diff --git a/core/views/survex.py b/core/views/survex.py
index 0255559..9507795 100644
--- a/core/views/survex.py
+++ b/core/views/survex.py
@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
     svxincludes = re.findall(r"(?i)\*include\s+(\S+)", form.data["code"] or "")
     svxfile = form.survexfile # only valid once form.GetDiscCode() called
+    print(f"{svxfile=}")
         svxblocksall = svxfile.survexblock_set.all()
     except AttributeError: # some survexfiles just *include files and have no blocks themselves
@@ -304,13 +305,14 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
     for b in svxblocksall:
         if b.date:
-    print(f"{svxfile=} {svxblocks}")
+            print(f"- {b}")
     # collect all the stuff that happens on the same dates as the survex blocks
     dates = set()
     for b in svxblocks:
+        print(f"- {b.date}")
     events = events_on_dates(dates)
     vmap = {
@@ -323,6 +325,7 @@ def svx(request, survex_file):
         "difflist": difflist,
         "logmessage": logmessage,
         "form": form,
+        "events": events,
     # vmap.update(csrf(request)) # this now refreshes to the wrong value, now that we user render(request,
@@ -337,7 +340,6 @@ def events_on_dates(dates):
     """Returns a dictionary of indexed by date. For each date there is a named tuple of 3 lists:
     logbookentries, survexfiles (NB files, not blocks), and wallets.
-    print(dates)
     events = {}
     for d in dates:
         trips = LogbookEntry.objects.filter(date=d)
@@ -350,6 +352,7 @@ def events_on_dates(dates):
         refwallets = allwallets.filter(survexblock__date=d)
         events[d] = SameDateEvents(trips=trips, svxfiles=svxfiles, wallets=refwallets)
+    print(events)
     return events
 # The cavern running function. This is NOT where it is run inside the form! see SvxForm.Process() for that
diff --git a/templates/svxfile.html b/templates/svxfile.html
index 7241f09..5d493f8 100644
--- a/templates/svxfile.html
+++ b/templates/svxfile.html
@@ -82,16 +82,20 @@ LOGMESSAGES
 <span style="font-family: monospace;  font-size: 130%; ">
 {% for sb in svxblocks %}
-<details {% if forloop.first %} open{% endif %}>
-<summary><b><a href="/expedition/{{sb.date|date:"Y"}}">{{sb.date|date:"Y"}}</a>{{sb.date|date:"-m-d"}}</b> {{sb.title}} '{{sb.name}}'</summary>
-List of Logbook entries, wallets and other survex files on {{sb.date|date:"Y-m-d"}}.
-<br />
-[Work in progress, Feb. 2023...]<br />
-    {% include 'onthisdate.html' %}
 {% empty %} 
-Cannot find any survex blocks in this survex file. <br />
+Cannot find any survex blocks in this survex file (not looking at *include files). <br />
 Report this to a nerd if you think this is incorrect.
+<hr />
+{% endfor %}
+{% for key, value in events.items %}
+<details {% if forloop.first %} open{% endif %}>
+<summary><b><a href="/expedition/{{key|date:"Y"}}">{{key|date:"Y"}}</a>{{key|date:"-m-d"}}</b> </summary>
+<br />
+{% with trips=value.0 svxfiles=value.1 wallets=value.2 %}
+ {% include 'onthisdate.html' %}
+{% endwith %}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endblock %}