diff --git a/core/views_other.py b/core/views_other.py
index 827c499..3da7f82 100644
--- a/core/views_other.py
+++ b/core/views_other.py
@@ -73,12 +73,6 @@ def controlPanel(request):
     return render(request,'controlPanel.html', {'caves':Cave.objects.all(),'expeditions':Expedition.objects.all(),'jobs_completed':jobs_completed})
-def downloadSurveys(request):
-    from export import tosurveys
-    response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
-    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Surveys.csv'
-    return response
 def downloadLogbook(request,year=None,extension=None,queryset=None):
     if year:
diff --git a/parsers/surveys.py b/parsers/surveys.py
index c50fd56..950e216 100644
--- a/parsers/surveys.py
+++ b/parsers/surveys.py
@@ -31,59 +31,6 @@ def get_or_create_placeholder(year):
     placeholder_logbook_entry, newly_created = save_carefully(LogbookEntry, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
     return placeholder_logbook_entry
-# obsolete surveys.csv does not exist.
-# def readSurveysFromCSV():
-    # try:   # could probably combine these two
-        # surveytab = open(os.path.join(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, "Surveys.csv"))
-    # except IOError:
-        # import io, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error  
-        # surveytab = io.StringIO(urllib.request.urlopen(settings.SURVEY_SCANS + "/Surveys.csv").read())
-    # dialect=csv.Sniffer().sniff(surveytab.read())
-    # surveytab.seek(0,0)
-    # surveyreader = csv.reader(surveytab,dialect=dialect)
-    # headers = next(surveyreader)
-    # header = dict(list(zip(headers, list(range(len(headers)))))) #set up a dictionary where the indexes are header names and the values are column numbers
-    # # test if the expeditions have been added yet
-    # if Expedition.objects.count()==0:
-        # print("There are no expeditions in the database. Please run the logbook parser.")
-        # sys.exit()
-    # logging.info("Deleting all scanned images")
-    # ScannedImage.objects.all().delete()
-    # logging.info("Deleting all survey objects")
-    # Survey.objects.all().delete()
-    # logging.info("Beginning to import surveys from "+str(os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, "Surveys.csv"))+"\n"+"-"*60+"\n")
-    # for survey in surveyreader:
-        # #I hate this, but some surveys have a letter eg 2000#34a. The next line deals with that.
-        # walletNumberLetter = re.match(r'(?P<number>\d*)(?P<letter>[a-zA-Z]*)',survey[header['Survey Number']]) 
-    # #    print(walletNumberLetter.groups())
-        # year=survey[header['Year']]
-        # surveyobj = Survey(
-            # expedition = Expedition.objects.filter(year=year)[0],
-            # wallet_number = walletNumberLetter.group('number'),
-            # logbook_entry = get_or_create_placeholder(year),
-            # comments = survey[header['Comments']],
-            # location = survey[header['Location']]
-            # )
-        # surveyobj.wallet_letter = walletNumberLetter.group('letter')
-        # if survey[header['Finished']]=='Yes':
-            # #try and find the sketch_scan
-            # pass
-        # surveyobj.save()
-        # logging.info("added survey " + survey[header['Year']] + "#" + surveyobj.wallet_number + "\r")
-# dead
 def listdir(*directories):
         return os.listdir(os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, *directories))
@@ -159,19 +106,6 @@ def listdir(*directories):
         # yearPath=os.path.join(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, "surveyscans", expedition.year)
         # print((" ! No folder found for " + expedition.year + " at:- " + yearPath))
-# dead
-# def parseSurveys(logfile=None):
-    # try:
-        # readSurveysFromCSV()
-    # except (IOError, OSError):
-        # print(" ! Survey CSV not found..")
-        # pass
-    # print(" - Loading scans by expedition year")
-    # for expedition in Expedition.objects.filter(year__gte=2000):   #expos since 2000, because paths and filenames were nonstandard before then
-        # print("%s" % expedition, end=' ')
-        # parseSurveyScans(expedition)
 # dead
 # def isInterlacedPNG(filePath): #We need to check for interlaced PNGs because the thumbnail engine can't handle them (uses PIL)
     # file=Image.open(filePath)
diff --git a/templates/controlPanel.html b/templates/controlPanel.html
index 7b35545..7325d3b 100644
--- a/templates/controlPanel.html
+++ b/templates/controlPanel.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 {% if error %}
     <div class="noticeBox">
-			{{ error }}
+            {{ error }}
             <a href="#" class="closeDiv">dismiss this message</a>
 {% endif %}
@@ -75,61 +75,44 @@
-  	<td>
-    	surveys to Surveys.csv
+      <td>
+        surveys to Surveys.csv
-  	<td>
+      <td>
         <form name="export" method="get" action={% url "downloadlogbook" %}>
-        	<p>Download a logbook file which is dynamically generated by Troggle.</p>
+            <p>Download a logbook file which is dynamically generated by Troggle.</p>
             Expedition year:
             <select name="year">
                         {% for expedition in expeditions %}
-                        	<option value="{{expedition}}"> {{expedition}} </option>
+                            <option value="{{expedition}}"> {{expedition}} </option>
                         {% endfor %}
             Output style: 
-			<select name="extension">
-			  <option value="txt">.txt file with MediaWiki markup - 2008 style</option>
-			  <option value="html">.html file - 2005 style</option>
+            <select name="extension">
+              <option value="txt">.txt file with MediaWiki markup - 2008 style</option>
+              <option value="html">.html file - 2005 style</option>
             <input name="download_logbook" type="submit" value="Download logbook" />
-	</td>        
+    </td>        
-  	<td>
-    	surveys to Surveys.csv
-    </td>
-  	<td>
-        <form name="export" method="post" action="">
-        	<p>Overwrite the existing Surveys.csv file with one generated by Troggle.</p>
-            <input disabled name="export_surveys" type="submit" value="Update {{settings.SURVEYS}}noinfo/Surveys.csv" />
-        </form>
-    </td>
-    <td>
-        <form name="export" method="get" action={% url "downloadsurveys" %}>
-        	<p>Download a Surveys.csv file which is dynamically generated by Troggle.</p>
-            <input disabled name="download_surveys" type="submit" value="Download Surveys.csv" />
-        </form>
-	</td>        
   <td>qms to qms.csv</td><td>
-  	<form name="export_qms" method="get" action="downloadqms">
+      <form name="export_qms" method="get" action="downloadqms">
 <!--This is for choosing caves by area (drilldown).
         <select id="qmcaveareachooser" class="searchable" >
@@ -137,12 +120,12 @@
-		Choose a cave.
+        Choose a cave.
         <select name="cave_id" id="qmcavechooser">
             {% for cave in caves %}
             <option value="{{cave.kataster_number}}">{{cave}}
-            </option>    	
+            </option>        
             {% endfor %}
@@ -153,4 +136,4 @@
-{% endblock %}	
\ No newline at end of file
+{% endblock %}    
\ No newline at end of file