mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 15:32:35 +00:00
Edit contents.json online
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,12 +53,6 @@ class CaveForm(ModelForm):
self._errors["url"] = self.error_class(["This field cannot start with a /."])
return self.cleaned_data
# class VersionControlCommentForm(forms.Form):
# '''Was appended to all forms. Not used currently
# '''
# description_of_change = forms.CharField(required = True, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows':2}))
class EntranceForm(ModelForm):
'''Only those fields for which we want to override defaults are listed here
the other fields are present on the form, but use the default presentaiton style
@ -95,9 +89,10 @@ class EntranceForm(ModelForm):
# This next line is called from the templates/edit_cave2.html template.
# This is sufficeint to create an entire entry for for the cave fields automatically
# This is sufficient to create an entire entry for for the cave fields automatically
# http://localhost:8000/cave/new/
# using django built-in Deep magic. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/forms/modelforms/
# using django built-in Deep Magic. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/forms/modelforms/
# for forms which map directly onto a Django Model
CaveAndEntranceFormSet = modelformset_factory(CaveAndEntrance, exclude=('cave',))
class EntranceLetterForm(ModelForm):
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ from troggle.core.views import expo
from troggle.core.models.troggle import Expedition, DataIssue
from troggle.core.models.caves import CaveSlug, Cave, CaveAndEntrance, QM, EntranceSlug, Entrance, Area, SurvexStation, GetCaveLookup
from troggle.core.forms import CaveForm, CaveAndEntranceFormSet, EntranceForm, EntranceLetterForm
#from troggle.core.forms import VersionControlCommentForm
from .auth import login_required_if_public
'''Manages the complex procedures to assemble a cave description out of the compnoents
@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ from .auth import login_required_if_public
todo = '''
- Write equivalent photo upload form system, similar to scanupload() but in expofiles/photos/
Need to validate it as being a valid image file, not a dubious script or hack
- Need to validate uploaded file as being a valid image file, not a dubious script or hack
- Write equivalent GPX upload form system, similar to scanupload() but in expofiles/gpslogs/
Need to validate it as being a valid GPX file using an XML parser, not a dubious script or hack
- Validate Tunnel & Therion files using an XML parser in dwgupload()
- Validate image files using a magic recogniser in scanupload()
- Validate image files using a magic recogniser in scanupload() https://pypi.org/project/reportlab/ or
- Enable folder creation in dwguploads or as a separate form
@ -52,14 +52,55 @@ class FilesForm(forms.Form): # not a model-form, just a form-form
class TextForm(forms.Form): # not a model-form, just a form-form
photographer = forms.CharField(strip=True)
class WalletForm(forms.Form): # not a model-form, just a form-form
descriptionw = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
people = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
survexnr = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
qmsw = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
date = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=True) # the only required field
websiteupt = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
elevnr = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
cave = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
psg = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
plannr = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
electronic = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
pland = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
elevd = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
url = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
survex = forms.CharField(strip=True, required=False)
xlate = {"url": "description url",
"descriptionw": "description written",
"people": "people",
"date": "date",
"cave": "cave",
"people": "people",
"plannr": "plan not required",
"survexnr": "survex not required",
"qmsw": "qms written",
"elevnr": "elev not required",
"websiteupt": "website updated",
"electronic": "electronic survey",
"pland": "plan drawn",
"elevd": "elev drawn",
"psg": "name",
"survex": "survex file",
def scanupload(request, wallet=None):
'''Upload scanned image files into a wallet on /expofiles
Also display and edit the contents.json data in the wallet.
This does NOT use a Django model linked to a Django form. Just a simple Django form.
You will find the Django documentation on forms very confusing, This is simpler.
filesaved = False
actual_saved = []
checkboxes = ["description written", "survex not required", "qms written", "website updated",
"plan not required", "plan drawn", "elev not required", "elev drawn", "electronic survey" ]
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start {wallet}')
if wallet is None:
wallet = "2021#01" # improve this later
@ -90,33 +131,70 @@ def scanupload(request, wallet=None):
form = FilesForm()
if request.method == 'POST':
form = FilesForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
#print(f'! - FilesForm POSTED')
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES["uploadfiles"]
multiple = request.FILES.getlist('uploadfiles')
fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(dirpath)) # creates wallet folder if necessary
actual_saved = []
if multiple:
for f in multiple:
actual_saved.append( fs.save(f.name, content=f) )
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload multiple {actual_saved}')
filesaved = True
# Wallet folder created, but index and contents.json need to be created.
if "psg" in request.POST:
formj = WalletForm(request.POST)
# Beware. All fields returned as strings. Must re-type them as lists etc. before using or re-saving
# Also lots of hassle with lists of strings interpreted as a single string
# Unset checkboxes do not return any value, checked ones return "True". So need initialising to False
if formj.is_valid():
#print(f'--- JSON Update form is VALID, saving to {contents_path}')
posted = request.POST.copy()
posted.pop("csrfmiddlewaretoken") # discard this
wd = wallet_blank_json
for f in checkboxes:
wd[f] = False
#print(f'--- wd ${f}$ - {wd[f]}')
for f in posted:
wd[xlate[f]] = posted[f].replace("\'", "\"")
if not contents_path.is_file(): # double-check
with open(contents_path, "w") as json_file:
json.dump(wallet_blank_json, json_file, sort_keys=True, indent = 1)
index_path = dirpath / indexhtml
if not index_path.is_file(): # double-check
thishtml = wallet_blank_html.replace("YEAR", str(year))
thishtml = thishtml.replace("WALLET", str(wallet))
with open(index_path, "w") as html_file:
html_file.write(thishtml )
if posted[f] =="True":
wd[xlate[f]] = True
wd["people"] = wd["people"][1:-1].replace("\"", "").split(",")
for i, elem in enumerate(wd["people"]):
wd["people"][i] = elem.strip()
#print(f'--- ${wd["survex file"]}$ - {type(wd["survex file"])}')
if wd["survex file"][0] == '[':
wd["survex file"] = wd["survex file"][1:-1]
wd["survex file"] = wd["survex file"].replace("\"", "").split(",")
for i, elem in enumerate(wd["survex file"]):
wd["survex file"][i] = elem.strip()
#print(f'--- {wd["survex file"]} - {type(wd["survex file"])}')
with open(contents_path, "w") as jfile:
json.dump(wd, jfile, indent = 1)
# print(f'--- FINISHED saving to JSON\n')
print(f'--- INVALID JSON Update form submitted')
return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': formj.errors})
form = FilesForm(request.POST,request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
f = request.FILES["uploadfiles"]
multiple = request.FILES.getlist('uploadfiles')
fs = FileSystemStorage(os.path.join(dirpath)) # creates wallet folder if necessary
actual_saved = []
if multiple:
for f in multiple:
actual_saved.append( fs.save(f.name, content=f) )
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload multiple {actual_saved}')
filesaved = True
if not contents_path.is_file(): # double-check
with open(contents_path, "w") as json_file:
json.dump(wallet_blank_json, json_file, sort_keys=True, indent = 1)
index_path = dirpath / indexhtml
if not index_path.is_file(): # double-check
thishtml = wallet_blank_html.replace("YEAR", str(year))
thishtml = thishtml.replace("WALLET", str(wallet))
with open(index_path, "w") as html_file:
html_file.write(thishtml )
files = []
dirs = []
# print(f'! - FORM scanupload - start {wallet} {dirpath}')
@ -150,35 +228,71 @@ def scanupload(request, wallet=None):
DataIssue.objects.create(parser='scans', message=message, url=wurl) # set URL to this wallet folder
cave =""
psg = ""
chkplannr = ""
chkpland = ""
svxfiles = []
checked = {}
if waldata:
if not waldata["people"]:
if not type(waldata["people"])==list:
if waldata["people"][0] == '"':
waldata["people"] = waldata["people"][1:-1]
waldata["people"] = list(waldata["people"])
if not waldata["description url"]:
waldata["description url"]=""
if waldata["cave"]:
cave = waldata["cave"]
if waldata["name"]:
psg = waldata["name"]
if waldata["survex file"]:
if not isinstance(waldata["survex file"], list):
#print(f'+++ ${waldata["survex file"]}$ {type(waldata["survex file"])}')
if not type(waldata["survex file"])==list: # a string also is a sequence type, so do it this way
#print(f'+++ NOT A LIST: {waldata["survex file"]} {type(waldata["survex file"])}')
waldata["survex file"] = [waldata["survex file"]]
for svx in waldata["survex file"]:
if not (Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA) / svx).is_file():
message = f"! {wallet} Incorrect survex file in wallet data: {svx} not found in LOSER repo"
DataIssue.objects.create(parser='scans', message=message, url=wurl) # set URL to this wallet folder
context = {'year': year, 'prev': prev, 'next': next, 'prevy': prevy, 'nexty': nexty,
'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'waldata': waldata, 'create': create,
for f in checkboxes:
if waldata[f]:
checked[f] = "checked"
context = {'year': year, 'prev': prev, 'next': next, 'prevy': prevy, 'nexty': nexty,
'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'waldata': waldata, 'svxfiles': svxfiles,
'checked': checked,
'create': create,
'people': waldata["people"], 'peoplesize': str(len(str(waldata["people"]))),
'filesaved': filesaved, 'actual_saved': actual_saved }
return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'wallet': wallet, **context, 'cave': cave, 'psg': psg})
return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'wallet': wallet, **context,
'date': waldata["date"],
'url': waldata["description url"], 'urlsize': str(len(str(waldata["description url"]))),
'survex': waldata["survex file"], 'survexsize': str(len(str(waldata["survex file"]))),
'cave': cave, 'psg': psg, 'psgsize': str(max(12,len(str(psg))))})
else: # no wallet here
context = {'year': year, 'prev': prev, 'next': next, 'prevy': prevy, 'nexty': nexty,
'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'waldata': waldata, 'svxfiles': svxfiles,
'checked': checked,
'create': create,
'people': "", 'peoplesize': 12,
'filesaved': filesaved, 'actual_saved': actual_saved }
return render(request, 'scanuploadform.html',
{'form': form, 'wallet': wallet, **context,
'date': "",
'url': "", 'urlsize': 12,
'survex': "", 'survexsize': 12,
'cave': cave, 'psg': psg, 'psgsize': 12})
def photoupload(request, folder=None):
@ -427,6 +427,10 @@ div#difflistajax
background-color: #dfffdf;
border: thin green solid;
/* FORMS */
input:invalid {
border-color: red;
/* Using in DrawingsUpload and ScanUpload*/
.fancybutton {
color: #ffffff;
@ -60,26 +60,104 @@
<span style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 150%; ">
{% if cave %}<u>Cave ID</u>: <b>{{cave}}</b><br> {% endif %}
{% if psg %}<u>Survey area</u>: <b>{{psg}}</b><br><br> {% endif %}
{% if psg %}<u>Survey area</u>: <b>{{psg}}</b><br>{% endif %}
{% if svxfiles %}<u>Survey files</u>:
{% for svx in svxfiles%}
<a href="/survexfile/{{svx}}">{{svx}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<span style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 130%; ">
<table style="border: 1px; border-style: hidden;>
{% for d, value in waldata.items %}
<tr style="border-style: hidden;">
<td style="border-style: hidden; padding-right: 3em;">{{d}}</td>
{% if d == "survex file" %}
{% for svx in value %}
<a href="/survexfile/{{svx}}">{{svx}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<td> <b>{{value}}</b></td>
{% endif %}
{% empty %}
<p><No JSON data here>
{% endfor %}
input {font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%; padding: 0.5em; }
<div style = "max-width:100%; margin-left:15%; font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%; text-align: right; " >
<form method ='post'>
{% csrf_token %}
<label for="date">Date of the survey trip</label>
label = "Date" name = "date" size="12"
title="Date of the trip in ISO format: 2020-08-17"
placeholder="{{date}}" value="{{date}}" required />
<label for="cave">Cave ID</label>
label = "Cave" name = "cave" size="12"
title="Cave id e.g. 2017-DM-01 or 1623/256"
placeholder="{{cave}}" value="{{cave}}" />
<label for="psg">Survey area</label>
label = "Survey area" name = "psg" size ="{{psgsize}}"
title="Survey area, e.g. White Elephant or Nieder Augst Eck"
placeholder="{{psg}}" value="{{psg}}" />
<label for="plannr">Plan not required ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="plannr" id="plannr" value=" True" {% if "plan not required" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="elevnr">Elevation not required ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="elevnr" id="elevnr" value="True" {% if "elev not required" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="survexvnr">Survex file not required ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="survexvnr" id="survexvnr" value="True" {% if "survex not required" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="pland">Plan drawn ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="pland" id="pland" value="True" {{chkpland}} {% if "plan drawn" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="elevd">Elevation drawn ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="elevd" id="elevd" value="True" {% if "elev drawn" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="descriptionw">Cave description written ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="descriptionw" id="descriptionw" value="True" {% if "description written" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="qmsw">QMs written ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="qmsw" id="qmsw" value="True" {% if "qms written" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="websiteupt">Website updated ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="websiteupt" id="websiteupt" value="True" {% if "website updated" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="electronic">Electronic survey ?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="electronic" id="electronic" value="True" {% if "electronic survey" in checked %}checked{% endif %}>
<label for="people">List of people on the survey trip</label>
label = "People" name = "people" size ="{{peoplesize}}"
title="List of people on the survey trip"
placeholder="{{people}}" value="{{people}}" />
<label for="url">URL of cave description</label>
label = "URL" name = "url" size ="{{urlsize}}"
title="URL of cave description, e.g. /1623/264/264.html"
placeholder="{{url}}" value="{{url}}" />
<label for="survex">List of survex files</label>
label = "survex" name = "survex" size ="{{survexsize}}"
title="List of survex files using this data"
placeholder="{{survex}}" value="{{survex}}" />
<button class="fancybutton" style="padding: 0.5em 25px; margin-left: 155px; font-size: 90%; "
type = "submit" value = "Edit" >
Submit changes
{% endblock %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user