diff --git a/core/models/survex.py b/core/models/survex.py
index af948b8..f2ba667 100644
--- a/core/models/survex.py
+++ b/core/models/survex.py
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class SurvexPersonRole(models.Model):
     expeditionday       = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
     def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.person) + " - " + str(self.survexblock) 
+        return str(self.personname) + " - " + str(self.survexblock) 
 class Wallet(models.Model):
     '''We do not keep the JSON values in the database, we query them afresh each time,
diff --git a/core/views/scans.py b/core/views/scans.py
index ceda72b..f641423 100644
--- a/core/views/scans.py
+++ b/core/views/scans.py
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def fillblankpeople(w):
             w.persons = wp
             if len(wp) == 1:
                 nobody = wp[0].lower()
-                if  nobody == 'unknown' or nobody == 'nobody' or nobody == ' ':
+                if  nobody == 'unknown' or nobody == 'nobody' or nobody == ' ' or nobody == '':
 def fillblankothers(w):       
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def fillblankothers(w):
         datewallet(w, earliest)
     c = w.cave()
-    if not c:
+    if not c or c == "":
 def fixsurvextick(w, ticks):   
diff --git a/core/views/uploads.py b/core/views/uploads.py
index 5515982..8c8721b 100644
--- a/core/views/uploads.py
+++ b/core/views/uploads.py
@@ -205,8 +205,13 @@ def get_complaints(complaints, waldata, svxfiles, files, wallet, wurl):
     if waldata["cave"]:
             caveid = waldata["cave"]
-            caveid = caveid.replace("/","-")
-            caveobject = getCave(caveid)   
+            if type(caveid) is list:
+                for i in caveid:
+                    i = i.replace("/","-")
+                    caveobject = getCave(i) # only th elast one gets recorded.. ouch.
+            else:
+                caveid = caveid
+                caveobject = getCave(caveid)   
             print(f'getCave for id "{waldata["cave"]}" {caveobject}')
             # if not caveobject.url == waldata["description url"]:
                 # complaints.append(f'The URL of cave description \"{waldata["description url"]}\" does not match the one on record for this cave which is: "{caveobject.url}". If the wallet is not for a cave, put a useful URL here.')
@@ -248,7 +253,9 @@ def scanupload(request, path=None):
     def read_json():
         '''Read JSON from the wallet metadata file in the repo
-        or fills with blank data if that files can't be read'''
+        or fills with blank data if that files can't be read
+        Should sanitise to ensure no spurious backslashes e.g. in windows style paths'''
         waldata = {}
         if contents_path.is_file(): 
             create = False # yes wallet exists because JSON exists, even if no files in the surveyscans folder, or even if that folder does not exist
@@ -477,9 +484,12 @@ def scanupload(request, path=None):
     if dirs:
         dirs = sorted(dirs)
-    waldata = read_json()  
+    try:
+        waldata = read_json()
+    except:
+        message = f'Nasty failure in parsing wallets metadata in {contents_path}. Probably backslash not forward slash in filename path'
+        return render(request, 'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})   
     jsonfile = Path(settings.DRAWINGS_DATA, "walletjson") / wallet[0:4] / wallet / "contents.json"
     # print(f'! - FORM scanupload - jsonfile {jsonfile}')
     if not Path(jsonfile).is_file():
@@ -501,8 +511,8 @@ def scanupload(request, path=None):
             # waldata["people"] = list(waldata["people"])
-        if not waldata["date"] or not waldata["people"] or waldata["people"] == ["Unknown"]: # json file does not exist, blank data, or people not typed into JSON file
-            # refactor into separate functions for no date set or no people set
+        if not waldata["date"] or not waldata["people"] or waldata["people"] == ["Unknown"] or waldata["people"] == [""] or waldata["cave"] == "": # json file does not exist, blank data, or people not typed into JSON file
+            # refactor into separate functions for no date set or no people set or no cave set
             # print(f'No date set')
             print(f'\n - Incomplete, empty or default wallet data {wallet} {waldata=}')
@@ -551,11 +561,13 @@ def scanupload(request, path=None):
                                     QSpeople = SurvexPersonRole.objects.filter(survexblock=b)
                                     print(f' - - {QSpeople=}')
                                     for p in QSpeople:
+                                        print(f' - - {p.personname} ')
                                 # else:
                                     # print(f' - Wallet not matching *ref {b.scanswallet=} {wallet}')
                         if dates:
                             waldata["date"] = min(dates).isoformat()
+                        print(f' - - {team=} ')
                         team = list(set(team))
                         waldata["people"] = team
diff --git a/parsers/survex.py b/parsers/survex.py
index 7693826..d3eec8c 100644
--- a/parsers/survex.py
+++ b/parsers/survex.py
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ class LoadingSurvex():
         if mteammember:
             for tm in self.rx_person.split(mteammember.group(2)):
                 if tm:
+                    tm = tm.strip('\"\'')
                     personexpedition = survexblock.expedition and GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(survexblock.expedition).get(tm.lower())
                     if (personexpedition, tm) not in teammembers:
                         teammembers.append((personexpedition, tm))