diff --git a/_deploy/debian-server/serversetup b/_deploy/debian-server/serversetup
index 7707a90..ba6e083 100644
--- a/_deploy/debian-server/serversetup
+++ b/_deploy/debian-server/serversetup
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 Instructions for setting up new expo debian server/VM
+W says: Tue, Apr 23, 2024
+Javascript gets installed in /usr/share/javascript. You can find that out by asking dpkg: dpkg -S openlayers (or reading debian wiki for javascript packaging)
+If you use npm it just puts packages 'here' (i.e. in a node_packages dir in the current directory). I've been avoiding that so far. 
+openlayers wasn't in the old prospecting map - that was just JPEGs. It was in the slippy map I never really got working properly. It's also in martin's map-app.
+But they were just examples of javascript packages. 
 See also http://expo.survex.com/handbook/troggle/serverconfig.html
diff --git a/_deploy/debian-server/wookey-exposerver-recipe.txt b/_deploy/debian-server/wookey-exposerver-recipe.txt
index 6bcdc57..318467b 100644
--- a/_deploy/debian-server/wookey-exposerver-recipe.txt
+++ b/_deploy/debian-server/wookey-exposerver-recipe.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+W says: Tue, Apr 23, 2024
+Javascript gets installed in /usr/share/javascript. You can find that out by asking dpkg: dpkg -S openlayers (or reading debian wiki for javascript packaging)
+If you use npm it just puts packages 'here' (i.e. in a node_packages dir in the current directory). I've been avoiding that so far. 
+openlayers wasn't in the old prospecting map - that was just JPEGs. It was in the slippy map I never really got working properly. It's also in martin's map-app.
+But they were just examples of javascript packages. 
 adduser expo
 apt install openssh-server mosh tmux mc zile emacs-nox mc most ncdu
 apt install python-django apache2 mysql-server survex make rsync