diff --git a/localsettingsubuntu.py b/localsettingsubuntu.py
index 0a1d5e8..420d06a 100644
--- a/localsettingsubuntu.py
+++ b/localsettingsubuntu.py
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ FILES = REPOS_ROOT_PATH + 'expoimages'
 PYTHON_PATH = '/home/expo/expofiles/troggle/'
 #URL_ROOT = ''
-URL_ROOT = "http://expobox/"
+URL_ROOT = "http://expoweb/"
 DIR_ROOT = ''#this should end in / if a value is given
-EXPOWEB_URL = 'http://expobox/'
-SURVEYS_URL = 'http://expobox/survey_scans/'
+SURVEYS_URL = '/survey_scans/'
 MEDIA_URL = URL_ROOT + DIR_ROOT + '/site_media/'
 MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/expo/expofiles/troggle/media/'
 MEDIA_ADMIN_DIR = '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/'
 TINY_MCE_MEDIA_ROOT = '/usr/share/tinymce/www/'
-TINY_MCE_MEDIA_URL = URL_ROOT + DIR_ROOT + 'tinymce_media/'
+TINY_MCE_MEDIA_URL = URL_ROOT + DIR_ROOT + '/tinymce_media/'
diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html
index 0d12d45..3fa9245 100644
--- a/templates/base.html
+++ b/templates/base.html
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
 <body  onLoad="contentHeight();">
 <div id="header"> 
-  <h1>CUCC Expeditions to Austria: 1976 - 2009</h1>
+  <h1>CUCC Expeditions to Austria: 1976 - 2012</h1>
   <div id="editLinks"> {% block loginInfo %}
-    <a href="{{ settings.EXPOWEB_URL }}/index.htm">ExpoWeb</a> |
-    <a href="{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}">Home</a> | 
+    <a href="{{ settings.EXPOWEB_URL }}">Expoweb</a> |
     {% if user.username %}
     You are logged in as {{ user.username }} 
     	{% if user.person %}(<a href="{{ user.person.get_absolute_url }}">{{ user.person }}</a>)
@@ -42,7 +41,8 @@
     <a href="{% url expedition 2009 %}">Expo2009</a> | 
     <a href="{% url expedition 2010 %}">Expo2010</a> | 
     <a href="{% url expedition 2011 %}">Expo2011</a> | 
-    <a href="/admin">Django admin</a>
+    <a href="/admin/">Django admin</a>
 <div id="nav">