These first two tables are all the Caves which have <em>manual</em> locations specified as Northing/Easting coordinates in their Cave Entrance Description data.
<p>OK now for the nasty bit. Many of the older caves did not have easting & northing in UTM 33T at all, but (probably) in BMN and converting between BMN into UTM requires ellipsoids and bessel functions.. or we can just take a linear approximation, which is what I have done here:<br>
Such converted eastings and northings are <em>in italics</em> in the table below. As you can see, some were wildly out. Well they were until I swapped teh easting/northings around and dealt with obvious typos.
<p>These magic numbers simply come from assuming that both BMN and UTM are in metres, and linear over our area, and then taking the avergage of the offsets for 5 locations, the 5 cave entrances at the bottom of this page:
<p>But the Entrances - the objects in the troggle system - are not properly connected to the dataset which is the combined set of survex data. They are only linked - and only implicitly - by the tag name. The data in the table below is calculated directly from
the assemblage of survex files, including fixed point files, and is probably 'correct'.
<p>But which coordinate system are they in ? Read these three articles to find out:
<ahref="/eastings">Troggle UTM data report</a><br>
<ahref="/handbook/survey/lasers.htm">Geographical fixed points on Loser</a><br>
<ahref="/handbook/survey/coord2.html">GPS and coordinate systems</a><br>
<p>This next table is of all the survex stations in troggle: i.e. only those survey stations which have been identified with an Entrance by manually editing the Entrance data.
<br>Resolve the survex errors and do a full databasereset import.
<br>You should look at the .log and .err files produced by survex in the :loser: repo folder first.
<br>Probably, the generaton of the .3d file has failed, so the .pos file is not generated.
<br> Look for a message like this 'Failed to find /mnt/d/EXPO/loser/1623-and-1626-no-schoenberg-hs.3d so aborting generation of new .pos, using old one if present'