diff --git a/photomap/pmap.py b/photomap/pmap.py
index 5c311ba..8f6fc1a 100644
--- a/photomap/pmap.py
+++ b/photomap/pmap.py
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
 import os
 import folium
 from pathlib import Path
 from PIL import Image, ExifTags
-# Define function to extract latitude and longitude from photo
+"""To do 
+- create gpx file for adding in to existing GPSprune maps
+- omit all the thumbs
+- include *.jpeg
+- can we also do other formats than JPG ?
+- we want popup that hotlinks to URL of the photo of course
 def get_coordinates(photo_path):
-    """Extracting EXIF data from jpg files requires an external package because teh EXIF standard
+    """Extracting EXIF data from jpg files requires an external package because the EXIF standard
     is interpreted differently by the many different implementations of the JPG file format