mirror of https://expo.survex.com/repositories/troggle/.git synced 2025-03-24 19:21:48 +00:00

314 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-04-10 23:25:13 +01:00
* importing troggle/settings.py
* importing troggle/localsettings.py
* importing troggle/settings.py
Found 109 test(s).
Operations to perform:
Synchronize unmigrated apps: admindocs, forms, messages
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, core, sessions
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
Creating tables...
Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
Applying auth.0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length... OK
Applying core.0001_initial... OK
Applying core.0002_alter_qm_grade... OK
Applying core.0003_qm_resolution_station_name... OK
Applying core.0004_alter_qm_grade... OK
Applying core.0005_remove_qm_completion_description_remove_qm_found_by_and_more... OK
Applying core.0006_remove_qm_nearest_station... OK
Applying core.0007_qm_completion_description... OK
Applying core.0008_qm_completion_date... OK
Applying core.0009_alter_qm_grade... OK
Applying core.0010_remove_qm_nearest_station_description... OK
Applying core.0011_alter_qm_completion_description_and_more... OK
Applying core.0012_alter_survexblock_survexfile... OK
Applying core.0013_remove_entranceslug_primary... OK
Applying core.0014_entranceslug_primary... OK
Applying core.0015_remove_entranceslug_primary... OK
Applying core.0016_remove_entrance_cached_primary_slug_and_more... OK
Applying core.0017_remove_entrance_cached_slug_entrance_slug... OK
Applying core.0018_delete_entranceslug... OK
Applying core.0019_auto_20231202_1622... OK
Applying core.0020_alter_dataissue_message... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 290
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 291
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 264
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 258
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 204
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 359
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 76
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 107
survex output: /home/philip/loser:
# sp.stderr=''
# sp.stdout=Survex 1.4.1
Copyright © 1990-2021 Olly Betts
Removing trailing traverses.
<Long output curtailed>
wing survey stations are not attached to a fixed point:
# return code: 1
git output: /home/philip/loser:
# sp.stderr=''
# sp.stdout=On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
# return code: 0
git output: /home/philip/expoweb:
# sp.stderr=''
# sp.stdout=On branch expoweb
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/expoweb'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
# return code: 0
git output: /home/philip/drawings:
# sp.stderr=''
# sp.stdout=On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
# return code: 0
git output: /home/philip/troggle:
# sp.stderr=''
# sp.stdout=On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes n
<Long output curtailed>
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
# return code: 0
git disabled "git='echo'"
! - FORM dwgupload - Nothing actually saved. All were refused. actual_saved=[]
---identify_most_recent_wallet: recent_year='2022' recent_number='00'
Error code with git on server for this contents.json. File is added to git, but NOT committed.
Ask a nerd to fix this.
stdout: On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
return code: 1
. * Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-267' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1987-02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-171' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-172' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-173' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-174' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-175' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-176' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-06' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-177' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-07' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-178' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-08' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-179' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-09' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-180' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-10' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-181' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-182' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-12' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-183' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-13' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-184' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-14' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-188' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-18' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-225' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1990-adam' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-200' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1993-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-224' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996-02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-223' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-222' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-207' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996wk2' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-208' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996wk3' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-219' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996wk5' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-218' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996wk6' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-209' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996wk8' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-268' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1996wk11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-268' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '96wk11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-201' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1998-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-210' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1998-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-204' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1999-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-230' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1999-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-162' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1999-10' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-205' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1999-bo-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-226' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1999-ob-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-227' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1999-ob-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1999-ob-02' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '99ob02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1999-ob-02' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1623-99ob02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-259' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'gassischacht' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-259' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1623-gassischacht' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-259' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2007-gassischacht' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-214' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-220' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-215' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-216' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-06' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-217' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-07' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-234' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-09' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-250' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2000-aa-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-239' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2001-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-243' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2001-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-249' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-234' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-242' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-294' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2002-08' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'quarriesd' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2002-08' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1623-quarriesd' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2002-08' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-08' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-256' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-248' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-247' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-241' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-246' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-161' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-06' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-240' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-08' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-245' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-09' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-244' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2003-10' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-269' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-270' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-251' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-161' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-12' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-253' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-15' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-254' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-19' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-255' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2004-20' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-204' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2005-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-264' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2005-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-257' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2005-07' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-285' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2006-08' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-298' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2006-09' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-271' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2007-71' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-263' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2010-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-293' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2010-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-296' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2012-70' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-296' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1623-2012-70' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-286' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2012-dd-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-297' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2012-dd-08' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-286' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2012-dd-05' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2012-ow-01' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2012-0w-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-292' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2012-ns-13' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-273' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2014-neo-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-274' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2014-sd-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-287' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2014-ms-14' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-288' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2015-mf-06' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-289' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2016-jb-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2012-ns-07' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2016-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2012-ns-12' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2016-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2012-ns-10' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2016-04' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-277' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2017-pw-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-291' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2017_cucc_24' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-295' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2017_cucc_23' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-290' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2017_cucc_28' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2013-03' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2013-cucc-03' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-114' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2018-ps-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-283' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'bs17' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-198' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1976/b11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-197' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1976/b8' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-190' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1976/b9' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-198' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1976-b11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-197' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1976-b8' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-190' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1976-b9' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-198' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'b11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-197' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'b8' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-190' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'b9' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-190' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2011-01-bs30' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-190' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'bs30' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-190' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2011-01' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2005-08' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-x11' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2005-07' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-x12' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2005-06' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-x13' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2005-05' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2002-x14' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-161' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'kh' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-161' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '161-kh' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-204' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '204-steinBH' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-204' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'stonebridge' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-234' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'hauchhole' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-234' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'hauch' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-234' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '234-hauch' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-258' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'tunnocks' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-264' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'balcony' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-264' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'balkon' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-290' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'fgh' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-290' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'fishface' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-291' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'gsh' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1623-2023-lc-01' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'tempest' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2023-kt-02' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1623-2023-kt-02' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-354' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'langgustl' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-359' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2018-dm-07' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-359' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1626-2018-dm-07' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2018-dm-07' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'homecoming' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2018-dm-07' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'heimkommen' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2018-dm-07' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'Heimkehr' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '2018-dm-07' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'hc' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-2018-ad-03' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'loveshack' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-2018-ad-03' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'crushed-garlic' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-2023-buzzardhole' does not exist. Expecting to set alias 'BuzzardHole' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-2023-buzzardhole' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '2023-BuzzardHole' to it
* Coding or cave existence mistake, cave for id '1626-2023-buzzardhole' does not exist. Expecting to set alias '1626-2023-BuzzardHole' to it
! - 1986 No name match for: 'Kurt Keinnamen' in entry tid='1986-07-27b' for this year.
- Loaded logbook. 4 entries.
- Not a year with extant blog entries to import: '1986' not in BLOG_PARSER_SETTINGS {}
. ! - 1986 No name match for: 'Kurt Keinnamen' in entry tid='1986-07-27b' for this year.
- Loaded logbook. 4 entries.
- Not a year with extant blog entries to import: '1986' not in BLOG_PARSER_SETTINGS {}
1986-07-31: surface - stupour
. ! - 1986 No name match for: 'Kurt Keinnamen' in entry tid='1986-07-27b' for this year.
- Loaded logbook. 4 entries.
- Not a year with extant blog entries to import: '1986' not in BLOG_PARSER_SETTINGS {}
' ! - 1986 No name match for: 'Kurt Keinnamen' in entry tid='1986-07-27b' for this year.'
- 404 error in expowebpage() 1234/115.htm
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 290
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 291
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 264
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 258
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 204
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 359
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 76
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 107
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 290
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 291
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 264
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 258
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 204
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 359
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 76
! Notable Caves: FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: 107
- 404 error in expowebpage() handbook/_test_zyxxypqrqx.html
/home/philip/troggle/therionrefs.log has 238 entries