<p>If you were expecting to see a list of survex files here and a summary table of who did what and when, perhaps
because you followed a link from <ahref="/survexfile/caves/">the master caves' survex list</a> page which showed that such survex files clearly existed, and yet there is nothing here but a blank; then this will be because the survex (.svx) files have been stored on the server in the
<p>If you can see a filename here: [ <ahref="/survexfile/{{cave.survex_file}}">{{cave.survex_file}}</a> ] which does <em>not</em> match any in the list below <em>including the directories beginning with </em><strong>caves-162X/</strong></em>
not just the filename</em>, then (if logged on) you can
<strong>click here <var><ahref="/cave/{{cave.slug}}/edit/">/cave{{cave.slug}}/edit</a></var></strong>
to go to a form to correct the online data.
Instructions for filling in this form are in this part
<ahref="/handbook/survey/caveentry.html"> of the survey handbook</a>.
<ahref="{% url "svx"survexfile.path%}"><i><small>{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}</small></i></a><!-- would like to extract only the last bit. Some javascript useful ?-->
{% endifequal %}
{% for survexblock in survexfile.survexblock_set.all %}