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synced 2025-02-18 05:00:13 +00:00
tabs and spaces format fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
print_function, unicode_literals)
from troggle.core.models import CaveSlug, Cave, CaveAndEntrance, Survey, Expedition, QM, CaveDescription, EntranceSlug, Entrance, Area, SurvexStation
from troggle.core.forms import CaveForm, CaveAndEntranceFormSet, VersionControlCommentForm, EntranceForm, EntranceLetterForm
@ -12,7 +14,9 @@ from django import forms
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.conf import settings
import re, urlparse
import re
import urlparse
#import urllib.parse
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
import settings
@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ def qm(request,cave_id,qm_id,year,grade=None):
return render(request,'qm.html',locals())
except QM.DoesNotExist:
url=urlparse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, r'/admin/core/qm/add/'+'?'+ r'number=' + qm_id)
url=urllib.parse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, r'/admin/core/qm/add/'+'?'+ r'number=' + qm_id)
if grade:
url += r'&grade=' + grade
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ def entranceSlug(request, slug):
def survexblock(request, survexpath):
survexpath = re.sub("/", ".", survexpath)
print "jjjjjj", survexpath
print("jjjjjj", survexpath)
survexblock = models.SurvexBlock.objects.get(survexpath=survexpath)
#ftext = survexblock.filecontents()
ftext = survexblock.text
@ -335,7 +339,7 @@ maps = {
"Grießkogel Area"],
for n in maps.keys():
for n in list(maps.keys()):
L, T, R, B, S, name = maps[n]
W = (R-L)/2
H = (T-B)/2
@ -407,7 +411,7 @@ def plot(surveypoint, number, point_type, label, mapcode, draw, img):
ss = SurvexStation.objects.lookup(surveypoint)
E, N = ss.x, ss.y
shortnumber = number.replace("—","")
(x,y) = map(int, mungecoord(E, N, mapcode, img))
(x,y) = list(map(int, mungecoord(E, N, mapcode, img)))
#imgmaps[maparea].append( [x-4, y-SIZE/2, x+4+draw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2, shortnumber, label] )
draw.rectangle([(x+CIRCLESIZE, y-TEXTSIZE/2), (x+CIRCLESIZE*2+draw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+TEXTSIZE/2)], fill="#ffffff")
draw.text((x+CIRCLESIZE * 1.5,y-TEXTSIZE/2), shortnumber, fill="#000000")
@ -419,44 +423,44 @@ def prospecting_image(request, name):
mainImage = Image.open(os.path.join(settings.SURVEY_SCANS, "location_maps", "pguidemap.jpg"))
if settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated():
mainImage = Image.new("RGB", mainImage.size, '#ffffff')
mainImage = Image.new("RGB", mainImage.size, '#ffffff')
m = maps[name]
#imgmaps = []
if name == "all":
img = mainImage
img = mainImage
M = maps['all']
W, H = mainImage.size
l = int((m[L] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
t = int((m[T] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
r = int((m[R] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
b = int((m[B] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
img = mainImage.crop((l, t, r, b))
w = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[R] - m[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W))
h = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[B] - m[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H))
img = img.resize((w, h), Image.BICUBIC)
M = maps['all']
W, H = mainImage.size
l = int((m[L] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
t = int((m[T] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
r = int((m[R] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
b = int((m[B] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
img = mainImage.crop((l, t, r, b))
w = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[R] - m[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W))
h = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[B] - m[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H))
img = img.resize((w, h), Image.BICUBIC)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
if name == "all":
for maparea in maps.keys():
if maparea == "all":
localm = maps[maparea]
l,t = mungecoord(localm[L], localm[T], "all", img)
r,b = mungecoord(localm[R], localm[B], "all", img)
text = maparea + " map"
textlen = draw.textsize(text)[0] + 3
draw.rectangle([l, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#ffffff')
draw.text((l+2, t+1), text, fill="#000000")
#imgmaps.append( [l, t, l+textlen, t+SIZE+2, "submap" + maparea, maparea + " subarea map"] )
draw.line([l, t, r, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, b, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t, l, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([r, t, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t, l+textlen, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t+TEXTSIZE+2, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t, l, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l+textlen, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
for maparea in list(maps.keys()):
if maparea == "all":
localm = maps[maparea]
l,t = mungecoord(localm[L], localm[T], "all", img)
r,b = mungecoord(localm[R], localm[B], "all", img)
text = maparea + " map"
textlen = draw.textsize(text)[0] + 3
draw.rectangle([l, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#ffffff')
draw.text((l+2, t+1), text, fill="#000000")
#imgmaps.append( [l, t, l+textlen, t+SIZE+2, "submap" + maparea, maparea + " subarea map"] )
draw.line([l, t, r, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, b, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t, l, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([r, t, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t, l+textlen, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t+TEXTSIZE+2, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l, t, l, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
draw.line([l+textlen, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
#imgmaps[maparea] = []
# Draw scale bar
m100 = int(100 / (m[R] - m[L]) * img.size[0])
@ -478,24 +482,24 @@ def prospecting_image(request, name):
plot("laser.0_5", "LSR5", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/5", name, draw, img)
plot("225-96", "BAlm", "Reference", "Bräuning Alm trig point", name, draw, img)
for entrance in Entrance.objects.all():
station = entrance.best_station()
if station:
areaName = entrance.caveandentrance_set.all()[0].cave.getArea().short_name
plot(station, "%s-%s" % (areaName, str(entrance)[5:]), entrance.needs_surface_work(), str(entrance), name, draw, img)
# pass
for (N, E, D, num) in [(35975.37, 83018.21, 100,"177"), # Calculated from bearings
(35350.00, 81630.00, 50, "71"), # From Auer map
(36025.00, 82475.00, 50, "146"), # From mystery map
(35600.00, 82050.00, 50, "35"), # From Auer map
(35650.00, 82025.00, 50, "44"), # From Auer map
(36200.00, 82925.00, 50, "178"), # Calculated from bearings
(35232.64, 82910.37, 25, "181"), # Calculated from bearings
(35323.60, 81357.83, 50, "74") # From Auer map
station = entrance.best_station()
if station:
areaName = entrance.caveandentrance_set.all()[0].cave.getArea().short_name
plot(station, "%s-%s" % (areaName, str(entrance)[5:]), entrance.needs_surface_work(), str(entrance), name, draw, img)
# pass
for (N, E, D, num) in [(35975.37, 83018.21, 100,"177"), # Calculated from bearings
(35350.00, 81630.00, 50, "71"), # From Auer map
(36025.00, 82475.00, 50, "146"), # From mystery map
(35600.00, 82050.00, 50, "35"), # From Auer map
(35650.00, 82025.00, 50, "44"), # From Auer map
(36200.00, 82925.00, 50, "178"), # Calculated from bearings
(35232.64, 82910.37, 25, "181"), # Calculated from bearings
(35323.60, 81357.83, 50, "74") # From Auer map
(N,E,D) = map(float, (N, E, D))
(N,E,D) = list(map(float, (N, E, D)))
maparea = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number = num).getArea().short_name
lo = mungecoord(N-D, E+D, name, img)
hi = mungecoord(N+D, E-D, name, img)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user