A-Z].*?\.',randSent['entry'].text)
- randSent['number']=random.randrange(0,len(sentenceList))
- randSent['sentence']=sentenceList[randSent['number']]
- return randSent
-def save_carefully(objectType, lookupAttribs={}, nonLookupAttribs={}):
- """Looks up instance using lookupAttribs and carries out the following:
- -if instance does not exist in DB: add instance to DB, return (new instance, True)
- -if instance exists in DB and was modified using Troggle: do nothing, return (existing instance, False)
- -if instance exists in DB and was not modified using Troggle: overwrite instance, return (instance, False)
- The checking is accomplished using Django's get_or_create and the new_since_parsing boolean field
- defined in core.models.TroggleModel.
- """
- instance, created=objectType.objects.get_or_create(defaults=nonLookupAttribs, **lookupAttribs)
- if not created and not instance.new_since_parsing:
- for k, v in nonLookupAttribs.items(): #overwrite the existing attributes from the logbook text (except date and title)
- setattr(instance, k, v)
- instance.save()
- if created:
- logging.info(str(instance) + ' was just added to the database for the first time. \n')
- if not created and instance.new_since_parsing:
- logging.info(str(instance) + " has been modified using Troggle, so the current script left it as is. \n")
- if not created and not instance.new_since_parsing:
- logging.info(str(instance) + " existed in the database unchanged since last parse. It was overwritten by the current script. \n")
- return (instance, created)
-def render_with_context(req, *args, **kwargs):
- """this is the snippet from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/3/
- Django uses Context, not RequestContext when you call render_to_response.
- We always want to use RequestContext, so that django adds the context from
- settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. This way we automatically get
- necessary settings variables passed to each template. So we use a custom
- method, render_response instead of render_to_response. Hopefully future
- Django releases will make this unnecessary."""
- from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
- from django.template import RequestContext
- kwargs['context_instance'] = RequestContext(req)
- return render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)
-re_body = re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*)\", re.DOTALL)
-re_title = re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*)\ ", re.DOTALL)
-def get_html_body(text):
- return get_single_match(re_body, text)
-def get_html_title(text):
- return get_single_match(re_title, text)
-def get_single_match(regex, text):
- match = regex.search(text)
- if match:
- return match.groups()[0]
- else:
- return None
-def href_to_wikilinks(matchobj):
- """
- Given an html link, checks for possible valid wikilinks.
- Returns the first valid wikilink. Valid means the target
- object actually exists.
- """
- res=CaveDescription.objects.filter(long_name__icontains=matchobj.groupdict()['text'])
- if res and res[0]:
- return r'[[cavedescription:'+res[0].short_name+'|'+res[0].long_name+']]'
- else:
- return matchobj.group()
- #except:
- #print 'fail'
-re_subs = [(re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"'''\1'''"),
- (re.compile(r"\(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"''\1''"),
- (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"=\1="),
- (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"==\1=="),
- (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"===\1==="),
- (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"====\1===="),
- (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"=====\1====="),
- (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"======\1======"),
- (re.compile(r'()? >|\s/>( )?)', re.DOTALL),r'[[display:\g photo:\g]]'), #
- (re.compile(r"\(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"[[subcave:\1|\2]]"), #assumes that all links with id attributes are subcaves. Not great.
- #interpage link needed
- (re.compile(r"\(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"[[cavedescription:\1|\2]]"), #assumes that all links with target ids are cave descriptions. Not great.
- (re.compile(r"\[\([^\s]*).*?\ \]", re.DOTALL), r"[[qm:\1]]"),
- (re.compile(r'.*)"?>(?P.*) '),href_to_wikilinks),
- ]
-def html_to_wiki(text, codec = "utf-8"):
- if type(text) == str:
- text = unicode(text, codec)
- text = re.sub("
", r"", text)
- text = re.sub("$", r"", text)
- text = re.sub("
", r"\n\n", text)
- out = ""
- lists = ""
- #lists
- while text:
- mstar = re.match("^(.*?)
]*>\s*]*>(.*?) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
- munstar = re.match("^(\s*) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
- mhash = re.match("^(.*?)]*>\s*]*>(.*?) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
- munhash = re.match("^(\s*) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
- mitem = re.match("^(\s*)]*>(.*?) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
- ms = [len(m.groups()[0]) for m in [mstar, munstar, mhash, munhash, mitem] if m]
- def min_(i, l):
- try:
- v = i.groups()[0]
- l.remove(len(v))
- return len(v) < min(l, 1000000000)
- except:
- return False
- if min_(mstar, ms):
- lists += "*"
- pre, val, post = mstar.groups()
- out += pre + "\n" + lists + " " + val
- text = post
- elif min_(mhash, ms):
- lists += "#"
- pre, val, post = mhash.groups()
- out += pre + "\n" + lists + " " + val
- text = post
- elif min_(mitem, ms):
- pre, val, post = mitem.groups()
- out += "\n" + lists + " " + val
- text = post
- elif min_(munstar, ms):
- lists = lists[:-1]
- text = munstar.groups()[1]
- elif min_(munhash, ms):
- lists.pop()
- text = munhash.groups()[1]
- else:
- out += text
- text = ""
- #substitutions
- for regex, repl in re_subs:
- out = regex.sub(repl, out)
- return out
+from django.conf import settings
+import random, re, logging
+from core.models import CaveDescription
+def weighted_choice(lst):
+ n = random.uniform(0,1)
+ for item, weight in lst:
+ if n < weight:
+ break
+ n = n - weight
+ return item
+def randomLogbookSentence():
+ from troggle.core.models import LogbookEntry
+ randSent={}
+ # needs to handle empty logbooks without crashing
+ #Choose a random logbook entry
+ randSent['entry']=LogbookEntry.objects.order_by('?')[0]
+ #Choose again if there are no sentances (this happens if it is a placeholder entry)
+ while len(re.findall('[A-Z].*?\.',randSent['entry'].text))==0:
+ randSent['entry']=LogbookEntry.objects.order_by('?')[0]
+ #Choose a random sentence from that entry. Store the sentence as randSent['sentence'], and the number of that sentence in the entry as randSent['number']
+ sentenceList=re.findall('[A-Z].*?\.',randSent['entry'].text)
+ randSent['number']=random.randrange(0,len(sentenceList))
+ randSent['sentence']=sentenceList[randSent['number']]
+ return randSent
+def save_carefully(objectType, lookupAttribs={}, nonLookupAttribs={}):
+ """Looks up instance using lookupAttribs and carries out the following:
+ -if instance does not exist in DB: add instance to DB, return (new instance, True)
+ -if instance exists in DB and was modified using Troggle: do nothing, return (existing instance, False)
+ -if instance exists in DB and was not modified using Troggle: overwrite instance, return (instance, False)
+ The checking is accomplished using Django's get_or_create and the new_since_parsing boolean field
+ defined in core.models.TroggleModel.
+ """
+ instance, created=objectType.objects.get_or_create(defaults=nonLookupAttribs, **lookupAttribs)
+ if not created and not instance.new_since_parsing:
+ for k, v in nonLookupAttribs.items(): #overwrite the existing attributes from the logbook text (except date and title)
+ setattr(instance, k, v)
+ instance.save()
+ if created:
+ logging.info(str(instance) + ' was just added to the database for the first time. \n')
+ if not created and instance.new_since_parsing:
+ logging.info(str(instance) + " has been modified using Troggle, so the current script left it as is. \n")
+ if not created and not instance.new_since_parsing:
+ logging.info(str(instance) + " existed in the database unchanged since last parse. It was overwritten by the current script. \n")
+ return (instance, created)
+def render_with_context(req, *args, **kwargs):
+ """this is the snippet from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/3/
+ Django uses Context, not RequestContext when you call render_to_response.
+ We always want to use RequestContext, so that django adds the context from
+ settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. This way we automatically get
+ necessary settings variables passed to each template. So we use a custom
+ method, render_response instead of render_to_response. Hopefully future
+ Django releases will make this unnecessary."""
+ from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
+ from django.template import RequestContext
+ kwargs['context_instance'] = RequestContext(req)
+ return render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)
+re_body = re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*)\", re.DOTALL)
+re_title = re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*)\ ", re.DOTALL)
+def get_html_body(text):
+ return get_single_match(re_body, text)
+def get_html_title(text):
+ return get_single_match(re_title, text)
+def get_single_match(regex, text):
+ match = regex.search(text)
+ if match:
+ return match.groups()[0]
+ else:
+ return None
+def href_to_wikilinks(matchobj):
+ """
+ Given an html link, checks for possible valid wikilinks.
+ Returns the first valid wikilink. Valid means the target
+ object actually exists.
+ """
+ res=CaveDescription.objects.filter(long_name__icontains=matchobj.groupdict()['text'])
+ if res and res[0]:
+ return r'[[cavedescription:'+res[0].short_name+'|'+res[0].long_name+']]'
+ else:
+ return matchobj.group()
+ #except:
+ #print 'fail'
+re_subs = [(re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"'''\1'''"),
+ (re.compile(r"\(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"''\1''"),
+ (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"=\1="),
+ (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"==\1=="),
+ (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"===\1==="),
+ (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"====\1===="),
+ (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"=====\1====="),
+ (re.compile(r"\]*\>(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"======\1======"),
+ (re.compile(r'()? >|\s/>( )?)', re.DOTALL),r'[[display:\g photo:\g]]'), #
+ (re.compile(r"\(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"[[subcave:\1|\2]]"), #assumes that all links with id attributes are subcaves. Not great.
+ #interpage link needed
+ (re.compile(r"\(.*?)\ ", re.DOTALL), r"[[cavedescription:\1|\2]]"), #assumes that all links with target ids are cave descriptions. Not great.
+ (re.compile(r"\[\([^\s]*).*?\ \]", re.DOTALL), r"[[qm:\1]]"),
+ (re.compile(r'.*)"?>(?P.*) '),href_to_wikilinks),
+ ]
+def html_to_wiki(text, codec = "utf-8"):
+ if type(text) == str:
+ text = unicode(text, codec)
+ text = re.sub("", r"", text)
+ text = re.sub("$", r"", text)
+ text = re.sub("
", r"\n\n", text)
+ out = ""
+ lists = ""
+ #lists
+ while text:
+ mstar = re.match("^(.*?)
]*>\s*]*>(.*?) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
+ munstar = re.match("^(\s*) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
+ mhash = re.match("^(.*?)]*>\s*]*>(.*?) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
+ munhash = re.match("^(\s*) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
+ mitem = re.match("^(\s*)]*>(.*?) (.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
+ ms = [len(m.groups()[0]) for m in [mstar, munstar, mhash, munhash, mitem] if m]
+ def min_(i, l):
+ try:
+ v = i.groups()[0]
+ l.remove(len(v))
+ return len(v) < min(l, 1000000000)
+ except:
+ return False
+ if min_(mstar, ms):
+ lists += "*"
+ pre, val, post = mstar.groups()
+ out += pre + "\n" + lists + " " + val
+ text = post
+ elif min_(mhash, ms):
+ lists += "#"
+ pre, val, post = mhash.groups()
+ out += pre + "\n" + lists + " " + val
+ text = post
+ elif min_(mitem, ms):
+ pre, val, post = mitem.groups()
+ out += "\n" + lists + " " + val
+ text = post
+ elif min_(munstar, ms):
+ lists = lists[:-1]
+ text = munstar.groups()[1]
+ elif min_(munhash, ms):
+ lists.pop()
+ text = munhash.groups()[1]
+ else:
+ out += text
+ text = ""
+ #substitutions
+ for regex, repl in re_subs:
+ out = regex.sub(repl, out)
+ return out