mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:41:47 +00:00
Import rejigging to fix circular refs
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from django.contrib.admin.widgets import AdminDateWidget
from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE
from troggle.core.models import Person, PersonExpedition, LogbookEntry, Expedition
from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave, QM, Entrance, CaveAndEntrance
from troggle.core.models import Person, PersonExpedition, Expedition
from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave, LogbookEntry, QM, Entrance, CaveAndEntrance
class CaveForm(ModelForm):
underground_description = forms.CharField(required = False, widget=forms.Textarea())
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import logging
import re
from subprocess import call
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import urllib.parse
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec=2 #use 2 significant figures for decimal calculations
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ from django.db import models
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
#from django.db.models import Min, Max
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.template import Context, loader
@ -237,119 +236,3 @@ class PersonExpedition(TroggleModel):
return res["day_max"]
class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
"""Single parsed entry from Logbook
("wiki", "Wiki style logbook"),
("html", "Html style logbook")
date = models.DateField()#MJG wants to turn this into a datetime such that multiple Logbook entries on the same day can be ordered.ld()
expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
expedition = models.ForeignKey(Expedition,blank=True,null=True) # yes this is double-
title = models.CharField(max_length=settings.MAX_LOGBOOK_ENTRY_TITLE_LENGTH)
cave_slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50)
place = models.CharField(max_length=100,blank=True,null=True,help_text="Only use this if you haven't chosen a cave")
text = models.TextField()
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50)
filename = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True)
entry_type = models.CharField(default="wiki",null=True,choices=LOGBOOK_ENTRY_TYPES,max_length=50)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Logbook Entries"
# several PersonTrips point in to this object
ordering = ('-date',)
def __getattribute__(self, item):
if item == "cave":
#Allow a logbookentries cave to be directly accessed despite not having a proper foreignkey
return models_caves.CaveSlug.objects.get(slug = self.cave_slug).cave
# parse error in python3.8
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41343263/provide-classcell-example-for-python-3-6-metaclass
#return TroggleModel.__getattribute__(item)
#return super(LogbookEntry, self).__getattribute__(item) # works in py3.5, fails in 3.8
return TroggleModel.__getattribute__(self,item) # works in py 3.5 AND in 3.8
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "cave" in list(kwargs.keys()):
if kwargs["cave"] is not None:
kwargs["cave_slug"] = models_caves.CaveSlug.objects.get(cave=kwargs["cave"], primary=True).slug
# parse error in python3.8
return TroggleModel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # seems OK in 3.5 & 3.8! failure later elsewhere with 3.8
#return TroggleModel().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # parses OK, fails at runtime in 3.8
#return super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # fails in 3.8
#return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # works in py3.5 fails in 3.8
#return super(LogbookEntry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # works in py3.5
#return TroggleModel.__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fails in py3.5, runtime fail in 3.8
def isLogbookEntry(self): # Function used in templates
return True
def get_absolute_url(self):
return urllib.parse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, reverse('logbookentry',kwargs={'date':self.date,'slug':self.slug}))
def __str__(self):
return "%s: (%s)" % (self.date, self.title)
def get_next_by_id(self):
def get_previous_by_id(self):
def new_QM_number(self):
"""Returns """
if self.cave:
return None
return nextQMnumber
def new_QM_found_link(self):
"""Produces a link to a new QM with the next number filled in and this LogbookEntry set as 'found by' """
return settings.URL_ROOT + r'/admin/core/qm/add/?' + r'found_by=' + str(self.pk) +'&number=' + str(self.new_QM_number())
def DayIndex(self):
return list(self.expeditionday.logbookentry_set.all()).index(self)
# Single Person going on a trip, which may or may not be written up (accounts for different T/U for people in same logbook entry)
class PersonTrip(TroggleModel):
personexpedition = models.ForeignKey("PersonExpedition",null=True)
#expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay")#MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
#date = models.DateField() #MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
time_underground = models.FloatField(help_text="In decimal hours")
logbook_entry = models.ForeignKey(LogbookEntry)
is_logbook_entry_author = models.BooleanField(default=False)
# sequencing by person (difficult to solve locally)
#persontrip_next = models.ForeignKey('PersonTrip', related_name='pnext', blank=True,null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS (and use funstion persontrip_next_auto)
#persontrip_prev = models.ForeignKey('PersonTrip', related_name='pprev', blank=True,null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS(and use funstion persontrip_prev_auto)
def persontrip_next(self):
futurePTs = PersonTrip.objects.filter(personexpedition = self.personexpedition, logbook_entry__date__gt = self.logbook_entry.date).order_by('logbook_entry__date').all()
if len(futurePTs) > 0:
return futurePTs[0]
return None
def persontrip_prev(self):
pastPTs = PersonTrip.objects.filter(personexpedition = self.personexpedition, logbook_entry__date__lt = self.logbook_entry.date).order_by('-logbook_entry__date').all()
if len(pastPTs) > 0:
return pastPTs[0]
return None
def place(self):
return self.logbook_entry.cave and self.logbook_entry.cave or self.logbook_entry.place
def __str__(self):
return "%s (%s)" % (self.personexpedition, self.logbook_entry.date)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.template import Context, loader
from troggle.core.models import *
from troggle.core.models import TroggleModel, TroggleImageModel, Person, Expedition
from troggle.core.models_survex import *
class Area(TroggleModel):
@ -406,6 +406,85 @@ class NewSubCave(TroggleModel):
def __str__(self):
return str(self.name)
class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
"""Single parsed entry from Logbook
("wiki", "Wiki style logbook"),
("html", "Html style logbook")
date = models.DateField()#MJG wants to turn this into a datetime such that multiple Logbook entries on the same day can be ordered.ld()
expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
expedition = models.ForeignKey(Expedition,blank=True,null=True) # yes this is double-
title = models.CharField(max_length=settings.MAX_LOGBOOK_ENTRY_TITLE_LENGTH)
cave_slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50)
place = models.CharField(max_length=100,blank=True,null=True,help_text="Only use this if you haven't chosen a cave")
text = models.TextField()
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50)
filename = models.CharField(max_length=200,null=True)
entry_type = models.CharField(default="wiki",null=True,choices=LOGBOOK_ENTRY_TYPES,max_length=50)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Logbook Entries"
# several PersonTrips point in to this object
ordering = ('-date',)
def __getattribute__(self, item):
if item == "cave":
#Allow a logbookentries cave to be directly accessed despite not having a proper foreignkey
return CaveSlug.objects.get(slug = self.cave_slug).cave
# parse error in python3.8
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41343263/provide-classcell-example-for-python-3-6-metaclass
#return TroggleModel.__getattribute__(item)
#return super(LogbookEntry, self).__getattribute__(item) # works in py3.5, fails in 3.8
return TroggleModel.__getattribute__(self,item) # works in py 3.5 AND in 3.8
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "cave" in list(kwargs.keys()):
if kwargs["cave"] is not None:
kwargs["cave_slug"] = models_caves.CaveSlug.objects.get(cave=kwargs["cave"], primary=True).slug
# parse error in python3.8
return TroggleModel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # seems OK in 3.5 & 3.8! failure later elsewhere with 3.8
#return TroggleModel().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # parses OK, fails at runtime in 3.8
#return super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # fails in 3.8
#return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # works in py3.5 fails in 3.8
#return super(LogbookEntry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # works in py3.5
#return TroggleModel.__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fails in py3.5, runtime fail in 3.8
def isLogbookEntry(self): # Function used in templates
return True
def get_absolute_url(self):
return urllib.parse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, reverse('logbookentry',kwargs={'date':self.date,'slug':self.slug}))
def __str__(self):
return "%s: (%s)" % (self.date, self.title)
def get_next_by_id(self):
def get_previous_by_id(self):
def new_QM_number(self):
"""Returns """
if self.cave:
return None
return nextQMnumber
def new_QM_found_link(self):
"""Produces a link to a new QM with the next number filled in and this LogbookEntry set as 'found by' """
return settings.URL_ROOT + r'/admin/core/qm/add/?' + r'found_by=' + str(self.pk) +'&number=' + str(self.new_QM_number())
def DayIndex(self):
return list(self.expeditionday.logbookentry_set.all()).index(self)
class QM(TroggleModel):
#based on qm.csv in trunk/expoweb/1623/204 which has the fields:
#"Number","Grade","Area","Description","Page reference","Nearest station","Completion description","Comment"
@ -510,4 +589,39 @@ class Survey(TroggleModel):
def elevations(self):
return self.scannedimage_set.filter(contents='elevation')
# Single Person going on a trip, which may or may not be written up (accounts for different T/U for people in same logbook entry)
class PersonTrip(TroggleModel):
personexpedition = models.ForeignKey("PersonExpedition",null=True)
#expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay")#MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
#date = models.DateField() #MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
time_underground = models.FloatField(help_text="In decimal hours")
logbook_entry = models.ForeignKey(LogbookEntry)
is_logbook_entry_author = models.BooleanField(default=False)
# sequencing by person (difficult to solve locally)
#persontrip_next = models.ForeignKey('PersonTrip', related_name='pnext', blank=True,null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS (and use funstion persontrip_next_auto)
#persontrip_prev = models.ForeignKey('PersonTrip', related_name='pprev', blank=True,null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS(and use funstion persontrip_prev_auto)
def persontrip_next(self):
futurePTs = PersonTrip.objects.filter(personexpedition = self.personexpedition, logbook_entry__date__gt = self.logbook_entry.date).order_by('logbook_entry__date').all()
if len(futurePTs) > 0:
return futurePTs[0]
return None
def persontrip_prev(self):
pastPTs = PersonTrip.objects.filter(personexpedition = self.personexpedition, logbook_entry__date__lt = self.logbook_entry.date).order_by('-logbook_entry__date').all()
if len(pastPTs) > 0:
return pastPTs[0]
return None
def place(self):
return self.logbook_entry.cave and self.logbook_entry.cave or self.logbook_entry.place
def __str__(self):
return "%s (%s)" % (self.personexpedition, self.logbook_entry.date)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.conf import settings
from troggle.core.models import QM, LogbookEntry, Cave
from troggle.core.models_caves import LogbookEntry, QM, Cave
import re, urllib.parse
register = template.Library()
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
import troggle.settings as settings
import troggle.core.models as models
from troggle.core.models_caves import CaveSlug, Cave, CaveAndEntrance, Survey, Expedition, QM, CaveDescription, EntranceSlug, Entrance, Area, SurvexStation
from troggle.core.models import Expedition
from troggle.core.models_caves import CaveSlug, Cave, CaveAndEntrance, Survey, QM, CaveDescription, EntranceSlug, Entrance, Area, SurvexStation
from troggle.core.forms import CaveForm, CaveAndEntranceFormSet, VersionControlCommentForm, EntranceForm, EntranceLetterForm
from troggle.helper import login_required_if_public
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ from django.views.generic.list import ListView
import troggle.core.models as models
import troggle.parsers.logbooks as logbookparsers
from troggle.core.forms import getTripForm # , get_name, PersonForm
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, LogbookEntry, Person, PersonExpedition, PersonTrip
from troggle.core.models_survex import SurvexBlock
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition
from troggle.core.models_caves import LogbookEntry, PersonTrip
from troggle.core.models_survex import SurvexBlock, SurvexLeg
from troggle.helper import login_required_if_public
from troggle.parsers.logbooks import LoadLogbookForExpedition
from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
@ -226,12 +227,12 @@ def experimental(request):
for survexblock in survexblocks:
survexleglength += survexblock.totalleglength
legsbyexpo.append((expedition, {"nsurvexlegs":len(survexlegs), "survexleglength":survexleglength}))
legsbyexpo.append((expedition, {"nsurvexlegs":len(survexlegs), "survexleglength":survexleglength/1000}))
survexlegs = models.SurvexLeg.objects.all()
survexlegs = SurvexLeg.objects.all()
totalsurvexlength = sum([survexleg.tape for survexleg in survexlegs])
return render(request, 'experimental.html', { "nsurvexlegs":len(survexlegs), "totalsurvexlength":totalsurvexlength, "legsbyexpo":legsbyexpo })
return render(request, 'experimental.html', { "nsurvexlegs":len(survexlegs), "totalsurvexlength":totalsurvexlength/1000, "legsbyexpo":legsbyexpo })
def newLogbookEntry(request, expeditionyear, pdate = None, pslug = None):
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from django.shortcuts import render
from django.template import Context, loader
import databaseReset
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, LogbookEntry, Person, PersonExpedition, PersonTrip
from troggle.core.models_caves import QM, Cave
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition
from troggle.core.models_caves import LogbookEntry, QM, Cave, PersonTrip
from troggle.helper import login_required_if_public
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
import troggle.settings as settings
import parsers.survex
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition, PersonTrip, LogbookEntry
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition
from troggle.core.models_survex import SurvexBlock, SurvexPersonRole, SurvexFile, SurvexDirectory, SurvexTitle
from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave
from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave, PersonTrip, LogbookEntry
from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
Reference in New Issue
Block a user