<p>Horrible bug here but only when there is more than one survex block per day,
e.g. see <ahref="/personexpedition/Wookey/1999">Wookey 1999</a> where there are 3 eiscream survex blocks on 5th August.
it duplicates the entry but gets it wrong. The length from the first block is displayed twice but there should be 3 rows: eiscream, eiscream2, eiscream3.
<p>Fortunately it is <b>just this display on this page which is wrong</b>: no bad calculations get into the database.
<p>The interaction of django database query idioms with <ahref="https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/templates/api/">django HTML templating language</a> is a bit impenetrable here. <br>
- The template is in <var>troggle/templates/personexpedition.html</var>
- The code is in function <var>personexpedition()</var> which calls
<var>GetPersonChronology()</var> in <var>troggle/core/views_logbooks.py</var>
- the connection between the two is made in the URL resolver in <var>troggle/urls.py</var>