diff --git a/parsers/caves.py b/parsers/caves.py
index 97d3b0a..fbe9788 100644
--- a/parsers/caves.py
+++ b/parsers/caves.py
@@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ def set_dummy_entrance(id, slug, cave, msg="DUMMY"):
         entrance = dummy_entrance(id, slug, msg="DUMMY")
         entrances_xslug[slug] = entrance
-        CaveAndEntrance.objects.update_or_create(cave=cave, entrance_letter="", entrance=entrance)
-        message = f" - Note: Dummy Entrance successfully set for entrance {id} on cave {cave}"
+        #Note the below line, just creates a dastabase entry and not a file, this then breaks entrance editing by the website.  I am not sure if we want entrances automagically created.  Therefore I have commented it out. MJG
+        #CaveAndEntrance.objects.update_or_create(cave=cave, entrance_letter="", entrance=entrance)
+        #message = f" - Note: Dummy Entrance successfully set for entrance {id} on cave {cave}"
+        message = f" - Note: Missing Entrance for entrance {id} on cave {cave}"
         DataIssue.objects.create(parser="entrances", message=message, url=f"{cave.url}")
         # print(message)