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2019-02-27 22:29:45 +00:00
import troggle.core.models as models #import models for various objects
from django.conf import settings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #this is used to parse XML's
import subprocess
import re
# This parser has to find several things:
# There are files of .html format in expoweb area - they contain some of the important information
# There is a similar number of .svx files in loser are - they contain all the measurements
# Previous version was incredibly slow due to various shitty ideas about finding things
# and overelayance on python when handling regular expressions, new version delegates heavy lifting to shell
# and handles more sophisticated bits only
def load():
print('Hi! I\'m caves parser. Ready to work')
print('Loading caves of 1623 area')
def loadarea(areacode):
print('Searching all cave dirs files')
basedir = settings.SURVEX_DATA+areacode
bash('cavern -o'+settings.SURVEX_DATA+' '+settings.SURVEX_DATA+'1623-and-1626.svx')
cavedirs = bash("find "+basedir+" -maxdepth 1 -type d").splitlines() #this command finds all directories
print('Obtained list of directories! (#dirs='+str(len(cavedirs))+')')
ndirs = len(cavedirs) #remember number of dirs for nice debug output
for cavedir in cavedirs:
if cavedir==basedir:
continue #skip the basedir - a non-proper subdirectory
cavename = bash('echo '+cavedir+' | rev | cut -f1 -d \'/\' | rev').splitlines()[0] #get final bit of the directory
test = bash('if [ ! -f '+cavedir+'/'+cavename+'.svx ] ; then echo MISSING; fi')#test for file exisence
if 'MISSING' in test: #send error message to the database
msg = models.Parser_messageM(parsername='caves',content=cavedir+'/'+cavename+' MISSING!',message_type='warn')
print('Cave missing'+cavename+' :(')
print('Found cave:'+cavename)
cavernout = bash('cavern -q '+fullname) #make cavern process the thing
if 'cavern: error:' in cavernout:
msg = models.Parser_messageM(parsername='caves',content=cavedir+'/'+cavename+' Survex file messed up!',message_type='warn')
print('Fucked svx'+cavename+' :(')
cavernout = cavernout.splitlines()
depth = float(([x for x in cavernout if ('Total vertical length' in x)][0].split()[-1])[:-2])
length = float(([x for x in cavernout if ('Total length' in x)][0].split()[6])[:-1])
surveyname = bash('cat '+fullname+' | grep \'\*begin\' | head -n1 | cut -f2 -d \' \' ').splitlines().pop()
title = (bash('cat '+fullname+' | grep \'\*title\' | head -n1 | cut -f2 -d \' \' ').splitlines() or ["Not found"])[0]
print((('depth','length','surv name'),(depth,length,surveyname)))
print('dump3d '+settings.SURVEX_DATA+'1623-and-1626.3d | grep NODE | grep \'\\[\\.'+surveyname+'.*\\]\'')
nodes = bash('dump3d '+settings.SURVEX_DATA+'1623-and-1626.3d | grep NODE | grep \'\\[.*\\.'+surveyname+'.*\\]\'').splitlines()
entran = [x for x in nodes if ('ENTRANCE' in x) ]
newcave = models.CaveM(survex_file = fullname, total_length = length, name=title, total_depth = depth)
#end of reading survex masterfiles
print ("Reading cave descriptions")
cavefiles = bash('find '+settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS+' -name \'*.html\'').splitlines()
for fn in cavefiles:
f = open(fn, "r")
contents = f.read()
desc = extractXML(contents,'underground_description')
name = re.search(r'>.*<',extractXML(contents,'caveslug')).group()[6:-1]
if desc==None or name==None:
msg = models.Parser_messageM(parsername='caves',content=fn+' Description meesed up!',message_type='warn')
print('Fucked description '+fn+' :(')
updatecave = models.CaveM.objects.filter(survex_file__icontains='/'+name+'.svx')
if len(updatecave)>1:
print('Non unique solution - skipping. Name:'+name)
elif len(updatecave)==0:
print('Cave with no survex data'+name)
newcave = models.CaveM(description = desc, name = name)
else: #exaclty one match
updatecave = updatecave[0]
updatecave.description = desc
if updatecave.name=="Not found":
#end of reading cave descriptions
def extractXML(contents,tag):
#find correct lines
lines = contents.splitlines()
beg = [x for x in lines if ('<'+tag+'>' in x)]
end = [x for x in lines if ('</'+tag+'>' in x)]
if (not beg) or (not end):
return None
begi = lines.index(beg[0])
endi = lines.index(end[0])
if endi!=begi:
segment = '\n'.join(lines[begi:endi+1])
segment = lines[begi:endi+1]
return segment[0]
def bash(cmd): #calls command in bash shell, returns output
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = process.communicate()
return output